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Posts posted by xfirefighter484x

  1. In addition, the Castle Point FD is a career, federal (I beleive; perhaps Beekman could verify?) department, that does not hire off of the civil service list.

    Not sure if anyone is hiring, but every year more jobs are getting bigger due to dwindling volunteer ranks, except the PFD..they fighting for what little manpower they have)

    And let me add - that if this test is valid for three years or so...i would ANTICIPATE volunteer departments in manpower crisis states to start looking to hire, even if they follow Pleasant Valley's lead with daytime only, and even if it is just as a "driver" capacity..but we all know that a foot in the door is a foot in the door, and today's "driver" will be tommorow's Senior Man.

    Castle Point is, in fact Federal hire, separate from the County test.

    Residency is Dutchess Resident's only, correct?

    It is "residency preferred". Residency in the department area, not just in the County. Most departments will attempt to exhaust their residency lists before going to the County list. This past list several departments did make it past residency to the County list.

  2. As it stands right now, only 3 1/2 Counties in NYS are NOT under a Winter Storm Warning:

    Easter Ulster, Dutchess, Westchester and Rockland.

    Here is my go-to source!


    Please use this thread for all discussions. There is no need to copy and paste EVERY NWS update word for word. Please use this to discuss all events, and IMPORTANT SAFETY issues, and PLEASE do NOT flood the Shoutbox with Weather related posts, that's what this thread is for.

    Thank you!

  3. I have seen several Fire Depts. and EMS agencies deploying to NYC and Long Island from upstate to help out but I know there's been a lot of discussion about who can go due to training standards. For this sort of thing, are these departments being requested by FDNY or are they just voluntarily planning on showing up? If these people are just showing up un-announced, will they be turned away due to them not having the same training standards or will their help be accepted and be put to work?

    p.s. Chief Munson, still on for that volleyball game? ;-)

    NY Code - Section 209-E: Fire mobilization and mutual aid plan


    NYS Mutual Aid Mobilization

    Request gets made for specific items (i.e. swiftwater team, engines for fire standby, utilities with pumps for pumpouts, fire police teams etc...) from the areas affected, it goes through NYSDHS/OFPC/OEM, who then reaches out to specific areas for those items/manpower. The County Coordinator then reaches out to departments that typically have the manpower and equipment. It is then on the department to decide who is qualified based on their standards.

    3 agencies from Dutchess Co went down earlier today, Amenia, Fairview and Hughsonville. This is in addition to Arlington and LaGrange the other day BEFORE the storm hit, with Swiftwater teams and gear.

    JetPhoto and peterose313 like this

  4. Anyone know or can find out when & what time it will be hitting Northern Westchester?

    There is no definitive answer. These are all models, and the "best guess" that this hits the area is late Monday/Early Tuesday, as many people have already posted in here. I believe these posts are all referring to "landfall" of this storm, however remember the storm is bigger than just the center and will cover most of the Northeast US. This is a large storm and I expect large amounts of rain over a period of time.

  5. From https://www.facebook.com/HVWX1:

    To be blunt and to hopefully clear up what has certainly been an information download of a day. This storm is very serious, and although there is time for things to change it is important to know that this storm will likely be larger then Irene is size, more powerful then Irene and move slower then Irene, it is a completely different monster and should not be taken lightly. As far as who in what area can expect to see an impact? The storm is currently 1600 miles across and everybody will fell its effects. What we should all be doing is utilizing the fact that not only was this storm mentioned here on Sunday,but now we still have 5 days to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you end up with some extra candles and batteries then so be it, but to not take advantage of having advanced knowledge of what may be a very serious storm is not something that is recommended. For the first time in history all National Weather Stations are launching extra weather balloons, the storm is striking on a full moon which will lead to worse coastal flooding. It has the potential to dump 6-12 inches of rain over a 24 hour period with and even longer period of damaging winds possible. So to sum it up it does not matter where you live, if you are in the Hudson Valley you should be aware of this threat and have a plan in place if the worst is to happen.

  6. Membership,

    Over the years, EMTBravo IA's have provided a great look into active incidents. Many dedicated members took their time to listen to radio traffic and document activities that occurred where some members did not have the ability to otherwise hear. Recently, many websites have given people across the globe the ability to listen to incidents live (obviously with some delay). While we have seen an increase in the QUANTITY of IA postings, the overall QUALITY has deteriorated. There are still many IA Writers who do produce very high quality IA's. Unfortunately with the loss of Truck4, who was the IA guru, not much attention has been paid to this section since his departure.

    Many members now use outside sources (media releases, other forums etc...) to compile their information and create an IA in our forums. The general discussion amongst the Staff has come down with some alterations to, and reinforcements of existing Site Rules.

    1) IA's are now no longer permitted to be posted if the incident occurred 24+ hours ago. Extenuating Circumstances do apply (i.e. you were on scene and could not post while at work etc...). Long-term/Ongoing incidents do not apply, as they are still active. The whole point of an IA is an Incident ALERT. Posting incidents from greater than 24 hours no longer constitutes as an Alert, and should be posted in the appropriate Local Forum. Whenever an IA is created, it then creates a link in the Shoutbox. Older incidents that are long since cleared then clog up the Shoutbox.

    2) No use of outside sources for the sole purpose of creating an IA. People using Internet News Articles as their sole source for an IA defeats the purpose. Those type of postings should be made in the appropriate Local Forum. Including a link to a media article, or other source shall remain acceptable, so long as it is not the sole source of your information.

    **Reminder** Only CONFIRMED Incidents are to be posted as an IA.

    As with all other existing Site Policies, EMTBravo Staff retain the right to alter the rules at any point without notice. It is the job of the Membership to stay on top of Site Rules and Policies. We are happy to entertain constructive suggestions at any point as we strive to improve the quality of this site!

    peterose313 likes this