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  1. helicopper liked a post in a topic by v85 in NYPD Precinct Cars Questions   
    Yes, a sector car is a car that is out on patrol, and the unit type that "Central" assigns the vast majority of jobs (calls) to. If another unit, like a foot post, is closer they will come over the radio and say that they will be handling the job, but the initial dispatch 99% of the time goes to the sectors.
    Also, be aware that not every marked RMP (police car) that you see is a sector car, even if it is from the local precinct. Other specialized units and even some supervisors use marked cars. For example there are patrol sergeants, patrol lieutenants, domestic violence officers, auxiliary coordinators, community affairs officers, summons cars and probably a whole bunch more that use marked RMPs, but are not considered sectors.
  2. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by v85 in CPS Worker Pleaded for Cops to Come Before Powell Blew Up House\   
    I'm not sure where the failure was, with the dispatcher or protocols, but obviously something went wrong. I can tell from the first line of the transcript. I have never heard of a 911 line being answered "Good Morning" anywhere.
  3. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by v85 in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Anyone who thinks that there is no problem with this department operating needs only to look at the photo page on here.
    Their "fire engine" is older than I am, and carries NO HOSE other than a booster reel. Would you want that showing up on your scene?
    I think NYPD Highway would have a field day with those rigs.
  4. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by v85 in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    Anyone who thinks that there is no problem with this department operating needs only to look at the photo page on here.
    Their "fire engine" is older than I am, and carries NO HOSE other than a booster reel. Would you want that showing up on your scene?
    I think NYPD Highway would have a field day with those rigs.
  5. helicopper liked a post in a topic by v85 in Hudson Valley Departments are Key in NYC Terror Attack Response   
    I think the first thing that needs to be addressed, like usual, is staffing.
    Honestly, during the day when most terrorist attacks are likely to occur, can you staff the apparatus to send to the decon area, and still have coverage back in your first due area.
    I think the only solution to this problem is either to have rostered duty crews or have combo/paid departments, which in this economy, good luck convicing Taxpayer Q. Pennypincher to support that idea.
  6. firedude liked a post in a topic by v85 in Freelancing, Buffing, etc.....   
    As a fire police officer and recent graduate of fire police training, I can state for a fact that what firedude says is correct. While we have peace officer powers, they are mainly so that if someone runs the traffic post, a police officer doesn't need to personally witness the incident, but can issue a UTT/criminal complaint on our behalf (like the fellow officer rule). The class contained ZERO training on self-defense, arrest procedures, handcuffing, or constitutional law. In fact, I learned more about those topics from my police explorer post and NYPD Auxiliary training( which only gives peace officer status for purposes of traffic control in times of national emergency or war).
    Interestingly enough, the class does include training on how to properly photograph a fire scene for arson investigation photos, and on how to maintain a crime scene log, and I have been told by numerous people that I should take Fire Behavior/Arson Awareness. Also, the majority of my class was in their 30s-50s, with 3 or 4 in their 20's and 1 or 2 18/19 year olds. The instructors also kept saying that "the days of fire police officers being elderly firefighters 'put out to pasture' are over".
    Combine this with the bill referenced above, and the fact DCJS is pushing for a standardized peace officer training program of 180 hours, I have to say I think fire police may be headed in a different direction
  7. firedude liked a post in a topic by v85 in Freelancing, Buffing, etc.....   
    As a fire police officer and recent graduate of fire police training, I can state for a fact that what firedude says is correct. While we have peace officer powers, they are mainly so that if someone runs the traffic post, a police officer doesn't need to personally witness the incident, but can issue a UTT/criminal complaint on our behalf (like the fellow officer rule). The class contained ZERO training on self-defense, arrest procedures, handcuffing, or constitutional law. In fact, I learned more about those topics from my police explorer post and NYPD Auxiliary training( which only gives peace officer status for purposes of traffic control in times of national emergency or war).
    Interestingly enough, the class does include training on how to properly photograph a fire scene for arson investigation photos, and on how to maintain a crime scene log, and I have been told by numerous people that I should take Fire Behavior/Arson Awareness. Also, the majority of my class was in their 30s-50s, with 3 or 4 in their 20's and 1 or 2 18/19 year olds. The instructors also kept saying that "the days of fire police officers being elderly firefighters 'put out to pasture' are over".
    Combine this with the bill referenced above, and the fact DCJS is pushing for a standardized peace officer training program of 180 hours, I have to say I think fire police may be headed in a different direction
  8. firedude liked a post in a topic by v85 in Freelancing, Buffing, etc.....   
    As a fire police officer and recent graduate of fire police training, I can state for a fact that what firedude says is correct. While we have peace officer powers, they are mainly so that if someone runs the traffic post, a police officer doesn't need to personally witness the incident, but can issue a UTT/criminal complaint on our behalf (like the fellow officer rule). The class contained ZERO training on self-defense, arrest procedures, handcuffing, or constitutional law. In fact, I learned more about those topics from my police explorer post and NYPD Auxiliary training( which only gives peace officer status for purposes of traffic control in times of national emergency or war).
    Interestingly enough, the class does include training on how to properly photograph a fire scene for arson investigation photos, and on how to maintain a crime scene log, and I have been told by numerous people that I should take Fire Behavior/Arson Awareness. Also, the majority of my class was in their 30s-50s, with 3 or 4 in their 20's and 1 or 2 18/19 year olds. The instructors also kept saying that "the days of fire police officers being elderly firefighters 'put out to pasture' are over".
    Combine this with the bill referenced above, and the fact DCJS is pushing for a standardized peace officer training program of 180 hours, I have to say I think fire police may be headed in a different direction
  9. firedude liked a post in a topic by v85 in Freelancing, Buffing, etc.....   
    As a fire police officer and recent graduate of fire police training, I can state for a fact that what firedude says is correct. While we have peace officer powers, they are mainly so that if someone runs the traffic post, a police officer doesn't need to personally witness the incident, but can issue a UTT/criminal complaint on our behalf (like the fellow officer rule). The class contained ZERO training on self-defense, arrest procedures, handcuffing, or constitutional law. In fact, I learned more about those topics from my police explorer post and NYPD Auxiliary training( which only gives peace officer status for purposes of traffic control in times of national emergency or war).
    Interestingly enough, the class does include training on how to properly photograph a fire scene for arson investigation photos, and on how to maintain a crime scene log, and I have been told by numerous people that I should take Fire Behavior/Arson Awareness. Also, the majority of my class was in their 30s-50s, with 3 or 4 in their 20's and 1 or 2 18/19 year olds. The instructors also kept saying that "the days of fire police officers being elderly firefighters 'put out to pasture' are over".
    Combine this with the bill referenced above, and the fact DCJS is pushing for a standardized peace officer training program of 180 hours, I have to say I think fire police may be headed in a different direction
  10. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by v85 in Time for Change?   
    I wonder if we won't start seeing more public safety departments crop up, where police officers are cross-trained as fire and ems.
    In fact, when I saw those pictures of the fire engines in Florida with the patient transport capabilities, I half-jokingly thought that in 20 years, there will be no separte police officers, firefighters, EMT/Medics, or even DPW workers. Everything will be handled by one department, by people with one generic job title like government worker.
  11. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by v85 in Middletown (Orange) - 2nd Alarm Fire 11-13-11   
    Date: 11/13/2011
    Time: 1820 appx
    Location: 67 Horton Avenue
    Frequency: 154.205, Middletown FD, OC City Fireground/ Command channels
    Units Operating: Middletown FD, Goshen FD 1 Truck to Scene (FAST Team), Silver Lake 1 Truck -> Middletown FD (NO RESPONSE), Mechanicstown 1 Engine, 1 Truck -> Middletown FD, Howells 1 Engine -> Middletown FD
    Weather Conditions: Cool
    Description Of Incident: 2nd Alarm Structure Fire (Basement Fire)
    1838: Mechanicstown additional mutual aid, 1 rescue to tractor trailer brake fire in New Hampton
  12. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by v85 in FDNY EMT Assaulted at Occupy Wall Street   
    But those are just isolated incidents caused by "bad apples", or so sayeth my uber-liberal OWS loving professor when confronted with those facts, as well as Occupy Phoenix's "When to Kill a Cop" brochure.
    Oh, and they are mainly being caused by homeless who the police are dumping there
  13. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by v85 in Deerpark (Orange) -MVA w/Entrapment 09-27-11   
    Date: 09/27/2011
    Time: 1725 hrs
    Location: 2247 Greenville Turnpike IAO Day's Inn
    Units Operating: Huguenot FD, Port Jervis EMS/ALS, Deerpark PD
    Weather Conditions:
    Description Of Incident: MVA w/ Entrapment + 2 pts. unconcious in vehicle
    Writer: v85
    1733: Huguenot resounded for all available manpower for entrapment
    1744: Greenville Fire Police to shut down Greenville Turnpike
  14. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by v85 in Deerpark (Orange) -MVA w/Entrapment 09-27-11   
    Date: 09/27/2011
    Time: 1725 hrs
    Location: 2247 Greenville Turnpike IAO Day's Inn
    Units Operating: Huguenot FD, Port Jervis EMS/ALS, Deerpark PD
    Weather Conditions:
    Description Of Incident: MVA w/ Entrapment + 2 pts. unconcious in vehicle
    Writer: v85
    1733: Huguenot resounded for all available manpower for entrapment
    1744: Greenville Fire Police to shut down Greenville Turnpike
  15. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by v85 in Deerpark (Orange) -MVA w/Entrapment 09-27-11   
    Date: 09/27/2011
    Time: 1725 hrs
    Location: 2247 Greenville Turnpike IAO Day's Inn
    Units Operating: Huguenot FD, Port Jervis EMS/ALS, Deerpark PD
    Weather Conditions:
    Description Of Incident: MVA w/ Entrapment + 2 pts. unconcious in vehicle
    Writer: v85
    1733: Huguenot resounded for all available manpower for entrapment
    1744: Greenville Fire Police to shut down Greenville Turnpike
  16. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by v85 in NYPD has Ability to Take Down Aircraft   
    Yet this is the same NYPD that is still using typewriters for reports, has some violent precincts covered by 2 or 3 sectors, and has stationhouses falling apart???
  17. ny10570 liked a post in a topic by v85 in NYPD has Ability to Take Down Aircraft   
    Yet this is the same NYPD that is still using typewriters for reports, has some violent precincts covered by 2 or 3 sectors, and has stationhouses falling apart???
  18. norestriction liked a post in a topic by v85 in NYPD has Ability to Take Down Aircraft   
    I didn't mean it to sound like a conspiracy theory, just I wasn't too sure on the legality of it. But now I'm even questioning that. Would an incident like that be covered under Article 35 (use of deadly force to protect a third party, people in a building or on the ground, from imminent harm, or no, because of the number of non-involved persons on the aircraft.
  19. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by v85 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Of course. Totally ignore the fact that reports suggest the park rangers were breaking up a fight BETWEEN group members when they got hurt, and the fact you were told about the regulations and CHOSE to ignore them.
  20. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by v85 in At Least 4 Dead, 40 Injured Following Stage Collapse At Indiana State Fair   
    Considering there were apparently a few of these collapses over the summer; I have to ask if these structures are required to meet building codes, and if so, are they being inspected on a regular basis?
  21. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by v85 in Newburgh (Orange) MVA w/ Entrapment 7-7-11   
    Date: 07/07/2011<BR>Time: 0607<BR>Location: Interstate 84 Westbound, MM 36<BR>Frequency: <BR>Units Operating: Winona Lake FD, Oranage Lake FD,Newburgh EMS, Mobile Life ALS, Medevac, T/Newburgh PD 313, 316, NYSP 2F83 <BR>Weather Conditions: <BR>Description Of Incident: Tractor Trailer down embankment w/ confirmed entrapment<BR>Reporters: BFD1054<BR>Writer: v85
  22. TAPSJ liked a post in a topic by v85 in Newburgh (Orange) MVA w/ Entrapment 7-7-11   
    Date: 07/07/2011<BR>Time: 0607<BR>Location: Interstate 84 Westbound, MM 36<BR>Frequency: <BR>Units Operating: Winona Lake FD, Oranage Lake FD,Newburgh EMS, Mobile Life ALS, Medevac, T/Newburgh PD 313, 316, NYSP 2F83 <BR>Weather Conditions: <BR>Description Of Incident: Tractor Trailer down embankment w/ confirmed entrapment<BR>Reporters: BFD1054<BR>Writer: v85
  23. x635 liked a post in a topic by v85 in Mike Rowe Testifies Before Senate   
    I was lucky enough to get to attend a BOCES program. Not only is it great for "trades" careers, it is also great for emergency services careers, and should be embraced as a recruiting/retention tool.
    I attended mine for law enforcement as well as the New Visions in Law and Government program. Through this program I earned my 8 hour NYS Security Guard certificate and Firearms Safety Certificate. If I stayed for the second year of law enforcement I would have earned my 16 hr. security certificate as well. By transferring to New Visions I earned 18 college credits, FOR FREE.
    Orange Ulster BOCES also has a fire science program. Through this program a student earns:
    Confined Space Awareness and Safety
    Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness
    Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations
    Scene Support Operations
  24. nwpfdjr27 liked a post in a topic by v85 in Danroy Henry parents to sue Pleasantville cop who shot him   
    I have to wonder, do the Henrys' actually believe what they are saying, that their son was shot because he was black (like the officer could tell inside a car, at night) and that there is a racist conspiracy by PPD, WCPD, WCDA, NYSP etc to cover it up, or are they just trying to make money off of their son's death?
  25. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by v85 in "Smart 911" New 911 System   
    911 technology by Walmart.... Now that's a scary thought.