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Everything posted by CBX4627

  1. Thank you..............Somebody said what I had been thinking............Isn't the #1 killer of firemen still heart attacks? We just lost a 47 year old Lt. on my job on Monday.....Heart attack. Whether people want to accept it or not, it IS a young man's job!
  2. Was working one day last week and we were coming back from a run. We were just making a right turn onto East 175th Street off of Southern Blvd in The Bronx when the AVFD little white ESU truck comes flying around us with their lights on, headed south on Southern Blvd. I hear the chauffer yell "Who the hell was THAT". I yelled back that it was a bunch of volley buff wannabe's. For the record, 175 and Southern Blvd is nowhere near Soundview or Clason's Point....... Glad to hear that their little game was shut down, but the question remains, what the hell were they doing, as this was just last week???
  3. Manufactured in the 1950's. Couldn't help you with the paint scheme.
  4. I think all of us know that! As a matter of fact, I have 6 spanish guys in my firehouse, all of whom did NOT need a court order to get on the job. They passed the test that everyone else had to pass and got on the job the correct way. They're great guys who are just as disgusted with this Vulcan lawsuit as the rest of us!
  5. I'm glad that you were admitted into the Taino Towers session, but apparently about 60 white applicants were denied entry into the Rochdale Queens session last night. I'm probably gonna take a ride out there for tonights session to see this circus act for myself. I might just wear my MERIT MATTERS t-shirt also!
  6. It is ILLEGAL for the Vulcan Society to discriminate against anyone based upon the color of their skin........................With that said, tonight at the Manhattan test prep location, Whites were told that they were NOT invited to the prep course and told not to come back by the former president of the Vulcan Society Capt. Paul Washington. At the Rochdale test prep site in Queens tonight, white applicants were not even ADMITTED to go inside....................At least the white applicants had the sense to call the Press forthwith.............Stay tuned for tomorrows newspapers, should be real interesting! Hopefully the Vulcans just shot themselves in the foot!
  7. Several people are posting right now over on the FDNY Rant that Whites were turned away tonight at the Vulcan Training sessions!!!!!!! I'm actually glad that these a** Clowns.........I'm sorry, Vulcans....actually did this..............They just F%^Ked themselves!!!!!! DISCRIMINATION IS DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.............................
  9. One of the FUNNIEST friggin video's i've seen in a long time!!!!!! This is why I love working in the Ghetto! Love the EDP running around out front of quarters yelling "VOTE"!!!!!!!! Kudo's to whoever made this!!!!!!
  10. A few things that I can tell you about getting on the job in some of the Eastern Mass. career FD's ( Have many friends on the job in that area)....................Majority of them require residency, so if you are serious about getting on a certain department, I highly suggest you move there! 2nd...........There are MANY Veterans out there now who are gonna be ahead of you on the list, so be prepared to wait a while to get called if you do pass. 3rd..........I know you have a better shot at getting hired on certain departments if you are already a Paramedic. Take EVERY civil service test you can! I tested all up and down the East Coast for both Fire and Police jobs. Had 3 job offers, and would have had more if I would have followed through with some of the processes. I wound up getting my top choice because I moved to the City and came out on the top half of the list. Good Luck!
  11. Thanks for that number! Called the office and spoke to one of his aides...........She say's "Is that all you want to tell the governor, I said NO, tell him he's a Fat F@#$ also". Needless to say, she hung up! That was also done in honor of my fellow Fireman and Cops who are taking a royal SCREWING from this Pompous BlowHard!
  12. Looks like an old FWD City Service truck.
  13. This POS should have never even been on the street to begin with, but you can thank the liberal judges for that! Today's Post said that this Skell had FOURTEEN prior arrests since 2006. One of the arrests was for an armed robbery that this Skell and another Mutt committed last year, then sliced that guys face open..............WHY was he on the street to begin with.................Unfortunately, he'll probably be hailed as a martyr in Rikers for shooting a cop...........what he SHOULD be getting is a daily a** raping! So tired of reading about these career MUTTS who continue to committ serious crimes, and these Liberal POS judges barely give these guys a slap on the wrist, let alone jail time...............:angry:
  14. I believe the 46/48 are still on the same frequency. At least that's how it was in 2000-2001 when I worked in the 4-8.
  15. In one of the articles i read on this, it said that Kelly was out and saw a supposed "off duty member" wearing some sort of unauthorized NYPD shirt that had the motto "Kill'em all, let god sort them out"..................He made the ruling after that.............as a former member of the NYPD, I think it's completely ridiculous!:angry: But then again, my PD academy instructors always told us not to wear "buff stuff" on our days off, and to not tell the world that you are a cop!
  16. Parked in front of Mario's on Arthur Ave. Took my wife to Mario's on our first date.............ended the night at Rory's!
  17. Rescue 1 was quartered in this firehouse from 1920-1947, and Satellite 1 (of the Super Pumper System) was also located here from 1967-1974.
  18. A.E. is a good kid, but when he's the ECC, it looks like someone's letting their kid drive the rig.............No B.S.
  19. We once had a former Union Prez become Fire Commish on my job..................The Brothers thought that he would be a FANTASTIC Commish and fight for the men...............Turned out to be one of the biggest SCUMBAG Commisioners that my job has ever seen......................They called him "The Can Man", cause that's all he was when he was a fireman in 42 Truck............He was the Commish when I came on the job, and his name was Tom Von Essen! Congrats to Chief Kielb, don't forget where you came from Chief!
  20. Rest in Peace............. Hopefully they caught the Mutt who did this!
  21. Yeah..................Good luck with that..............
  22. Rest in Peace Joey......
  23. Did you really just type that on a public forum?............................. We have a saying on my job for guys like you............."BMA".............Brother My A$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you're the guy who would rather take the overtime then help a brother out who needed the tour off.................
  24. I took the test for NHFD twice back in the '90's.............from what I remember, there was no list,.............they hired who they wanted to! I knew I had no shot, and glad I never got on there after seeing how the city treated the "New Haven 20" group!
  25. Bunch of SKELLS who obviously have too much time on their hands......................Bloomberg should have grown a set of BALLS weeks ago and cleared these people out...........