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Everything posted by EJS1810

  1. I am a Putnam 911 Dispatcher and would like to get involved with the group. Now for the unfortunatly, I am comming off an A-B double on the 15th and cannot make that meeting. I hope to be able to come to the next one.
  2. Some one's showing their age
  3. It's gott be a loaner matchbox because it's RED. I guess he couldn't find one in IP Green
  4. I always love pictures from the past. It serves as a reminder as to how we got to where we are today. Was water supply an issue? it looks like thay had to use a Bucket Brigade for a while
  5. I believe it is just a coincidence that Putnam (KED-862), Westchester (KED-281), and Dutchess (KED348) got KED as a call sign. Rockland is KEE-398as imortalized by one of their former dispatchers K double E-398, Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrr five
  6. Scan60 is still there. The alst time I was on it there was a problem with the Northern Westchester feed but it's still up & runnning. It looks like KED281.com has about a 1.5-2.0 minute delay. Scan 60 is quicker
  7. Leather forever
  8. The older Ford/Braun was eithe a Raider or a Chief, not a slope side
  9. It replaced a mid 1990's Ford/Braun
  10. Does that look like a tanker in the driveway?
  11. Real FF wear New Yorkers not ripoffs. LOL
  12. Any good sign guy can make the same sticker for window (inside) and helmet (outside). We just need a good design.
  13. We were told at the county chief's association meeting that training has taken a major hit in the budget and there was a major cut in money for the outreach classes
  14. Brewster & Lake Carmel in northeastern Putnam have FAS Teams
  15. I saw it also and thought it said Mohegan Fire Company. I thought it was from the Casino
  16. Actuallu Ludingtonville Rd, Lake Carmel NY (Putnam) Hessmart
  17. Mahopac has been using the Power Plus lights for at least 15 years now. They are lighter and less bulkier then Streamlights. FDNY usues the same type light
  18. When you file, cross file for the other tests. You will probably have to pay for multiple filings
  19. March is usually the month for Public Safety/911 Dispatcher tests. In addition to Dutchess, several other Counties are offering tests. Orange County 911 Dispatcher http://www.co.orange.ny.us/documentView.asp?docid=5584 Local Police dispatcher http://www.co.orange.ny.us/documentView.asp?docid=5585 Sullivan County 911 Dispatcher http://www.scgnet.us/sd_specs.asp?ID=542 Greene County 911 Dispatcher http://00644c9.netsolhost.com/documents/EM...PATCHER2008.doc
  20. Homer.bmpGerman Firefighters Burn Own Firehouse Down for Second Time Tuesday, January 13, 2009 German firefighters lost all their engines for a second time after their station burned to the ground in a fire they are believed to have set themselves, the Austrian Times reported. The weekend blaze in Syke, northern Germany, was reportedly set by the firefighters themselves in a training exercise accident. However, faulty wiring could have been to blame. Full Article http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,479813,00.html
  21. http://www.westchestergov.com/emergserv/jdocs/validunits.pdf
  22. Looks like copyright infringement to me!
  23. I wonder how the debate would have gone if the OP had posted this picture?
  24. 10 or 15 bucks