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Posts posted by 38ff

  1. There is more to the Highland Lowes story. I don't have all the details, but it the major ones are Lowes Corporate policy is no fliers, for anything, period.

    The Highland Lowes Manager has pledged support to the search teams, offering gloves, boots, a canopy, and allowing fliers to be distributed on the grounds, and has been in contact with the searchers on a several times per day basis.

    sueg likes this

  2. No, I am not a school administrator. I'm a father of 2 school aged kids where the school policy is shelter in place. After talking to lots of LEO and NYSP MRT guys that I deal with at my job, they all say the right answer is to LEAVE. But the party line answer (and school policy) is shelter in place because it is "easy". It does makes counting up the carnage easier, I must admit. The school is also responsible to keeping my kids safe when they are there too. The school policy makes them unsafe if the unthinkable happens.

  3. Sure there could be additional bad guys outside or IED's or whatever. And if there is that level of planning by the bad guys, they know what they are doing and people will surely die.

    But in all the school shootings to date, it has been one or two nut jobs with weapons and ammo and a 1/2 assed plan. No real tactical planning. "Go there, shoot people and I will off myself when the LEOs get close. Hardly a well thought out tactical plan designed for mass killings.

    All schools and locations are different. The evacuate plan would work well for my schools. Not so much for others perhaps.

    As for supervision when getting out, like I said, I'd rather look for live kids hiding in the bushes for hours than counting the dead bodies stacked up like cordwood in a few minutes. Bottom line, even if kids get lost, eventually they will be found.

    For a well trained group of bad guys with some brains, it's not hard to inflict mass casualties easily. Luckily, all the ones so far have been dumb nut jobs.

    But the schools like it with easy accountability, dead or alive.

  4. It all depends on the physical plant. In my town, the Elementary school is 1 story, the Middle school is 3, and the High school is 2. If you are on the first floor or can safely make it to a first floor and get out, I'd do so.

    I see no sense in waiting to die huddled up in a closet, unless that is the only option.

    SageVigiles likes this

  5. Schools like the accountability of lockdowns. It makes it much easier to account for the living and the dead after an active shooter incident. As a 1st responder and father of 2 kids, I'd much rather "beat the bushes" looking for scared kids for hours afterwards that made it outside and are hiding than help remove the dead from a closet after an active shooter incident.

  6. I have talked to several LEO's on active school shooters. Members of the NYSP MRT's I have talked to say the best thing to do if possible is GET OUT. Empty classrooms contain no targets. If your on a ground floor, open the window (they say RESCUE WINDOW or the like on them), jump out, and run. Obviously this doesn't work on 2nd floors and higher, but it will at least clear out the 1st floor of sitting duck targets (kids and teachers),

  7. TOMVAC closed down 3 to 4 years ago due to declining membership and not being able to cover the increased call volume. Mobile Life covers the town now.. We have 18 hours of in town ALS coverage, and the other 6 hours are the "slowest" call volume covered by Mobile Life the next town over. It has worked out well. While it is sad for the organization to shudder itself, they chose to go out honorably by admitting they could not provide the coverage that was expected, instead of limping along providing a shell of coverage.

    99subi, BFD1054, Bnechis and 3 others like this

  8. I doubt it was a 2010. Much more likely REBUILT at depot in 2010 at MCLB Barstow or Albany (Georgia) or much much more likely titled wrong. (That happens a lot with surplus trucks). The LVSR (it's replacement) was being procured before 2010, and the bulk of the MK 48 series trucks were all procured in the mid 1980s. I liked the self loading trailers, they were very useful.

    Uncle Sam stopped selling the front half of the unit soon after they started selling them, and it is unlikely more will be released. The trailers are available and cheap thru Government Liquidation.

  9. Great truck. It is a MK 48 primer mover with a MK 15 wrecker body on it.. The USMC used them. It articulates in the middle, and you can put a few different versions of body's (trailers actually) on it. Painting over the CARC paint is a PITA. The best way to do it is sand blast, prime and paint it, but that is a HUGE undertaking with a truck this size, even when you separate the front from the rear. And if you do, don't drive more than 2MPH or else it will tip.

    BFD1054, Capejake72 and x635 like this

  10. My Fire District is looking for some used Groves Red Rack as pictured here. Yes I can buy it new, but perhaps your FD is not using it anymore or has too much and it is in the way.. Let me know so you can get it out of your way and put some $ back in your budget



    We pick up in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area, and will be by payment by Fire District check.
