Haggerty 1029

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  1. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Photos of 9/11   
    Just off West St. FDNY began to collect apparatus destroyed or damaged in the collapse. FDNY mechanics were tasked to determined what rigs were what.
    Ladder 3 and the High Rise Unit on its side

    The rear of Ladder 3

  2. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Photos of 9/11   
    As many of you know, I am a New York City Police Officer. During 9/11 I was assigned to Transit Manhattan Task Force, and had just returned to the 4th platoon (1930 x 0405 hours), with rotating days off. September 10,11,12 were to be my first three day 'swing', since in the prior 7 months I worked 2200 x 0635 hours with steady days off focused mainly on pickpockets in and around Chambers St. on the E train. Most nights were spent underneath and inside of the World Trade Center subway stations chasing various degenerates. The attacks hit close to home, both in the areas that I worked, and people I knew. The following photos I took over the span of three days from 9/13 to 9/16, either while working (first few in the dark) and later on my own time in between digging and passing buckets. I had a poll on EMTBravo about 2 years ago, but I just didn't feel right in posting them then. I don't think I have looked at these photos in almost 2 years, as these images/memories are forever with me. I recently looked at this album with my now 16 year old son, who has joined the local fire department and shown great interest in the fire department, and all the learning that comes with it. He was only 6 and in First grade when the attacks occurred. He has some memories, but had no clue as to what I and thousands of others endured in those dark days. I am posting these photos now for the younger members, who like my son only get to see a few quick glimpses that the media shows, and others who were unable to make it down to the Pile. Please take some time in the next few days to remember the men and women who rode in these rigs, responded to the call for help, and gave their all. Also keep in mind those of us that have been effected both physically and emotionally by this. Never be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Keep an eye on your brothers and sisters after crappy jobs. It doesn't always hit you or them right away. Personally it took about a year to for the worst of it to hit me, and finally force me to seek help for the depression/PTSD that had set in.

    Thank you,

    Kurt Von Dietsch

  3. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in Photos of 9/11   
    Thank you Kurt. God Bless!
  4. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Places To Ride An ATV In Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess?   
    That gets very boring...and if you are a grass nut like me - despise ruining your meticulous lawn...
  5. firedude liked a post in a topic by Haggerty 1029 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Nice photos, in all of them i only spotted 1 ambulance, i assume there must of been more there? Were they staging somewhere?
  6. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by voltage1256 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Said it right there. Disgusting on THEIR part.
  7. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by jd783 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Would my family be able to go into 1 of there Mosques and not follow their rules????
  8. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by Bull McCaffrey in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Well unfortunately in today's society, it is easier to blame the police/government for some frivolous nonsense in order to make a quick buck at the taxpayers expense. Let them go to whatever hole they crawled out of and try the same thing over there. I can almost guarantee that the outcome for them would be totally different.
    Hopefully the county sticks to its guns and doesn't bow down to these animals.
  9. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Well this is truly amazing. According to lohud, over 60 police units had to respond from as far south as Tuckahoe to deal with this unreasonable and unruly crowd. Why? Because their "muslim sensibilities" were insulted? Give me a freakin' break. The rules are posted and for certain rides, there is to be NO WEARING OF ANY TYPE OF HEADGEAR period.
    Why do these people think they are exempt from the rules, the laws? I know what they would like; Sharia Law. Their own version of a justice system implemented in the countries they emigrate to. I think that is a disgusting disgrace, as were the actions of these supposedly "religious" people at the Playland park.
    Look, you people want to assimilate in this country, fine. I guess we have to let some of you in. But if you don't like the system, the rules in place... TOO F'IN BAD, go back to the place you came from.
    The difference between these people and the ancestors of many of us here in this forum is our great-grandparents had a huge desire to assimilate into the American culture. That's why on my mother's side, they came from Italy, moved into the south Bronx and gave up teaching their native language to their children, my mother, and therefore I don't know Italian today as a result. I wish that part were different, but the point being these people were so anxious to "fit in" they even gave up their language. Italian was forbidden to be spoken in the house by my great-grandparents, as a result their great-grandchildren only speak English.
    Now these muslims with their headgear, the hijab, they can't even get on the Dragon Coaster without starting a ruckus? Like Playland OWES them something, like WE owe them anything? They should kiss the ground of freedom they walk upon, shut their damn mouths, follow the rules, or else.
    What a waste of PD resources to have to direct half the cars on patrol up to Playland because these freaking people were "insulted"! Enough! Fit in or GET OUT!
  10. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Great hydrant photos from fire in Boston on Facebook   
    Perhaps not my strongest work...but it WAS a joke...
  11. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by efermann in 08-23-11 - US East Coast - Earthquake   
    I'm at home in Ossining with my kids and we felt nothing. My wife is working in Ossining and called to say "Did you feel that?" She tells me everyone in her building felt it and that others in her building called to their homes where it was felt. A couple friends of mine from White Plains sent me a message that they felt it.
    I teach Earth Science in HS, so I have a bit of knowledge about earthquakes and have connections to data and visualizations and such.
    For the next 18 hours or so, you can go to this page (My link) and scroll down to see click-able seismic displays from seismographs all around. Right now (2:44 PM), the Earthquake being discussed here is at the bottom of each image on the 17 line. Over time, the 17 line will migrate to the top of each image. (FYI the other large earthquakes currently in the view - at the end of the 05 line - are from Colorado)
    There's plenty of information available about how the Virginia region is (was) at a relatively high risk for a significant earthquake. This would definitely qualify. There are some reports (older and more recent) that NY and the Hudson Valley are also at a significant risk for earthquakes. Maybe as strong as this one was in Virginia.
    Clearly, people on here felt the earthquake. For those that did, you can go to this USGS site and complete a "did you feel it" form for the USGS. I just checked and it looks like a lot of people have already filled out the form. From a teaching and science perspective, it would be great if anyone here could also fill it out.
  12. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Drunk Man Pees on Sleeping Girl During JetBlue Flight   
    R. Kelly strikes again...
  13. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by x635 in City Of Round Rock PD's Bold New Paint Scheme   
    It does, and I would have thought the same thing too. The cars came in outfitted but without lettering, so they went with the Ford Demo concept.
  14. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by JScott128 in City Of Round Rock PD's Bold New Paint Scheme   
    Was it a Ford demo car? It looks a lot like Fords demo cars.
  15. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by trollman200 in FDNY Firefighter   
    I wonder how they're gonna say that this test is racist?
  16. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by x129K in FDNY Firefighter   
    The paper is white.
  17. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by x129K in NY State Trooper   
    At a recent parade, I sat directly opposite a NYSP Trooper on a traffic post.
    EACH and EVERY time, the stars and stripes passed by, he saluted with the most crisp salute I have ever seen. Many of the bystanders commented on it as well...all were impressed by his actions.
    Well Done Trooper, remain safe.

  18. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by texastom791 in Completed Tarrytown Engine 80   
    Is this the truck that didn't fit in the firehouse ?
  19. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by southendexpress in Completed Tarrytown Engine 80   
    very tight fit
  20. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by OnTheWheel in Mt Pleasant cop shoots bicyclist while euthanizing raccoon   
    I believe they are not sure as to what hit the persons leg. I think the title of this thread is misleading and blows it out of proportion.
  21. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Mt Pleasant cop shoots bicyclist while euthanizing raccoon   
    Never use a club, axe or even a pike pole on a suspected sick animal for two reasons. First you don't want to get that close (it may turn may bite you). Second you dont want any suspected rabid or any blood to splatter on you or your partner. Most police don't carry bio hazard suits.
  22. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by rfdu39 in 'Out and About' FDNY Style   
    Here are some of mine.

  23. Haggerty 1029 liked a post in a topic by firedude in 'Out and About' FDNY Style   

    As always, all of these photos are mine and can’t be used without my consent. If you enjoy these, you might want to check out all of my photos from today. They can be found on my flickr page (link below)