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  1. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in New York State Police chooses Dodge Chargers AWD as new car   
    I remember the 5 liter mustangs. For some reason they seems that they were always assigned to a 6'4 or larger trooper.
  2. trauma74 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in METU Units   
    You would think that the equipment manufactures would step up to the plate seeing a potential increase in sales. They could engineer a standard multiuse urban response vehicle. That will with a little modification prior to responding, be used as a command post, rehab site, portable victim/patient shelter, SNF transport or a MCI response vehicle (mobile ER, transport ect). This would simply the grant process and actually give the taxpayers a vehicle that would support not only the members of the emergency services but the taxpayers themselves in a time of emergency.
  3. x635 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Town of Mamaroneck Working Fire 2-11-15   
    Date:Feb 11
    Time:11:27 Am
    Location:8 Hommocks Road
    Units:Engine 51, Engine 36, Ladder 19, Rescue 6, 2231, 2233
    New Rochelle Engine 22 (FAST)
    Mamaroneck 1 Engine
    Larchmont Tower Ladder 7
    Bat. 19
    Larchmont Ambulance 66A1
    Description:Reported Boiler fire
    11:29 2233 reported 10-75
  4. Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in METU Units   
    You hit the nail squarely on the head. We spend a lot of money (how it is paid for is irrelevant) on shinny equipment that is paraded out by a local politician that shows how he/she cares for his/her constituents. After the dog and pony show, said modern wonder sits rotting somewhere and may not be ever used again. But we can say we are prepared for the next big one. Grant money should be used in a way that maximizes its return. If a vehicle is needed, make it so it has multi functions. Grants for upgraded turnout gear- fine.
  5. Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in METU Units   
    You hit the nail squarely on the head. We spend a lot of money (how it is paid for is irrelevant) on shinny equipment that is paraded out by a local politician that shows how he/she cares for his/her constituents. After the dog and pony show, said modern wonder sits rotting somewhere and may not be ever used again. But we can say we are prepared for the next big one. Grant money should be used in a way that maximizes its return. If a vehicle is needed, make it so it has multi functions. Grants for upgraded turnout gear- fine.
  6. Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in METU Units   
    You hit the nail squarely on the head. We spend a lot of money (how it is paid for is irrelevant) on shinny equipment that is paraded out by a local politician that shows how he/she cares for his/her constituents. After the dog and pony show, said modern wonder sits rotting somewhere and may not be ever used again. But we can say we are prepared for the next big one. Grant money should be used in a way that maximizes its return. If a vehicle is needed, make it so it has multi functions. Grants for upgraded turnout gear- fine.
  7. Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in METU Units   
    You hit the nail squarely on the head. We spend a lot of money (how it is paid for is irrelevant) on shinny equipment that is paraded out by a local politician that shows how he/she cares for his/her constituents. After the dog and pony show, said modern wonder sits rotting somewhere and may not be ever used again. But we can say we are prepared for the next big one. Grant money should be used in a way that maximizes its return. If a vehicle is needed, make it so it has multi functions. Grants for upgraded turnout gear- fine.
  8. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by LineCapt in Valhalla - Major Emergency Train vs. Car w/ MCI and Fire 2-3-15   
    Bottom of Da Hill give it a rest already! You are just making yourself look even more and more clueless. No one agrees with you here (how can you not see that?), no one with any education will agree with you here, and no one wants to read any more of your posts trying to hijack and ruin this thread with your personally biased, absurd claims of favoritism. I'm starting to suspect you're just upset your department wasn't called. Again, wrong incident, wrong thread, and wrong time to be making such stupid claims.
  9. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by LineCapt in Valhalla - Major Emergency Train vs. Car w/ MCI and Fire 2-3-15   
    With this incident I doubt that very much. Seems like you just like to start arguments or bash departments without having the facts. In other topics as well. What FACTS do you have to prove your ridiculous claim that there was "favoritism"? Do you also claim to know all about dispatching and incident command as well? The departments have run cards that specify who they want for mutual aid, and Incident Commanders request specific resources.
  10. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by BFD1054 in Valhalla - Major Emergency Train vs. Car w/ MCI and Fire 2-3-15   
    6 people lost their lives and others injured and this is what's bothering you? Get over it. Stop with the favoritism nonsense and the boo-hoo why didn't they call X, Y or Z.
    Resources were called as needed during what I could only imagine to be a chaotic and overwhelming scene.
  11. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in JetBlue flying cops to NYPD officer's funeral for free   
    i was in the Jet Blue Terminal on Saturday night. Strange seeing a bunch of police in different uniforms there. I always liked Jet Blue. Now I like them even more.
  12. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in JetBlue flying cops to NYPD officer's funeral for free   
    i was in the Jet Blue Terminal on Saturday night. Strange seeing a bunch of police in different uniforms there. I always liked Jet Blue. Now I like them even more.
  13. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by lad12derff in Call to arms   
    Sort of like the old kitchen table quote. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. They can go on TV and try to spin this any which way they please. The facts are indisputable. A gang member from Baltimore shot and killed his girlfriend ( most likely because she was going to out him on his plan ) and headed to NYC to " put wings on pigs today ". I can see the cover of the Times tomorrow. Ismaaiyl Brinsley was a good kid who was only weeks away from attending community college to get his life in order. He was active in his community ( selling crack to the community ) and a role model ( to the kids they hire to sell the crack ). His mother Ms Not his last name and father Mr not his last name ( because he a was being raised by his Aunt ) can't understand what went wrong in his life and can't believe those cops chased their son down the subway and shot him ( he would never kill himself ). Lets blame everyone in society for our problems and not look in the mirror and hold ourselves accountable. WHAT A TRAGEDY IN ALL ASPECTS OF THIS STORY. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA, MAYOR DEBLASIO, AL SHARPTON ( I refuse to use Rev in front of his name ) JESSE JACKSON AND ALL OF THE HATE SPEWING RACIST LEADERS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!
  14. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in NYC Police turn backs on Mayor   
    No problem, Sharpton might think that going from the unofficial Deputy Mayor to Police Commissioner is a demotion, but I’m sure he is willing to take one for the team.
  15. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in NYC Police turn backs on Mayor   
    Its good to see that someone in NYC has a set of balls.
  16. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in NYC Police turn backs on Mayor   
    Its good to see that someone in NYC has a set of balls.
  17. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Not to go off topic but there are two basic types of intercom systems:
    Analog: where you have 1 button for each apartment. This is the one where you can press all the buttons in a downward sliding button and someone will usually open the door (old PD trick).
    The system you reference is a telephone entry system, This requires a code and when entered, uses a preprogrammed number to contact the tenants’ phone. Often you will find a code to call 911, the police or fire departments in the directory. If you enter that code and the system calls 911, when the operator answers, have them dial 9. That is the most often code used to open the door.
    If not then the master key (halligan) may have to be used.
  18. BFD389RET liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Just press them all and muffle your voice. Haven't you learned that trick yet?
  19. BFD389RET liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Just press them all and muffle your voice. Haven't you learned that trick yet?
  20. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Not to go off topic but there are two basic types of intercom systems:
    Analog: where you have 1 button for each apartment. This is the one where you can press all the buttons in a downward sliding button and someone will usually open the door (old PD trick).
    The system you reference is a telephone entry system, This requires a code and when entered, uses a preprogrammed number to contact the tenants’ phone. Often you will find a code to call 911, the police or fire departments in the directory. If you enter that code and the system calls 911, when the operator answers, have them dial 9. That is the most often code used to open the door.
    If not then the master key (halligan) may have to be used.
  21. BFD389RET liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Just press them all and muffle your voice. Haven't you learned that trick yet?
  22. BFD389RET liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Privacy When Dispatching EMS Calls   
    Just press them all and muffle your voice. Haven't you learned that trick yet?
  23. x635 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Newark (NJ) FD State Of The Fire Apparatus Fleet   
    Me thinks you missed the underlying theme. If you don’t have a fire department, the city would burn down. This could be Newark's Urban Renewal. With all the buildings gone, they apply for grants for housing, the insurance companies pay for new commercial structures and presto changeo, you have a new city and lots of jobs all around. Then they will have the tax money to pay for employees! A stroke of genius. You get around those pesky EPA regulations and building approval processes as the reconstruction would be an emergency.
    By the way, don’t drink the Kool Aid, I am being sarcastic. No one should have to work with dangerous equipment.
  24. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by Chkpoint in The New NYPD ESU Truck 5   
    Bad Box are you a cop? I don't think you are aware of what ESU cops do. They are not patrol cops. They are highly trained cops who can respond to EVERYTHING! As in every major scale emergency. From EDP who is out of control to a jumper hangin from the tallest structure. Bomb scares, hazmat jobs active shooter, terrorist attacks and hostages. The list goes on. They are trained for it all and have the tools to get everyone one of those jobs done. Yes 2 cops ride in that large rig but that rig is met by the smaller ESU trucks and suddenly 6-8 cops are on scene in minutes with a large tool box. If a large scale incident happens this truck will allow extra guys to jump in and gear up. Your post insults law enforcement especially ESU cops who go through one hell of a test to get in that unit and have to be sharp in many aspects of aw enforcement. When a cop is in trouble who do we call? ESU. Who comes after them? No one. There is no one after ESU.
  25. SOUSGT liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in The New NYPD ESU Truck 5   
    I think ESU cops know what ESU cops need and there for we'll defer to them to decide what vehicle fits them best.
    After that....we went off the rails. I think this has run it's course.