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  1. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in New York Disaster Job Protection Bill Signed Into Law   
    In a disaster, how many businesses will even be open?
  2. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Dispatching Consistency   
    Consistency... the only consistency I see around Westchester is an increasing demand for service, reduced funding for said service and a lack of support for those providing said services. This doesn't just apply to dispatch, this goes for everyone in the field as well.
    We should all be wearing toilet paper suits with the amount of sh!t thrown at us...
  3. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Suicide   
    Granted, Robin Williams death was tragic. He was a great man. However, there are numerous Soldiers, Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, Paramedics, EMT's, Dispatchers and just regular people that also are great people from all walks of life that commit suicide everyday and it goes unnoticed that there is an epidemic that has been going on for a long time. Many of us know people who ended their own life and only realized the signs and the fact that they should have done something after it was too late.
    And because a celebrity takes his own life, it gets noticed and all of a sudden, it's a big deal and everyone is talking about how people should help people contemplating suicide and their should be more attention given to the issue. But the fact of the matter is, once the Robin Williams media circus calms down, people will again forget about this silent killer and the stigma that prevents many from seeking help will return. People don't understand that suicide prevention is not something simple or easy to do.
    It's disgusting the way some EMS workers and Police Officers treat and label "EDP's"....even that term is wrong and hurtful, and I feel that contributes to many people in emergency services not seeking help. I also believe they fear being shunned for the rest of their careers should it make it to the gossip circuit or the kitchen table. There are some cruel people in our business who enjoy seeing their peers suffer.
    On a lager scale, our mental health and wellness care system is understaffed, underfunded, and unable to give people true tools to succeed in many cases. This is not something that's going to be or can be solved by giving people antidepressants.

    Contemplating suicide is a deep and dark place to be, and, in most situations, all it takes is one friend who truly cares to save a life. Sadly, there will always be people who lose all hope for their lives, feel very alone and uncared about in that moment, and don't see another way out or a path towards a happy future, and nobody will or can intervene at that point. In most cases, suicide is not an impulsive act.
  4. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in College professor attacks "myth of the heroic fireman"   
    I must agree with Mr. Polet on one point. I, too dislike the term "First Responder." I prefer to be called a Firefighter. Many people draw their picture of our job just like Mr. Polet. To them, we spend our days sitting around the kitchen table playing cards or checkers and expecting a big pension for doing so. As a college professor, he should know that you can't just make a statement like that without research to see if it's true. I suggest he, using the Scientific Method, do a survey of firehouses nationally to see how many fire stations even have a checkerboard or a deck of cards in their quarters.
    He is also correct when he says that people should learn to save themselves and their families without the aid of firefighters. Every family should have an escape plan to safely get out of their home without the aid of firefighters. It should also have two ways out and a meeting place outside. The man is a genius! Why didn't we think of that?
    He also says we should be preventing fires or trying to end destructive fires altogether. Right again, Mr. Polet, we should be pushing for laws that require automatic sprinklers, even in one family homes and college dorms. Those are two places where the fire death rate is high.
    As for the "America's heroes" image? I've only made three rescues in my 34 years on the job. That's not very productive of me, so I never thought of myself as a hero. I am sure the average college professor is more worthy of the title because in the same 34 years he will have passed his "knowledge" on to hundreds of young men and women.
    I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Just call me "Firefighter," I'll be happy with that because I can meet up with any Firefighter in the World and I'll know what he does for a living. Mr. Polet can have the title "First Responder" if he likes, but he'll have to start showing up at emergencies in under 5 minutes to keep the title because that's when we get there, rain or shine, day or night, Christmas included. And even if we don't like you, we'll get on our bellies, go into the fire, and pull your sorry ass out.
  5. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by EMT111 in College professor attacks "myth of the heroic fireman"   
    Obviously, this guy, along with everyone else in the US, has a right to their own opinion. And I will agree with his original thesis statement, which is that fire men, and emergency services in general shouldn't be regarded as heroes. I could be wrong, but all most everyone I know would say "I'm not a hero". After the thesis statement though, it quickly becomes an opinion piece, either that or he doesn't understand the evidence he's looking at. Yes, the Holland FD only has working fires at 3.8 percent of their calls, but he claims the 3.8 percent actually represents suspected fire too (that total is actually 20.7 percent). He then goes on to the FDNY. Yes they've received a lot more money in terms of funding, but alot of that has gone towards terrorism preparedness and future natural disasters, such as another hurricane sandy. Also, does he realize that the FDNY dropped a firefighter off every engine company? In my opinion, this professor is one of those people who think that if they're not fighting fires, firefighters are sitting around eating lunch and playing checkers, which as we all know is untrue. Also, it may seem that emergency services get paid alot, even though we aren't actively working at emergencies all that much, but as a professor of mine put it "emergency services don't get paid for what they do do, they get paid for what they may have to do."
  6. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in Goldens Bridge Firehouse Fire (Discussion)   
    I am very sorry for the damage that was done to this house and the apparatus and sending my best wishes to all members of the community who have been affected by this.Some questions:
    Is it true that one or two Chiefs (or ex-Chiefs) had very recently prior to this fire resigned, or were forced out?
    If true, why?
    If true, did this have any effect on the outcome of the firefight?
    Is Golden's Bridge currently having issues with having an adequate number of qualified interior Firefighters, Company and Chief Officers available to respond in a timely manner?
    I read that the cause of the fire was electrical? Is this true and if so, are there more specifics available?
  7. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by x1243 in Goldens Bridge Firehouse - Multiple Alarm Fire 2-24-14   
    Date: 02/24/2014
    Time: 09:54
    Incident Type: Structure Fire
    Location: 254 Waccabuc Road (Route 138)
    District: Goldens Bridge
    Units: (See Below)
    Description: Goldens Bridge Firehouse is on fire, 2nd alarm, heavy fire in the cockloft, going defensive
    Report of firefighter inuries, can not confirm at this time.
    Weather: Windy, 30 degrees
    Writers: x1234, x635, RWC130, x4093k, firedude

    1043hrs: B16 reporting main body of fire knocked down. Partial building collapse.
    1345hrs: Per officials, only one firefighter injured during evacuating apparatus, transported to NWHC with minor injures-smoke inhalation. Treated and released. No other injuries reported.

    Dept's Operating: Units Operating: Note:
    Goldens Bridge FD
    South Salem FD Engine 167, Tanker 2, Utility 79
    Somers FD Engine 180, Tanker 16
    Croton Falls FD Engine 148, Engine 149, Tanker 8 Engine 148 master stream in operation
    Vista FD Tanker 4
    Bedford Hills FD Tower Ladder 57, Tanker 5, Utility 6 Tower ladder in operation
    Mount Kisco FD Utility 13 FAST
    Katonah Tanker 6, Utility 8
    Brewster FD Engine 11-2-3,Tanker, LDH Hose Reel Unit 5" LDH Hose Reel truck sent with Tanker
    Westchester EMS 45-M-1, 45-M-2, 45-M-4
    North Salem VAC 72-B-2
    Lewisboro VAC 67-B-1, 67-B-2, 6701
    WCDES Batt 16, C&O Team, County Car 1, County Car 2, OEM 5, 60 Control Fieldcom
    Lewisboro PD
    WCPD WCPD Officer John Peters w/ K-9 partner Daisy (Arson Detection Dog)

    Covering Goldens Bridge
    Katonah FD Ladder 39 and Engine 116 Other Katonah units operating on scene/ stood by in area of GBFD Firehouse
    Covering Katonah
    Yorktown Heights FD Engine 273 At Katonah FD HQ
    Covering Croton Falls FD
    Mahopac Falls FD At Croton Falls HQ
  8. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic in 45 Medics - Are 3 enough?   
    True..but statistically incorrect triage is usually at a very low percentage. Trust me I understand this is a debate I've been having for a few years with my agency to enhance BLSFR use and scale back the use of ALS units on low priority calls. Even with a lapse in BLS response I think there always is a dispatching procedure to help with that situation as well.
  9. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by res6cue in Mayor Demeza Delhomme has prohibited village employees who are volunteer firefighters from   
    So, he will not allow his village workers to respond with the village dept to calls within the village...but he's perfectly fine with town and county workers who volunteer with surrounding depts responding mutual aid into the village to bail them out? Ridiculous.
    When you start to exaggerate that badly to make your point, you lose credibility. SVFD averages 1,000 calls per year, which works out to 2.7 calls per day. Taking into account that a number of these calls come in at night and on weekends, the percentage that come in during weekday working hours starts to dwindle. Then take into account how many of those weekday working hours calls are not false alarms, but are instead legitimate calls, and the number dwindles even more.
    Of the 929 calls they've responded to so far in 2013, 414 have occurred between 0700 and 1800 hrs Monday through Friday, which is a pretty generous 11 hour workday (there were only 328 calls between 0900-1700 M-F). 150 of those alarms were not in the automatic alarm, telephone alarm, or alarm sounding category; they were legitimate calls to varying degrees. That leaves 264 that were most likely false alarms, which works out to be about 1 per weekday. "Every five minutes"? Hardly.
    They are also at the top of the chart as far as legitimate fires and incidents are concerned, so they're hardly chasing 1,000 false alarms each year. Yes, 534 of their alarms this year have come in as an automatic alarm, telephone alarm, or alarm assuming that all of them were false/nuisance alarms, that's a 57% false alarm rate. It's probably a little bit lower than that assuming a few of those turned out to be legitimate causes, but it's still over 50%. However as broken down above, less than half of those types of alarms have come in during weekday working hours.
    The bottom line is that these numbers matter. It matters how many calls come in during normal working hours, and it matters how many of them are BS alarms vs legitimate alarms. If the mayor wants to make a stink about guys lollygagging at BS calls for "3 hours" while on the clock, then let him back that claim up with some data.
    Instead this guy wants to settle old grudges, that's really what this is about. Anyone familiar with this guy's history understands this is not about him "doing good for the village", it's personal.
    He should've sat down with the FD to come up with a policy that made sense, such as limiting the types of calls they can respond to initially. You know, hang back for automatic alarms unless it turns out to be a legitimate call, then they can respond if a request for additional manpower is transmitted.
    Here's the breakdown of their incidents in 2013 so far, for those interested in raw numbers:
    929 Calls in 2013 as of Dec 4th
    30 HAZMAT
    18 HAZMAT
    1 PUMP OUT
  10. x635 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in Intranasal Narcan Approved   
    I agree with x635. Addiction is horrible and dying is certainly not the answer. The 21 year old who shoots up most likely doesn't have the intentions of OD'ing. However, should he or she OD, having nasal narcan can get that person back under bls care while ALS is enroute. This was an excellent post, but too see such pathetic ignorance is disgusting.
  11. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in Intranasal Narcan Approved   
    Well, based on your argument (and supported by your Tea Party Avatar), I'd have to consider the possibilities that my taxes are impacted. Pathetic.
    Makes me wonder about your commitment to your patients well being. Do you take it a step further? Do you make treatment decisions about certain groups of people you don't care for as well? Maybe based on race or religion too? Or is it just groups you feel are inferior? Someone should contact your employer. Your PCR's should be QA/QI'd to identify any cases where your personal feelings have dictated patient treatment based on your distaste of them or where you thought they might cost too much.
  12. x635 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in Intranasal Narcan Approved   
    I agree with x635. Addiction is horrible and dying is certainly not the answer. The 21 year old who shoots up most likely doesn't have the intentions of OD'ing. However, should he or she OD, having nasal narcan can get that person back under bls care while ALS is enroute. This was an excellent post, but too see such pathetic ignorance is disgusting.
  13. x635 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in Intranasal Narcan Approved   
    I agree with x635. Addiction is horrible and dying is certainly not the answer. The 21 year old who shoots up most likely doesn't have the intentions of OD'ing. However, should he or she OD, having nasal narcan can get that person back under bls care while ALS is enroute. This was an excellent post, but too see such pathetic ignorance is disgusting.
  14. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Intranasal Narcan Approved   
    Some of the above comments sicken me. Our job and duty is to save lives, not to judge and decide who is deserving of our care. Just because someone is addicted to drugs does not make them any less of a human being, and any less worthy of our care.
  15. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Greenville Fire Capt. Finds Raccoon Carcass On Car Hood   
    I'm surprised that anyone would have any issues when it comes to safety and health, especially in the firehouse where people might spend a majority of their time. There might be more to this story then what we know.
  16. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by tommyguy in Explosion Levels North Stamford Home   
    I don't want to make light of this but...
    Sounds like Mrs. Cardillo doesn't allow Joe to smoke inside the house. I can relate to that because my wife doesn't allow it either. So stepping outside to smoke that butt presumably saved his life. Of course it may've also destroyed their home.
    I wonder how Mrs. Cardillo will see this?
  17. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Empress SOD   
    You have NO idea....
  18. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by Brenman1988 in Mobile Life Paramedic Bill Spadafora Home   
    On Thursday July 11, Paramedic Bill Spadafora came home. Bill was critically injured in an ambulance accident on May 28th. After almost two months at Albany Medical Center, Bill not only came home but he came home in style. Many EMS, Fire, and Police agencies came together to participate in his homecoming. The following is a video of his homecoming.
    Welcome Home Bill!!
  19. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in Grand Canyon Tightrope Walk Tonight   
    I couldn't agree with you more ^^. He probably said "Thank you Jesus" 100 times on that stupid wire, in my opinion the guy is a horrible father, risking his life like this for 15 minutes of fame.
  20. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by sympathomedic in Care 1 ALS services suspended   
    Well, since we are all tossing in grist for the rumor mill: My understanding was that NYS DOH contacted the medical director about a narcotics policy issue. It was during that conversation that the director elected to resign. Still having the original question unanswered and now with no medical director, the Powers That Be (I don't know from REMAC SEMAC Regional council or NYS DOH BEMS) has issued a 6 month suspension. I do NOT know if that is a punishment suspension or a 'Hold on while we figure out what is going on here' suspension. Either way there is an appeals process. I have heard they have a new medical director. The Email I saw from HVR said that HVR medics whose primary affiliation in the HVR was Care 1 had 30 days to find a new primary or lose their MAC's. God I love the HVREMAC! I got the same cheery little note back when Westchester divorced them- affiliate in what remaines of our Region or we will deny that you exist. Kind of like the Palestinians and Isreal. But I digress.
    I fully get that other companies will need to pickup Care 1 work and those companies will need the medics to do it. So the HVR is nudging them over to other companies rather then having them idle while other providers need them. But that move will only make it harder for C1 to restart as an ALS provider if they get through this.
    Speaking as a long-time medic, I feel for the Care 1 medics. They did nothing wrong, and now their jobs are gone, and they are left to find work at the bottom of the pay scale and seniority list elsewhere.
  21. ARI1220 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in NY SAFE Act of 2013 (Gun Law)   
    Definition of ASSAULT WEAPON
    : any of various automatic or semiautomatic firearms; especially : assault rifleDefinition of ASSAULT RIFLE: any of various automatic or semiautomatic rifles with large capacity magazines designed for military useDefinition of MILITARY
    : of or relating to soldiers, arms, or war
    (all from
    Further more it can be defined as a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun with 1 or more military style attachments. Pretty clear to me.
    2. Magazines that do hold 5 rounds to exist
    Colt 45:
    If you think the death toll at Sandy Hook would have been the same had Lanza had a 10 round magazine as opposed to a 30 round magazine then you are delusional.
    From USA TODAY:
  22. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in NY SAFE Act of 2013 (Gun Law)   
    The symbolism of the bill is huge. NY is the first state to vote on such a ban regarding assault weapons. Additionally the law extends Kendra's law until 2017 which is crucial in helping the mentally ill. If gun owners are so responsible they shouldn't have any problems with registering an assault weapon. Yes, criminals will still do the crime, but people from all respected political parties are saying we need to act to prevent senseless violence. This is that first step in acting. Do I agree with every earmark in the bill, no, but it seems like an excellent starting point as I said. I don't see any other politicians stepping up to the plate to take on this issue, especially Mr. Ball, but yes we MUST fix our mental health system, much more than just extending Kendra's law. But, I think its crazy that someone could simply buy an assault weapon online before this bill passed. But really, most of this stuff is common sense, and I'm very proud that NY stood up to the plate first to take on this issue.
  23. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by ARI1220 in NY SAFE Act of 2013 (Gun Law)   
    The symbolism of the bill is huge. NY is the first state to vote on such a ban regarding assault weapons. Additionally the law extends Kendra's law until 2017 which is crucial in helping the mentally ill. If gun owners are so responsible they shouldn't have any problems with registering an assault weapon. Yes, criminals will still do the crime, but people from all respected political parties are saying we need to act to prevent senseless violence. This is that first step in acting. Do I agree with every earmark in the bill, no, but it seems like an excellent starting point as I said. I don't see any other politicians stepping up to the plate to take on this issue, especially Mr. Ball, but yes we MUST fix our mental health system, much more than just extending Kendra's law. But, I think its crazy that someone could simply buy an assault weapon online before this bill passed. But really, most of this stuff is common sense, and I'm very proud that NY stood up to the plate first to take on this issue.