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Posts posted by everybodygoes

  1. Well TVB is heard by an administrative law judge. If you have the correct info, and can substantiate it with the information at hand you will win. Although I am sure they write that summons quite often. The only issue is that the pedestrian traffic crossing 84th st is being given the walk sign, so in essence your traveling from west to east could in turn create a hazard for both pedestrians since your biggest fear is being struck by another car which could in turn cause you to accelerate hitting the moron on the cell phone.

  2. If anyone knows the family and how one could purchase one of his works let me know. Far too many men and women have suffered from that day. I am hoping that the family understands that his intention was not to harm them, but to end his own suffering. Many say that the act of suicide is not the answer, but the internal suffering that these individuals harbor is of such magnitude that none of us would be able to understand it. Attending the funeral of many of my FDNY brother's from 9/11 causes has given me a very unique perspective on that day and its continued impact over 12 years later.

    Prayers for my Brothers and Sisters to the north in Yonkers and for his family.

    All Gave Some, Some Gave All!

    BFD1054, FirNaTine and x635 like this

  3. They are a complete waste of money. A true measure of your worth is not some BS Chinese junk trophy 5 feet tall, its hearing from neighboring FD's that you get $hit done, wether you have 5 guys or 15 at a fire. I haven't been to a parade in probably 15 years, sure they are fun, but if your tax payers knew that you spent 3k between the band, the food and the diesel and gas to get there, you think they would be happy? Sure kids like them, but I bet your neighbor would like those 10-20 people spending a nice sat afternoon at the emergency they called in instead. And I hardly think that the 10 kegs of beer is hurting anyone financially at these events, not when they budget in the tens of thousands to host them.

    Morningjoe, CFI609D and markmets415 like this

  4. maybe you should grow up! do you have issue.s with people of color and what they speak?.this is what this web site is coming to now?

    You can not possibly think that what this guy wrote should be taken seriously? The fire service is being pussified daily! This was just pointing it out. Getting a translator for someone taking a class where the end result is running in to an enclosed space on fire?!?!?!

    SmokeyJoe likes this

  5. No it isn't. But get 60k pounds on a unsettled surface and you will be answering a lot of questions as to why they were not used. Personally I have seen them used twice, and each time was because it was a new chauffeur and that was what they were taught. Having them built in will create the issue when you need to set up in between parked cars, you went from making it to taking off two bumpers, or taking out the back seat to know taking out the back seat and the trunk of that police car lol.

    wraftery likes this