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Posts posted by Viper




    NEW CITY — A ceremony Monday morning marked the beginning of a construction project for Rockland County's new backup radio communication room.

    The backup radio room means if a natural or man-made disaster knocks the primary radio room in Pomona out of service, the system can still function, according to County Executive Ed Day, who was at Monday's groundbreaking ceremony.


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    Tax Watch columnist David McKay Wilson uncovered the little-known two-percent fund that Yonkers Fire Department has been misspending for decades.


    The Yonkers firefighters union has spent more than $10 million in state taxpayer funds over the past five decades in violation of state law.



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    The Village of Nelsonville will be without fire protection as of July 1 after failing to renew its agreement with the Village of Cold Spring. But at the June 27 meeting of the Cold Spring Village Board, Mayor Dave Merandy said that the Cold Spring Fire Company would continue to answer calls in Nelsonville.


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    PLEASANTVILLE – Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow said Friday that Westchester County would forfeit its title as the most taxed county in the country if it consolidated local governments and schools.


    Just one problem: there’s no will to do it.


    “It’s never going to happen because Scarsdale is Scarsdale and Buchanan is Buchanan and Eastchester is Eastchester,” said Pretlow, a Mount Vernon Democrat. “We need our own little fire department, we need our own little police department with a captain.”


    “Westchester County doesn’t need 40 police departments, one police department would serve us well,” he said. “Westchester County – I know this is not going to go over big with a lot of you out there – one school district. We don’t need 65 school districts. Could you imagine having one superintendent rather than 65?”


    Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, a Greenburgh Democrat, said he didn’t think the state should take a role in pushing consolidation because communities like local control and identity.



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    Fact: The new "chiefs" have not been approved


    'According to John Castelhano, the president of the local firefighters’ union, the new fire chief doesn’t have all the necessary training necessary to lead the department. “My understanding is that you need more training or equal training to the general membership of the department; [Larr] is not even close,” he said.'



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    The Hartsdale and Fairview Fire Departments have been awarded a federally funded grant in the sum of $149,212.00 under the FY2016 Technical Rescue & Urban Search and Rescue Grant Program. Funding for this initiative is provided by the Department of Homeland Security. The funding is provided for local emergency response teams that deliver technical rescue and USAR related services through equipment, training, exercise and planning projects. All capabilities developed through this funding are required to be able to be deployed regionally and nationally.

    The funding will enhance the capabilities of the Fire Departments to better mitigate extremely complex and technical rescue scenarios throughout the region. Some of the potential rescue scenarios defined are high angle rope rescue, confined space emergencies as well as trench and structural collapses. Currently, Hartsdale, Greenville and Fairview Fire Department operate in a Squad format coming together to help assist in the event of a major emergency.

    This is terrific example of how the Fire Departments collaborative efforts have increased the operational capabilities of our emergency responders and enhanced the public safety in the Town of Greenburgh.



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    The city’s public safety commissioner is considering adding more paid firefighter positions to address the Fire Department’s lack of professional personnel, while also attempting to rectify ongoing violations against the department.


    dwcfireman and FDNY 10-75 like this

  8. From the Rye City Review:


    In the midst of petitions to the city administration from the Rye Professional Firefighters Association to address the lack of trained fire personnel, the Rye Fire Department has now been ordered to comply with a state law as a result of failing to fulfill basic municipal requirements.


    The Review has learned that the city Fire Department is in obstruction of 20 procedural policy and operational standards, 19 of which are dubbed as “serious” violations


    Of the violations, several pertain to the department’s failure to provide annual required training to employees and properly inspected protective equipment, and for not implementing suitable workplace policies regarding procedures for handling emergencies. Additionally, the department failed to make available certain vaccinations to employees with occupational exposure.


    While the department currently employs just 17 paid firefighters and as little as 30 active volunteers, 12 of whom are trained to fight indoor fires, Castelhano said the department is currently wrestling with keeping up with the industry’s standards, which calls for 15 trained firefighters responding to an emergency.


    Barry Nechis, a captain of the New Rochelle Fire Department who has written several SAFER grant applications, said the Rye Fire Department would justifiably be a candidate for grant funding. He added that New Rochelle’s Fire Department was able to add eight firefighters in 2011 as a result of SAFER funding. “Rye is in much worse shape than we are and could fit the criteria for their funding,” he said.


    SAFER is designed to assist local fire departments with staffing and deployment capabilities. As of press time, the application period will close on Feb. 10, and according to Castelhano, the city currently has no plan to apply.



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    State: Port Chester retaliated against dismissed firefighters

    PORT CHESTER — The village retaliated against eight professional firefighters when it eliminated the paid portion of the fire department last May, according to the state labor department.

    But what the village has called a budgetary decision came less than a month after the paid firefighters filed a formal complaint with the state labor department's Public Employee and Safety Health Bureau, PESH.

    The complaint outlined missteps allegedly made by department volunteers during a March 2 fire at 40 Cottage Place that it said led to firefighter injuries.

    The state's decision, dated Dec. 30, says: "Upon review of the PESH investigative report, the investigative interview summaries and the documentary evidence obtained in the course of the investigation, it is the (state labor) department's determination that the (volunteer) fire department has behaved in a discriminatory and/or retaliatory manner against the (paid firefighters)."

    *Excerpts from article


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    They’re supposed to be fighting blazes, not starting them — especially in their own firehouse.


    Members of the Goldens Bridge Fire Department in Westchester accidentally ignited a 2014 fire that wiped out their headquarters, a Manhattan federal lawsuit says.

    Their insurer filed the suit to force them to foot the bill for the damages to the tune of $9 million.


    The firefighters had been tinkering with the department’s 1998 Chevy Suburban in a “reckless, negligent and careless manner” and parked it in the firehouse, where it sparked an electrical blaze, the Arch Insurance Co. claims in the suit.


    The suit also notes that the all-volunteer department had left a self-closing fire door propped open, allowing the inferno to travel up a stairwell to the second floor.


    “Had defendant executed due and proper care in the use, maintenance, operation and control of its vehicles, equipment and the fire station bays, the accident complained of would not have occurred,” Arch alleges



    Source: NY Post FULL ARTICLE:




    GREENWICH — The Greenwich Police Department won’t be adding a jet ski to its fleet after all.


    The donated equipment would have been used for water rescues in flooded areas as well as other potential emergencies but the BET, while praising the GPD for the effort, was not convinced it was needed.

    “This doesn’t seem to me to be something, even though it appears to have no cost, is a very good use of police time,” BET member James Lash said.





    Despite petitions from the Rye Professional Firefighters Association to address the lack of a sufficient number of trained fire personnel, it is currently unclear whether the city Fire Department will receive additional funding from the City Council for 2017.


    According to John Castelhano, the president of the local firefighters’ union, despite the Fire Department’s historical label of being “staffed for failure,” it’s likely that the department will continue being “dangerously understaffed” in the next calendar year, as the city’s 2017 tentative budget does not earmark any additional funds for hiring new employees. The final city budget is expected to be adopted on Wednesday, Dec. 21.



    Further, he said an Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, representative visited the department during the summer to file a random report of its operations and compliance to federal requirements. He added that the department is expecting to receive a failing report for breaking the two-in, two-out rule. “My understanding is that, instead of fining the department, they would rather have the department in compliance by solving the problem,” he said.