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  1. dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by bfd1144 in Ossining Boxes?   
    Just curious what box numbers mean what, I'm aware a box 6-6 is a general alarm but other then that I'm not sure.
  2. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by MTD7 in Ossining Boxes?   
    Box 6-6 Full Department Response
    Box 1-1-2 South End of Village E97 E100 L41 R14
    Box 1-1-3 North End of Village E96 E99 TL42 R14
    Box 1-1-4 East End of  Village E98 E101 TL42 R14
    Box 1-1-1-1 Center of  Village E97 E98 E99 L41 R14
    Box 2-1-3 North End of Town of Ossining E96 E97 E99 TL42
    Box 2-1-4 East End of Town of Ossining E97 E98 E101 TL42
    Box 5 L41 or TL 42
    Box 7-1 R14 & E96
    Box 7-2 R14 & E97
    Box 7-3 R14 & E98
    Box 7-4 R14 & E99
    Box 7-5 R14 & E100
    Box 7-6 R14 & E101
    Box 7-7 R14
    Box 8-1 E96
    Box 8-2 E97
    Box 8-3 E98
    Box 8-4 E99
    Box 8-5 E100
    Box 8-6 E101
  3. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in Con Ed Code 3   
    First off, when you get on scene the FD IC should be giving you an update on everything they HAVE done (which should include information like evacuation, monitoring, shutting a gas valve, and securing a safe perimeter) and then ask if you need anything else to be done.  My professional opinion, though.
    But is slapping red lights and sirens on utility vehicles necessary?  Like I mentioned before, if you're coming from 15 or 20 minutes away, the RLS doesn't save you much time, never mind the extra risk and liability that the company and drivers take on for driving "Code 3."  A fair example is the weird experience I had in Georgia.  Driving on the highway around Atlanta I saw a yellow truck with red lights and a siren blaring.  I move to the right, and the rig blows by me.  My friend pipes up and asks, "Was that a tow truck?"  And, yes, it was.  A tow truck!  RLS through heavy traffic....for a fender bender that the FD was never called on.  Now, this tow truck driver could have caused a major wreck, mainly because he was driving without due regard (and I know some firefighters who do the same with fire trucks), but the point is we really don't need more people one the road driving with RLS to a scene that is already mitigated, especially if the scene is no longer an emergency (like a tree down on a power line and the road is shut down from wither side).
    Yes, there are some utility emergencies that require an expedite from the utility companies that I can agree RLS would assist in a faster and safer mitigation of the situation.  Live wires down on an occupied vehicle with injured passengers is a great example of that.  I can actually recall this situation in my hometown, where we had to secure the scene and keep people away until NYSEG shut down the lines.  Another example is a contractor ripping up a gas main with an excavator.  The line needs to be shut down quickly.  Then again, how often do these incidents happen that would require a utility service to have RLS on any of their vehicles?
    I will pose this question though: Would it be a good idea to teach firefighters how to shut off the gas in the streets to stop a major gas leak that is occurring?  Or is it more complicated than shutting valves on either side of the leak?
  4. Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by bfd1144 in Millwood New York Ex 1957 B Mack restored   
    Beautiful truck
  5. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in Millwood New York Ex 1957 B Mack restored   
    I lusted after that truck for the longest time.  I was too deep in restoring by '57 B Model from my college department that I bought.  The rig from Millwood was the first rig I ever went to a fire in.  At the time of construction, was one of the most modern pieces of fire apparatus ever built.  Enclosed cab for 5 FF's, early version of pre-piped foam, 1500 gallon tank on tandem axles.  It is one of two tandem axle factory B models ever built (others were built off of Mack chassis by other apparatus outfitters).  The other went to a company just outside Pittsburgh.  This rig was re powered from a 707c to a N/A diesel (which I have always believed to be a Mack unit but not 100% sure), power steering was added (it wasn't very effective), auto trans replaced the 5 speed crash box (the rig should have always been spec'd with a 5speed main and at least a two or three speed aux box) and air brakes were added.  Even with the diesel the rig was a pig, but it served Millwood very will until 1995 when T-15 was purchased.  My first job on this rig (and one of its last) was a fire in Yorktown's southern box on Adams Ridge Road running as a tanker.  The following year it shuttled a few loads of water 1994 I believe at a big fire in Croton's box on Bethea drive.  That was about it for the rig though.  It was incredibly slow even with the diesel motor.  You could potentially jog up Allapartus Road faster than this thing could go.  It was also limited as a tanker because it didn't have a dump valve and the TTP valve to pump the load off was only 1.5inch.
    Nonetheless, this is my absolute favorite piece of firefighting history and quite possibly the most handsome fire truck ever produced.  I'm not sure who owns it now, but the restoration that they performed appears to be of the quality that I had planned for it if I ever got a hold of it (and subsequently what I did on my '57 from college.)
    My '57

  6. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3   
    If the water department is requested on a rush for a water main break or Con Ed electric is requested for down wires on a rush, should they all have emergency lights and sirens too?
    Sorry for the sarcasm but there are all ready too many vehicles with red lights and sirens.  Adding more won't help us get anywhere and it isn't about what an IC wants.  It's what the law says.  There's no provision in law for utility vehicles to be emergency vehicles.

    The fire department is already there, they responded with lights and siren.  They can make the scene safe until Con Ed arrives whether within 14 minutes or 40 minutes.
  7. Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by bfd1144 in Millwood New York Ex 1957 B Mack restored   
    Beautiful truck
  8. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by SOUSGT in Tax Watch: Hartsdale fire's undisclosed thousands   
    From the NYS Department of Financial Services: 
    Question: What can fire tax funds be used for?
    Answer: Except as otherwise provided by a special act, fire tax proceeds may be used for any purpose which the members of the fire department or company determine to be for the use and benefit of the department or company as a whole.

    Some examples of how the funds can be used include: department social functions - such as installation dinners, picnics, banquets, holiday parties; appliances, furniture, televisions for the firehouse; dress & parade uniforms, hats, boots, jackets, t-shirts, turn out gear, and equipment for members of the department; offset of costs from life or disability insurance (must be group policies); and office equipment such as computers and fax machines. 

    If the funds are designated to be received by an exempt or benevolent association created by a special act of the New York State Legislature, the use of the monies is limited to those purposes set forth in the special act. 

    For further clarification on this issue contact the Office of the State Comptroller, Division of Legal Services, at (518) 474-3444.
    However the articles of incorporation or rules of the individual organizations may be more restrictive. 
  9. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by velcroMedic1987 in Tax Watch: Hartsdale fire's undisclosed thousands   
    Absolutely not true.  They may have far more latitude than with tax dollars but they are accountable to the taxpayer on their expenditures.
  10. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Convicted Arsonist that killed 87 people Dead   
    Awww boo hoo hoo...may he rest in a pit of fire writhing in agony for all eternity
  11. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Harrison Firefighter to be featured on "Guys Grocery Games"   
    I forgot to update this.....AJ won!!!
  12. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Radio Etiquette   
    Some years ago I would have agreed with this, but today F@#k this, F@#k that and f@#k the other thing, IS the language of the public realm. Nobody cares how many f@#ks one gives anymore. I mean jeez, just about any movie you see has more F bombs than anything else in the dialogue for Christ's sake.
    On the video, honestly, if telling a crew to get their line in place and "put the f@#king fire out" over the radio gets them moving to do just that...well then that's A-OK in my book. But hey, my ears lost their virginity a long long time ago so...
  13. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by BFD1054 in Radio Etiquette   
    If that's what it takes to get your point across to get the job done, so be it.
    Hope everyone went home safe.
    We've become so PC and pussified in recent years, it's scary.
    Does is sound professional? Maybe not. But the men making these statements are likely some of the most professional in the business. 
  14. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by Chkpoint in Radio Etiquette   
    Seriously you are upset over language on a fire ground /tac radio?  As long as it's not over main communications talk to each other however you want.  On my jobs tac channel we speak anyway which way to get the job done or get a point across. As long as FCC and scanner buffs listening everywhere don't hear it who cares.  This sounds like more PC BS that doesn't need to be brought up or have a topic thread open about it.  Nice video though hope everyone got home safe. 
  15. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by firebuff860 in Radio Etiquette   
    God forbid you ever hear get me a god damn line up here. I would be offended to hear that anywhere. Glad to see FDNY suffers like everyone else once in a while.
  16. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by FF398 in Montrose Fire Dept Chiefs?   
    Well, I'm currently one of the officers with Montrose. As I had previously stated, every position with the exception of 2nd assistant chief is correct on the website. Any questions feel free to pm me. 
  17. EmsFirePolice liked a post in a topic by bfd1144 in Montrose Fire Dept Chiefs?   
    Chief: Pete Kolesar
    1st Assistant Chief: Scott Gilbert
    I believe the 2nd Assistant Chief positions is vacant.
  18. vodoly liked a post in a topic by bfd1144 in Syosset Long Island TL 582 Dedication & Wetdown 7/30/16   
    Jeez people get asshurt on here.. god forbid you have some fun!
  19. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Economic Study: Volunteer Firefighters Save NY Taxpayers More than $3 Billion Each Year   
    As Alan said studies like these are always going to show the results in the client's favor...those results are bought and paid for by the client so it can be no other way. With that said almost universally volunteers are going to cost less...and that is just a simple mathematical fact. Don't think so, then riddle me this:, Where does the vast majority of the money go in a career FD's budget? Salaries and benefits of the employees, aka career firefighters...that's where. No salaries= a significant reduction in cost. So let's not try to pretend that an all paid service is going to be won't case closed. On the flip side of that coin though is the quality of service provided for the money spent and in this the level of service provided by a paid department is almost universally going to be better than that provided by volunteers, for all of the reason so often cited closed there too. So where does that leave us? After spending tens of thousands of dollars to get the study results you want and then touting those results as fact what has been accomplished? Not much really...wanna know why? Because for all the dollars thrown at the issue of which type of fire protection is better, in the end we don't decide the matter, the citizens do. And that my friends is just as it should be, after all it's their tax dollars and their lives is it not? And since it is, the type of fire protection they get is THEIR choice to make not ours. Point being don't waste your money on studies everybody knows are skewed anyway, they don't rally matter to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public. Fact is that money could be far better spent dealing with the real issue...
    And what is that real issue? That's a gimme boys, ...the real issue is the adversarial relationship that has grown ever more ingrained and vicious between paid and volunteer firefighters in recent times. Well guess what fellas, paid or volunteer, we all do the same job...protect lives and property. Do some do it "better"? sure they do. Do some do it "cheaper"? you bet, but the fact is, we all do it...period  Now you can thump your chest and stomp your feet...why you can even take that study you paid for in hand and go yell your point from the rooftops. Sure get out there and let everyone know how much better trained you are, or how much cheaper you are or any one of a hundred other BS arguments, but in the end, for all of our bombast, that's all it is, bullsh! matter how many studies you pay for to "prove" otherwise. Here's the deal, our self imposed divisions serve no one and have done nothing to better OUR fire service and each and every one of us should be ashamed that we've let it degenerate this far. Worst of all though is that the biggest losers from all of our bullsh!t are those we are all supposed to be here to protect and serve, our citizens ...anybody remember them in all this?
    The best thing we as a service could do is to start trying to find ways to work together for the greater good of everyone...firefighters and our citizens alike. Now sure there are many things which divide us, some valid some not, some real some imagined, but there is one thing which unites us all as firefighters and that is our common mission...protecting those in need. High time that came first. High time THEY came first.
    I will leave you with this: Many moons ago when I joined my first VFD, standing on the firehouse apron one evening, I was told by a old weathered veteran member, "Remember kid you're not here for're here for them" as he pointed out to the neighborhood around us. In my 36+ years I've never forgotten that piece of advice. So tomorrow morning, as you look in that mirror, let those words ring in your ears as you start your day serving your community. With that as the basis for our actions we will find the common ground we all know is there to make OUR fire service better today than it was yesterday...And that my friends is a win/win no matter what side of the coin you're on.
  20. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by 4truck48 in Economic Study: Volunteer Firefighters Save NY Taxpayers More than $3 Billion Each Year   
    Wow! Just think how much money could be saved if EVERYONE did their job for FREE.
  21. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by fdalumnus in Mount Vernon firefighter's Instagram post sparks outrage   
    he's not a guy i would get along with. and he's an officer?
    i was actually happy the other day when i read the article about the fdmv crew who bought an a/c unit for a person. finally some positive news. then this.
    [shaking my head] 
  22. bfd1144 liked a post in a topic by Disaster_Guy in Question Regarding 4 Alarm Fire in Bronxville, New York - August 2, 2016   
    Rumor is that Yonkers Battalion Chiefs - who come along with the 1 & 1 (a Battalion 3 is sometimes placed into service back in YO) - like taking over operations/command at the fire scene. When you don't play nice in somebody else's sandbox they don't have to invite you back to play...