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Everything posted by AndyC3J

  1. Middletown units have their own numbers within the city, and are also assigned a county number for mutual aid responses. The FD dispatches itself and has it's own radio frequency, so Engine 1, Truck 3, etc. communicate directly with the dispatcher at Central Firehouse. For a mutual aid response, say an out of town rescue call, or the Galleria or something, the chief will notify the county that Engine 126 or Truck 132 is enroute. Orange County's numbers are all three digit, with the first number being the battalion in which that department is located. Given the previous example, Middletown is in Battalion 1. There aren't certain numbers assigned to certain units, like in other areas. The units are just referred to as "Engine XXX, Truck XXX, Tanker XXX, Rescue XXX, etc." Chiefs are just called Car 1, Car 2, etc.
  2. NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! Say it ain't so! PLEASE! That would be a travesty of justice, to put it mildly.
  3. Growing up, I always equated "Hook and Ladder" with a tiller (TDA), mainly because that's what the one in my city was called. Had it right in the company name, too. Furthermore, I've never had anyone "correct" me for saying "That's a sharp looking TRUCK" when referring to an engine/pumper. We all know it's a "truck", as opposed to a CAR...LOL! And, as for the ambulance subject.....bus, meat wagon, bone box, gut's all good!
  4. Hmmm......I'm going down to Rutherford on Saturday. Maybe I'll top off down there for the return trip. Still hovering around $2.39 in my neighborhood.
  5. Is it just me, or does that thing look like a big white elephant? LOL! I prefer the Mack MR, personally.
  6. All of the "bugs" I had previously commented on had been corrected up until the most recent makeover. It still works properly using IE, but using Safari, the featured photo is way off to the right again, on the opposite side of the right column, instead of being in the center where it belongs. Aside from that, everything else seems to be as it should.
  7. Huh? As for Mack, FDNY's use of them (or lack thereof) had nothing whatsoever to do with them not making apparatus anymore. Actually, it would make more sense to say it was the other way around.....FDNY went Seagrave because they couldn't get Mack anymore.
  8. That is one SHARP lookin' engine right there!
  9. I think Seagrave's problems with FDNY lie with all the mechanical issues the newer rigs are having, and if they do go with anyone else, I think that will be the reason. There's already been a Ferrara engine there, and it didn't hold up well, from what I understand. Although, the members who used it supposedly liked it. I still can't believe they haven't tried a Pierce Arrow XT yet. Wasn't that supposed to be the "target audience" of the XT.....a large dept. with a lot of activity? As for "having their hands full", check out KME and the orders they're currently working on for Los Angeles County and San Diego. That's a big order!
  10. How about the Westchester County Center? Easy to get to, plenty big enough, etc. Just a thought.
  11. Nobody seems to know what the deal is with that.....or if they do, they aren't saying. Hopefully it is still in the works. However, the beans have been spilled. Next year, we will see ALF Eagle tillers!
  12. There's still a version of "Family Feud" around, but it's never been the same since Richard Dawson left.
  13. Already done.
  14. I agree wholeheartedly. Even more so considering the buzz that it's going to be a "then and now" set. That'd be great! Still awaiting word as to which piece will be the "then" portion. I know the guy who owns the 1/1 of the '58 Mack C that 305 had. Would be nice to have that. Not confirmed whether it'll be the C or the CF that gets released with the new Seagrave.
  15. The DP pics have been there since the day it was announced, but the Pierces were added today. They replaced FDNY E-1 and L-24, which are posted on here in another thread, for those who missed 'em. Hey Seth, when the travel bug releases it's grip on you, come join us at Larry's place (!
  16. The existing 9-Tower was listed for sale on Tyler Fire Equipment's site some time ago. I could be wrong, but I think it had already been sold. Not there (on the site) anymore, so maybe it has?
  17. Well, I don't want to go to the Olive Garden quite so badly as I did after the initial airing, but I do still wish I was 18 again. Glad to hear everyone is well, and enjoying the new house. Congrats again!
  18. Just a reminder to all.....Arena family episode replays tonight. Great show, don't miss it.
  19. Just for ha-ha's, I launched Netscape, and it works fine on there.
  20. Resolution is presently 1024x768. Not sure of exact monitor size. It's built into the iMac. Possibly 15-inch?
  21. Yes, I'm on a Mac. When I use Safari, it loads with the feature photo and related picture links crammed into the bottom of the right-side column under the sponsor links. When using IE, it loads the way it should, but the feature photo doesn't show up. Haven't tried it using Netscape yet.
  22. I saw New Canaan's 1975 ALF mid-mount today. It is privately owned now, and lives in the same building with Ossining's old Maxim mid-mount, and Thornwood's Mack CF engine, although not all are owned by the same guy. Nice looking rig, it is.
  23. I like the new layout, but after the first couple of days, something changed, and it doesn't load right. Guess that's one of the joys of using an antiquated computer.
  24. Y'know, after seeing 10-75's pics there, maybe the Velocity isn't all that bad. I think it will take some getting used to, and will probably grow on me eventually, like the Quantum and Spartan Evolution have. I think the mirrors would be better if they were painted the color of the body instead of that chrome or stainless steel, whatever it is. I'd like to see one with the traditional mirrors, and painted in "normal" colors. That will be the real test. Still, no matter what they do with it, it will not change the fact that the Dash and Lance are gone. That sucks.
  25. I heard "most" of that elsewhere as well. Hey, I wonder if they'd consider another 100th Anniversary package for FDNY L-30 (seen on main page of Bravo) like what they did for 26 last year? Or, at least just the truck?