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Posts posted by ja3kfd

  1. Town Of Bedford has the capabillity to fine repeat offenders, they are supposed to get a alarm permit as well with all the contact info ie keyholders set up with alarm company, It is all part of the alarm ordinance, the Chief has to indicate in his report he gives to town every month who needs to be fined, We also have a Knox Box Ordinace for both Commercial and Gates in Town Homeowner has option of putting one in for his home , Gates and Commercial are mandatory.

    The Town does go after them plenty of people have gone to court and ended up paying fines.

  2. 5 days till muster if anyone still wants to put together a team you still can, the weather is forecast to be nice on Saturday, you can come up with your whole family, there is plenty to due up at Camp Kiwi, it is a great place and you would be helping a worthwhile cause so if you can find the time please stop in and support us.


  3. I just got a call from Victoria . She had 1 minute to talk to us so she has been in receiving since she has gotten there. She starts offically on Tuesday, she sounded really great, but upset and missing home all at the same time, she said to say thank you to everyone and she misses being at Somers and running on calls.

    I told her how proud we are of her and she will be fine , of course this is thru both of us crying at the same time, Gina was not here to take the call so I now she will be upset about that .

    God Bless Victoria and all that are in her Basic Class and Thank You. You will do us all proud.

    RJB896 and JM15 like this

  4. Victoria left Albany around 5pm and transfered in detroit and Landed in Missouri around 10pm NY time,( 1 hour behind) waiting for pick up at airport to go to base.

    We all wish her well, as well as the three people she went with ( they all are going for MP) I lost a huge help,around my house, but the Army and the USA gained a great women to represent us and make sure this great country we live in will be safe for years to come. THANK YOU and all that are serving and have served.

    JIm and Gina Arena

  5. My third Child left from Purdys NY today to head up to Albany to a 5 year stint in the US Army, she is going to Missouri for Boot Camp and AIT training to become a M P. Her Mother and I are extremely proud of her , she has been a member of Somers FD since she was 16, she has completed EMT and FF 1 and 2 and Safety and Survival. ( She is 20) I want to wish her all the best as well I want to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I also wish to Thank all who have and are currently serving THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done for this great country we all live in.

    Jim and Gina Arena

    God Bless America

  6. 2012Muster3.pdf

    OKay after much craziness , and running around the MUSTER is on June 16th which is a Saturday, 12:00 to 4:00 pm same competions but Camp Kiwi will also be open for everyones enjoyment. Attached is the flyer:

    I will be mailing everything out letters and forms after Monday when we ship Victoria off to Boot Camp.

  7. Its not common knowledge yet because the contract is not signed yet with kiwi , i realize it is late but we are busy with life and victoria leaving for boot camp next week my mind is not as sharp as it could be....


    BFD1054 likes this

  8. Ed I have not looked at our website in a while but Katonah did away with 3" hose while I was chief, that was 2000 to 2003 in the beginning we had a split bed of 3" and 5" on 116 the other enginges did have that much 5" back then. My thoughts and theroy on the quint is we need to do more with less. In my thinking and in what I have seen in my time in Katonah if we had a Quint, as first due, and if call is in hydrant district we could do, most if not all with the one combination truck.

    I am not here to argue or get anyone angry , but the pizza station would be a good example of having everything in front with one truck. A hydrant with 150 psi and plenty of volume as well aerial, ground ladders, crosslays, all in one shot , full crew on rig, yes we have a lot of traing ahead of us but with the training we have going on, the guys that are doing it, alredy do it for a living and are officers on ladders and a lot of years under there belts we should be good given the time, to become proficent in using it.

    Out of the hydrant district Quint with tanker and then we will have to take it from there,either Katonah engines and mutual aid tankers or however it plays out.

  9. Tanker 6 has 600 feet of LDH

    Engine 115 has approx. 1300 feet LDH

    Engine 116 has approx. 1400 feet LDH

    Engine 117 has approx. 1400 feet LDH

    Katonah has put quite a bit of thought into this, yes we have alot of training to do yes we have alot to learn, if the truck is not ordered it will be ordered,soon.

    I did not pay attention if they said it was ordered as I am on the truck commitee but Katonah and Somers Commisioners meetings are the same night so I can not be at both.

    Smeal 75 foot, 400 gallons water 1000 feet 5" LDH, Rear Mount Ladder , Crosslays, ground ladders. etc.

    Ladder would fit in building as is know,

    We noticed that the floor drains were starting to break up, upon further investigation found out the orginal floor, ( not addition floor was collapsing and had voids under it, also need to add a oil seperator as per DEC, which was not needed when addition was put on building.

    in my opinion if they were ever to consolidate Town of Bedford into one FD we would still need both a Tower and a straight stick, get rid of some pumpers sure but I am not the one to do any of that in Bedford. I do think they will complimant each other nicely in town. Also we will not be getting rid of 117 the engine that is do to be replaced until further on down the road and we configure response, training etc.

    firedude and x4093k like this

  10. In Bedford they are requested to be installed by the Fire Districts at the time of the development. (Cisterns and or Dry Hydrants) The districts are part of the town planning process. Also more and more the Insurance companies are getting homeowners to put them on there property to reduce the Insurance cost and risk.In Bedford The town has installed and maintains the dry hydrants in all three districts. The few private ones are tested and checked

    by the FD.