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Posts posted by ex-commish

  1. t

    Really? The hat was making it difficult to subdue the guy? Were his socks making it difficult as well? The people on this site are so brainwashed in favor of fire, ems, and law enforcement that these cops could have shot this guy while he was laying in the street and they would still be patting these guys on the back in this thread! I just love how long it took for two well-trained law enforcement professionals to take one disorderly moron into custody! What did they even stop him for? J walking? Suspicious activity? Even though they outnumbered him two to one it took kicks to the head, pepper spray, and a taser in addition to 45 seconds of wrestling this guy to get him into custody. I just hope the liberal media gets this video front and center on the morning news tomorrow and we'll see what the public thinks about the actions of these troopers and not just the fan club here on this site! My vote is that their actions were egregious...as usual! Police view the public as the enemy! The old mentality of "protect and serve" is nonexistent nowadays! It's been changed to "command and taze."

    Have you ever had to restrain someone who is resisting and combative? Good job troopers!!!

    Newburgher, M' Ave and BFD1054 like this

  2. 1. So long as personnel are operating within the IDLH - then yes, someone needs to be designated to the responsibility of firefighter rescue. How an IC handles this is their call.

    2. Why doesn't Westchester have an accepted minimum training / minimum staffing requirement in the Mutual Aid plan for a FAST company?

    3. Why is everyone depending on the Mutual Aid FAST to be their "solution" to cover their 2 In / 2 Out? Someone needs to be the "2 Out" right off the bat if you got "2 In."

    4. What is a department's SOG when they have a MAYDAY? This is something our department is working on now for several months. Our biggest concern isn't so much what happens at an incident in our jurisdiction, it's when we go Mutual Aid. How do we go about getting the resources we're looking to get? What do you do if that IC refuses to call for them?

    5. It's 2014. We have talked about FAS Teams for what, 15 or more years and had the same discussions/debates... let's knock off this bullshit and get a gf***ing plan in place, train on it and pray we never need it! This isn't about paid vs. volunteer, this isn't about calling a department because they're your drinking buddies - THIS IS TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN.

    I'm sorry guys, but this stuff truly strikes a nerve with me. But I know DAMN WELL that those of you who are intelligent firefighters, officers or past officers are agreeing with me and beating your head against your desk just like me.

    John I agree with you but like I stated in the past it begins with the willingness of local leadership to get on board and change.

  3. 1) Nobody in NYS believed it, it was claimed by many in the fire service it would not be used against us, but at the same time the judges & lawyers were saying it would.

    2) The volunteer fire service needs to convince FASNY. They have lobbied against it on your behalf for decades.

    While I agree # 2 is correct we need to start convincing at the local level first....without that you have nothing. #1 goes without saying,

    CFI609D likes this

  4. Christmas lights are not religious, wreaths are seen on the front of many rigs and again not religious (unless you go back to the druids) and the courts have stated this along with the fact that religious symbols can not be displayed.

    I see no issue with Santa fire apparatus runs, except when depts. violate V&T laws and dept policies by having Santa ride on top of the rig. Can you imagine the effect on a small child, if Santa falls off the rig and gets crush.

    Christmas in this country is 2 different events; 1) It is the celebration of the birth of Christ for those that believe that and should be celebrated in the homes & houses of worship of those that believe and 2) it is a commercial (non-religious) event where people celebrate at the malls and on line.

    Then there is the day after....day of returns :)

    M' Ave and Bnechis like this