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Posts posted by JAD622

  1. Sadly, it was just reported that 1 of the Officers has passed away. A terrible price to pay, leaving a wife and four young children without a Father. I truly hope the NYPD implements SOP's that protect responding Officer's in the future to prevent this from happening again. While their efforts were certainly valiant, the outcome was tragic. Proper training for Police Officers to effectively evaluate the location, severity and potential victims effected and relayed to responding FD units can be of tremendous value and drastically enhance the success of the operation for all involved. My prayers for the Officer's family and for the second Officer's full recovery.

    FirNaTine likes this

  2. At 0405 hrs 60-Control had the following FDNY run down:

    ~FDNY UNITS ON SCENE ENG'S 38,66,63,97 LAD 51, 61, 39 BATT'S 15,20,17,14,27,

    ~SQUAD61, DIV 7, R3, FOAM 96 E96, E72, FOAM 95 ENG 95, SAT 2, PURPLE K84 E84,


    Yes FDNY does have the resources, but where did these units come from, what were their response times ? Getting a lesser response quicker may be the proper call. What good is getting a major response if it takes 30 minutes or more to arrive vs. a smaller response that arrives in 10-15 minutes. So to say JUST CALL FDNY might be the wrong call.

    Just to shed some light on this event ( I was there on the first alarm assignment)the resources supplied by FDNY were a result of their own Commanders actions. PMFD Chief called for foam right at the start of this job from FDMV, FDNR and then YFD. NYC received multiple 911 calls from nearby Bronx resident's who heard and saw the explosions and the Bronx CO sent their own assignment to the scene.The PMFD Chief did not waste any time in his decisions and all of the FDNY resources listed were sent by request of Division 7 Chief on the scene.ALL units worked very well together throughout the operation to bring about a successful conclusion with no serious injuries to any members or civilians.Hope this clears things up.

    Alpinerunner, x635, M' Ave and 2 others like this

  3. As long as Politicians control the fire service, there is little hope for our future. They are capitalizing on an unfortunate set of circumstances of which they are a BIG contributor to! (the financial meltdown of this Country’s economy) and are using this opportunity to come after us FULL THROTTLE. As anyone of reasonable intelligence should know, Politicians along with this Country’s greedy Bankers and Corporate Pirates have run this Country’s economy in the dirt and now need someone (or Something) to blame it all on!

    Since almost every working American is suffering financially right now, they are easily swayed into believing that Career Firefighters and Police are the cause of all their financial woes. Most people throughout the course of their lives rarely call upon our services and many are fortunate enough to never experience the tragedy of a fire, first hand. With that, it’s not hard for some sharp tongue Politician’s along with the corporate controlled newspapers to discredit Cops and Firemen almost daily.

    It’s no secret that Professional Services cost money. It’s been that way for a long time. It’s no secret that SOME have abused the system as well. Dishonesty and corruption live in every walk of life. If the dishonesty and corruption of Politicians were revealed in full to the American people, the sheer stench alone will kill us all! Their one distinct advantage is they control the Media and have the ability to influence the masses with their “Spin” of the facts. As distorted as the wish to make them! We are always defending ourselves to a tainted audience!

    With all that is going on, some Volunteer organizations have seized this opportunity to align themselves with these Politicians (i.e. SVFD) to capitalize on a unique opportunity to position themselves as the answer to everyone’s financial problems. This is a powerful combination to those who do not have the depth of knowledge about the services they receive and the history of this ongoing issue. They only know what they are told in the newspapers which from what I have read, is alarmingly vague.

    In a recent post, FFPCogs writes; “It may come to pass that this will be an epic failure.” Should that be the case, who will shoulder the blame? Of course no one responsible will be anywhere to be found! So who pays the price if this fails? All those who have been misled all along! Not a legacy I would want to be attached to!

    ………….and so it goes on.

    PCFD ENG58, FD828 and Bnechis like this

  4. I'm noticing more and more agencies that aren't using Nextel anymore.

    I dumped them after months of horrible customer service, and have been a happy AT&T customer. AT&T has a PTT feature, but I have no clue how it works. I miss the Nextel Direct Connect convienence, and wish they would open up the technology to other carriers.

    If you have an iPhone or an Andriod phone, try an app called "TIKL" works almost as good as Nextel and it's a free app. Been using it for a while now and it's not bad. It's cross platform between iPhone and Android too and offers group's up to 10 user's I believe. No BB app yet although they say it's coming.

  5. I'm just guessing but I believe the two hatches open in the center of the roof ( I was in R1 once) and they had theirs open, so it seems that would be the only way to get to those ladders? Certainly not easy either but that's the only way I can see getting them. Anybody else?

    P.S. As I read this back, I realized I left myself open for a BIG Duh! I don't expect that they would get a ladder INTO that hatch! I meant to pass it down over the side maybe? Just wanted to make that thought clear before I got pummeled!
