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Posts posted by Bnechis

  1. SAFER grants as with all AFG grants can be modified. If you reduce the number of hires, you have to write a paragraph or 2 explaining your reason and thanking them (not required). If they only hire 8 or 16, they only download the money for that amount. FEMA works with you to try to get you the best arraignment.

    The only absolute with SAFER is you can not go back and ask for more. If you failed to anticipate raises or other costs, that's on you.

  2. You both are mistaken, we in fact do have a heavy rescue. If I figure out how to put pics on here I would show you.

    Thank you.

    To add pictures click "more reply options" button at the lower right corner of the reply box. You can then attach files.

    In general, most "heavy rescues", unless they have an additional unit(s) or trailers are not what is being referred to here. One must carry trench shoring, building collapse shoring, and other specialized tools for USAR based function.

    FEMA & NYS have extensive information on "Typing" which is used to determine capabilities.

  3. No mix up. The grant was awarded to TOR to hire 24 FFs. As such, the new hires have to be assigned to work there.

    If I understood the article correctly, these new FFs will be on the city payroll, which will make them city employees. They will also be members of the existing firefighters' local. This will create a situation where you'll have two groups of employees in the same job classification, performing the same job, for the same employer, represented by the same union, but receiving different compensation packages. Maybe it's the Executive Union Officer in me talking, but this is going to be a mess!

    The article indicated that the city was going to make up the difference in the compensation the TOR failed to ask SAFER for.

  4. 1) Your trucks are not "specially equipped or designed for the towing or pushing of vehicles." It just happens to be something they can physically do, in addition to their intended purpose.

    2) And highway maintenance is defined, as permits are needed, so I doubt you file for a permit every time you respond to an MVA. That's all an aside though,

    3) I generally agree these laws are not realistic.

    4) Not only would you have to sell that your engine was designed for pushing and towing vehicles, those lights "shall be displayed on a hazard vehicle when such vehicle is engaged in a hazardous operation." Which means "the operation, or parking, of a vehicle on or immediately adjacent to a public highway while such vehicle is actually engaged in an operation which would restrict, impede or interfere with the normal flow of traffic," which creates all kinds of new problems.

    5) This would suggest you must be able to disable the amber flashing lights except when meeting one of those conditions. So, whenever not on or adjacent to a public highway as those terms are defined and actually engaged, you must have a way to turn them off. Absurd, right? I agree.

    6) But as you said, a "creative lawyer..." My point, if I have one, is that a "creative lawyer" couldn't make either of these claims fly. Either the blue forward facing lights, nor the amber on your trucks. They are both well accepted practice nationally, and best-practice in many areas. So to argue that something that is generally considered "best practice" almost everywhere else, was somehow the proximate cause of a civil tort in New York, is, well, just a tad far fetched for my taste.

    Excellent points!

    1) Actually we require the manufacture builds the front bumper without damaging the vehicle (and minimizing damage to the pushed vehicle, if possible) so it can be used for pushing,

    2) I could not fined a definition in the V&T for highway maintenance, but it did define "highway" as including all publicly owned road. Now that being said, there are approximately 180 miles of public highway in my city (excluding I-95 & the HRP). And they are controlled/maintained by our DPW. The engineering department is responsible for issuing "maintanince permits" to any entity that cuts through the pavement, or patches, fills or repaves it. Since they do not issue permits for the level of maintenance that we do, this is a none issue. In addition Federal & State law requires clean up of spilled hazardous materials on these roads, which we perform, again no permits are issued to anyone for this type of work.

    3) Why should they be the exception to anything else that comes out of Albany. :D

    4) I do not know if the courts would consider "responding" as operating (and we can all establish that it is considered hazardous) , but that does restrict, disrupt and impede normal traffic. Once we stop we clearly do this. Also if while moving its improper, then DOT, DPW's, Sanitation & Tow Trucks are all violating this as they are "operating" while moving all the time.

    5) not that we do, but we can. Since once out of the fire house we are always on or adjacent to a public highway, so the only issue is does #4 apply, prior to our arrival. Of course its absurd (see #3).

    6) We use the law firm of Duewe Cheatum & Howe. Was told by a NYS Judge (at a multi day seminar on FD Vehicle Liability) that best practices & even standards (like NFPA) outside NYS would generally not be admitted if it was to defend against a state regulation.

  5. Read the VTL closely, those amber lights on emergency vehicles are illegal in New York. So, if an engine/rescue/truck gets rear ended while having amber flashing lights, is that a home run for a civil claim. Of course not. But if your worried about it and your in a command position, how can you allow your department to continue to display those amber lights and "flout the law." I say that sarcastically, because I live in the real world.

    It has been some time since I last read the V&T laws, their have been some minor language changes and you bring up an interesting point. The definition of a hazard vehicle has changed, in the past amber light could be used on any vehicle involved in an operation where it was operating at reduced or different speeds than the flow of traffic. Now its rather limited, so as I read it, the following vehicles that regularly use amber lights are breaking the V&T: security companies, private security (hospitals, manufacturing, universities, etc.), oversized vehicles, escort vehicles, delivery vehicles, USPS (except on rural routes), fleet maintenance & repair vehicles, etc.

    Now while it is a little vague as to who may use ambler, it does indicate that as long as a vehicle is designed to push a disabled vehicle (our fire trucks are so equipped) or is involved in highway maintenance (like cleaning up a fluid spill or the remaining debris at a crash) as we regularly do, then the regulation clearly allows us to use amber lights.

    At the same time its hard to get past the language for blue lights as its on point:

    Article 9, 375, 41. 4. b. In addition to the red and white lights authorized to be displayed pursuant to paragraph two of this subdivision, one or more blue lights or combination blue and red lights or combination blue, red and white lights may be affixed to a police vehicle, fire vehicle, ambulance, emergency ambulance service vehicle, and county emergency medical services vehicle provided that such blue light or lights shall be displayed on a police vehicle, fire vehicle, ambulance, emergency ambulance service vehicle, and county emergency medical services vehicle for rear projection only.

    INIT915 likes this

  6. Who cares? You can argue and quote the laws all you want. Who is going to pull them over and cite them?

    While no one is going to "pull them over and cite them". If they are involved in an accident, a smart lawyer will use this against the dept. and the taxpayers may end up paying, even if the incident had nothing to do with the color of the lights.

    Very hard to have credibility in court, when you violate the law and you should have known better. Actually that's part of the tort standards that will be used against them.

    SRS131EMTFF likes this

  7. Yes. Very well designed. Lots of internal features, including security features. Major advantage, no greasing, no painting. just flushing (for the plumbing) is all that is needed for annual maintenance.

    Disadvantage, they are much more expensive than standard hydrants. Over the long run they will save money, but it may take 15 to 20 yrs to break even (not bad on a 50 - 75 yr life).

    FFPCogs likes this

  8. Response time being whatever it is, shouldn't at least one squad be positioned closer to Northern Westchester for a quicker response? It might take an hour for Squad 4 to assemble and respond to a incident in Yorktown or Peekskill? Unless Putnam County has a similar system?

    We tried to establish squads in northern Westchester, a number of depts. were approached and some trained. but politics got in the way.

  9. SO, if it was a true trench collapse, with a victim entrapped, my question is this- other than FDNY- Special Operations command units, and Yonkers FD, do any other career depts. have on-duty,fully staffed (more than 3 firefighters on-duty) companies available to respond out of their district? How far out of their immediate response area would they be able to respond? Do they have a second piece stocked with shoring materials? What is the procedure to get their response, and how long would it take for them to get permission to leave their municipality?

    The Westchester Special Operations Task Force(WSOTF) is a mutual aid group consisting of 11 Career FD's. The departments are divided into squad companies. Every squad is trained in Hazmat/WMD, Trench, Building Collapse, Confined Space & Rope Rescue. Each Squad is equipped with Hazmat/WMD equipment (except Yonkers handles it outside the squad). Greenville, New Rochelle & Yonkers squads have collapse rescue units in addition (which carry Trench, Building Collapse, Confined Space & Rope Rescue equipment). White Plains Squad also has collapse (but I am not sure if they carry trench).

    The squads are assigned as follows:

    Squad # 1 Yonkers

    Squad # 2 New Rochelle (with Larchmont & Pelham Manor recently being added)

    Squad # 3 Mt Vernon

    Squad # 4 White Plains

    Squad # 5 Eastchester / Scarsdale

    Squad # 6 Fairview / Greenville / Hartsdale

    Each squad must respond with a minimum of 5ff's & 1 Off. But some respond with more.

    Yonkers Squad Responds with a Collapse Unit. Their USAR Trailer responds with the Rescue and a USAR Task force to support the squads.

    Both Greenville & White Plains have collapse units.

    New Rochelle Responds with either hazmat/WMD support unit or Heavy Rescue and Collapse Rescue unit. New Rochelle was also designated for swift water rescue, has been equipped and officers have been trained as instructors. Members will be training this summer.

    The system is set up so that their are approximately 54 trained/certified responders on duty in the different depts. available to respond.

    Many of the squads have responded as far as Delaware County. NRFD has responded as far as Canada.

    We can be requested via 60 Control. Dispatch times are generally under 5 minutes to get sent out of district.

    When a tornado hit California Closets in Hawthorne (17 miles from NRFD Sta. #1) 60 Control Requested us immediately and YFD, GFD & NRFD had 50+ responders and equipment on-scene in under 25 minutes.

  10. That is one big helicopter!

    Great shots! Thanks for sharing!

    Friday afternoon 2 flew directly over my house at about 500 feet. I was in the backyard and you could feel the vibration and the down wash. Amazing. They made the cobras look like flies.

    They weigh as much as the new engine 23 and can lift up the old one.

    WHFD318 and sfrd18 like this

  11. How much effort are we making to PREVENT the use or assist people to get off the drugs? NYS wants to train 5,000 LEO's to postpone the problem. Because giving Narcan will save them...this time...but that just kicks the can down the road.

    I saw one study (from Mass.) that showed only 1% of overdoses actually receive narcan, because no call is ever made to 911, because the person is alone and cant or with "friends" who are afraid of "discovery". It also said that only about 10-12% of the narcan in the field is used in a given year, While it did not give a lot of detail, how much of that was to the AMS patient (that did not need it, but we give it incase they needed it)?

    Also, with those numbers about 70% of all narcan purchased expires without being used, and that is before we put it out on every PD, FD, & BLS unit.

    x635 likes this

  12. First ..nice engine, love the low hose bed. Question,... what is that on the top rear of the engine, looks like a step or some kind of hook ???

    Its called an I-Zone Hook.. Very popular on the west cost (I have seen about 6 different versions).

    They use it when confronted with a wildfire that threatens multiple homes, when they need to hose down an exposure, then move 1,000 feet up the road to cover another one. They just loop the hose over it like it was a garden hose, then move up the road. Much faster than repacking or rolling it.

    We do not have that issue here, but we go out on the highways, and instead of repacking it while out on the road, much safer to get off the highway sooner, and repack it somewhere safe (or warm or dry, etc.).

    Also if the last 50 or 100 feet is dirty, its easy to hose it (and the rig off) before packing it back in the bed.

    Here is another style:



    boca1day and E106MKFD like this

  13. Nothing and I mean NOTHING will save a life more than an aggressive firefighter.

    True, but at the same time NOTHING will kill Firefighters faster than the incident commander not having situational awareness, and not communicating conditions and actions to incoming and/or operating units.

    Almost the universal reason listed on every NIOSH fire ground LODD report...."Failure to Communicate" & "Failure to Command"

  14. Narcan does no good if its being paged 2 or 3 times and then goes mutual aid. And I want to see BVM's for OD before narcan.

    What is really behind all of this?

    One law enforcement supervisor told me that he was at a recent "conference" on Narcan for law enforcement that was sponsored by Amphastar Pharmaceuticals (the only manufacturer of Narcan).

    What a shock. Anyone notice that in the last 7 years the price of the drug has doubled?

    In a recent article; "Amphastar says it is not able to discuss its pricing history for competitive reasons."

    What competitive reasons, as they have a monopoly?

    Danger, Ga-Lin and SmokeyJoe like this