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Posts posted by firefighter36

  1. We tried going through the benevolent they denied it with the excuse of " not every member will or can use the gym. In order for the benevolent to buy a gym it has to benefit EVERY member and every member has to be able to use the gym. This is the problem that you run knto when you have people in charge that have been in the fd for a decade or more ans have been in a fore or have not been in a rig besides for a parade in years

    How would having a gym adversely affect members who don't use it?!?!? It can only get better for these folks if they do use it! I understand your frustration....

  2. Could your FD/Benevolent/Fire Company hire a trainer to come to the firehouse or buy gym equipment? Some departments do just that.

    Culture change is tough- it is especially tough in the fire service. However, the two leading causes of death amongst firefighters are heart attacks and cancer. A solid PT and nutrition regimen can prevent both of those. It can also keep your members in shape to a point that strains and injuries are reduced.

    You have to show how such a program could lead to a cost savings or produce a benefit. Hardest part is getting the membership and the decision makers who hold the purse strings to buy in.

  3. Not to throw gasoline on the proverbial fire, but how is the Fire Department set up? Wouldn't a Fire District who provides service to a Town be the Governing Entity in this? What authority other than an maybe an opinion does the Town Supervisor hold over the Fire District?

    While all intentions here were genuine and good, I would be nervous about what would happen if lawyers were unleashed on a case like this, we have a litigious society. Just my .02

  4. The exemptions we hear about only mean that our fine congress and senate members will be able to receive the same subsidies that any of us would receive if we purchased health insurance from an exchange. Thus, their 180k salaries wouldn't factor in to the price they would be charged like everyone else's household income would.

    Medicaid and Medicare, crazy as they can be are both up and running public options of sorts. Root out the fraud, waste, and corruption, and find a fair cost to allow folks to buy the same or better coverage that such programs provide, and there is your public option. No 5000 pages of legislation, no exchanges, and as little effect on everyone else as possible. Remember, the interstate system was established in a 16 page document.

    Seth, you remarked that everyone should have access to healthcare somehow, and you are absolutely right. There is a human side and cost to the healthcare issue in this country that is pushed aside or not portrayed accurately for the sake of political gain by our "leaders" in DC. Thank you for shedding some light on it, hopefully it reels people on both sides in and makes them think a bit more about this.

  5. Good Afternoon,

    Throughout my time reading and posting on EMTBravo, I have seen several posts regarding civilian firearms ownership and NY Gun Laws. Recently, I became and NRA Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. I have been teaching NRA Certified Pistol Courses in Dutchess County, and have several more scheduled for the summer and fall. In December, my company will also be offering the Utach Concealed Carry Permit Course.

    We conduct courses for people who are applying for their pistol permits (non-shooting) as well as Persons with pistol permits who wish to familiarize themselves with their firearms, or wish to upgrade their target and range permits to carry permits. We have state of the art training aids to help students learn pistol marksmanship skills. My goal as an instructor is to make competent, responsible, and most importantly SAFE shooters.

    Attached is a course schedule. You can register via my website,, and if you mention EMTBravo, you will get a discount.

    Also, if you are part of an organization who wishes to host a non-shooting course, contact me and we will work out a solution to use a safety course to raise funds for your organziation. Feel free to PM me on here, or email with any questions.

    Mark Bendel

    MB Firearms Safety Training

    MB Course Schedule.pdf

    BFD1054, x129K and JM15 like this

  6. Seth, crossfit also involves a great deal of mobility work with various stretches and other exercises. All workouts and moves can be scaled for an individual based on their strength and health situation. Over time, you will see a big change from day one. Crossfit, combined with good eating, works great. I am stronger than I have ever been. Definitely worth the effort and the cost. It is time consuming due to the class setting that it is taught in- it is not as easy as just going to a gym, but if it was easy, it wouldn't be crossfit.

  7. I flew recently, and tried to opt out of the body scanner. After a verbal exchange with he TSA agent, I was for all intents and purposes rushed through the scanner, and was left with no alternative. I understand airport security and concerns with keeping people from committing crimes on airplanes, etc. The TSA agent laughed at me when I mentioned the 4th amendment of the constitution.... The agent related to me that my right to bear arms didn't allow me to carry a dangerous instrument on an airplane. My frustration here is two fold. A great deal of taxpayer money is funding these scanners, and constantly changing they around or even having them in the first place doesn't seem cost effective. Additionally, from my exchange with the TSA officers, there is a serious training and educational issue. I get it, by flying, you consent to a search, etc. It blows my mind however, that we would waste such a huge amount of money on invasive search techniques that could pose a serious health risk. I'm willing to bet that bouncers at a nightclub catch more dangerous instruments on a Saturday night than the TSA catches in a year. Remember, you will soon be able to take a pen knife on a plane, but that dangerous bottle of water, well, that is just a huge security risk.

  8. Great article minus the technical symantics. Great press coverage laid out to readers in layman's terms. We offered this same opportunity to a team of reporters from a newspaper in Dutchess a few years ago when they were writing their series of articles concerning salaries, pensions, and benefits. Interestingly enough, they turned down the opportunity. The fact that a reporter is willing to step outside their comfort zone to get a real story speaks alot about their character. Good for you guys!

    JetPhoto and effd3918 like this

  9. By law in NYS, every career firefighter has to have a minimum of 229 hours of training in various topics. Most career academies run in excess of 400-600 hours of training. Additionally, all career firefighters have to meet a minimum standard of 100 hours of annual training in various topics each year.

    NYS law also outlines and mandates First Line Supervisor Training within one year of appointment for all career fire officers.

    I know some departments, specifically FDNY have training for captains and chiefs, etc. however, I do not believe that is required state-wide.

  10. I was in EMT-I class in 2009 with 50-65. While the training is hard to come by, it was a worthwhile experience and I learned a great deal.

    Like Seth said, it's a great bridge to medic class fr experience, and it is excellent for EMTs working 911.

    I re-certified as an EMT-Basic, but I can say that EMT-I training made me a better EMT, and definitely enhanced my knowledge. Though it is probably a pipe dream, It would be great to see the EMT-I curriculum as the standard for EMTs.

  11. Nassau County, NY has a Fire Marshal's Office. They are armed peace officers. In addition, many towns on Long Island also employ Fire Marshals, who are also armed peace officers. Islip is one that comes to mind. Most of these agencies serve in both code enforcement and law enforcement functions.

  12. I was in an online MPA program for a short period, completed 2 classes, however, I am a traditionalist, and would prefer to find classes in a traditional classroom setting at some point in the future. As far as how some online programs work, I would reccommend watching thr Frontline Episode College, Inc. It is an eye opening look into what some of these schools do.