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Posts posted by efd184

  1. He never flaunted his veteran status to get his job. As for the "self gratification", it's because of people like him during the entire course of our history in this country that we have the freedoms we do. We should be obliged to make sure our soldiers are well taken care of. Plus, the Police Chief, Mayor, and many taxpayers want him to serve in Sleepy Hollow.

    As for being a "mail clerk in Germany, he is a decorated veteran. He worked on Wall Street to earn income, and waited for an opening in Sleepy Hollow while on the Civil Service list. He was canvassed by many departments, but went through the entire process with Sleepy Hollow and the final stamp they needed was from the village trustees, who never have taken this kind of action before.

    Let's also not forget, although he is 35 he spent several years committed to the military, so during that time served he wasn't able to take the Civil Service test nor accept any officers due to his commitment.

    And it was his choice to make the commitment and he got 5 points for it! The point I'making is what about everyone else????? They chose different paths and should not be skipped because of him when they may have the same or better grade.

    Dinosaur likes this

  2. First, I work on the greatest job on earth, I'm blessed more than I could possibly imagine, my career is not the issue but thanks for talking out of your behind again. I will reiterate, yes he is more important than them, because while they, and you, and I, were home here enjoying freedom, he was overseas fighting for it. I worked my balls off to get my job, but I never begrudged a single person who went before me because they sacrificed their time and safety to fight for mine, and as I go forward I will applaud those who jump over me on promotion lists because of their veterans points. They DESERVE it, in fact they deserve more than this country currently gives them. The veterans points is a mere drop in a bucket for what they actually deserve. I'm over myself, I appreciate the value of others service above myself, whereas apparently you lack the ability to understand that you might not be the most deserving of something, guess you got jumped by a few vets at some point. Maybe you should have studied harder, been smarter, or served in the military and you wouldn't be so bitter.


    Not bitter at all just pointing out he got his points for being a vet. His choice was to serve. That does not mean he is gets first crack at everything. The rules are he gets points and that's what got him were he is on the list. Does that mean he had to get the job! NO!!!! The rules are the rules and everyone has to follow them and that's it. Do you think the other guys on the list are crying about not getting the job? Maybe the sanitation guy in the village really did well does he not deserve it? Or the county specials who look for a career in the pd and scores well do they not deserve ? Why are they not special?? There is a lot more to this story I'm sure but in the end there is nothing he, you and anyone else can do about it. If your so concerned march right down and have a talk with the mayor and put you money were your mouth is and see how fast your laughed at. Then you can post the video on here as they laugh you out the door!

    And btw if he was going for a job on Wall Street and said " I'm a vet I deserve a job" they would laugh.

    Serving your country is for self gratification just as being a vol fighter. You don't do it for the rewards but more the wanting to help. It's does not garuntee you get anything. Had he been a mail clerk in Germany for 2 years in the army would you all be up in arms about this? I think not.

  3. Aside from the BS small town politics:

    What makes him different is that, HE SERVED HIS COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY, SO YES HE IS MORE SPECIAL. It's sad that people like you, with ideas like this who want to enjoy all the freedoms we are afforded, and the status this country has in the world, but don't want to appreciate the men and women who ensure that freedom. The veterans credit isn't awarded arbitrarily, it's points that are deserved and rightly so. Get over yourself and start appreciating the sacrifices some have made so you can live the beautiful, easy, free from fear life that we all enjoy because of their efforts.

    No he is not he no more special then any other person who studies to get a good grade. He got the top grade with his veteran credits and that's it. What about the others who got the same grade without them? Are they not important??? Should they not get the chance for the same job? You must not have a great career like me or most here and know how hard the work is to get it or how long you have to wait so maybe you should get over yourself.


  4. What makes him "so diff" as you put it is that this does not appear to be a case of just not doing good enough in the testing process as he apparently was #1 on the list, selected by the Mayor, was endorsed by the Police Chief, supported by the community, but has a sister who is a board member that is not a political ally of the remainder of the board. Take the family relation out of the equation and unless the board is being mum about some sort of serious skeleton in his closet that nobody else appears to know about, this guy would've been unanimously approved.

    This isn't the time to just "get over it", this is exactly the type of situation in which a lawsuit contesting the hiring process should be fired, unlike the numerous lawsuits filed on behalf of minorities that don't get hired claiming "racial discrimination" because they simply weren't prepared enough to score high enough on the tests to get hired.

    He has no case and would be wasting money. Civil service laws are clear if the hire one and interview 3 it can be anyone of them.

    So yes time for him to look for something else to do.

    Dinosaur and Bottom of Da Hill like this

  5. How about we stop patting ourselves on the back for everything? You signed up or are being paid to do a job so do it. Good job bad job great job. As long as you do it to the best of your ability and move on. Do you really need to hear " great job john! You really put out that fire!" NO!!! Or how about " great job john you really set that hydrant up quickly!" NO!!! It's your job vol or career do it and move on!

    BFD1054 and velcroMedic1987 like this

  6. Does the bank teller in town get to run out the door when the pager goes off at 11am? How about the teacher who is teaching a lesson in the elementary school? I do t think they do. If your job is dpw get then that's your job not being a ff. When your done at work then you can play ff. But when the town is paying you to serve the town get to work!

    Would you still go if your job stopped paying you?

    Stop crying

    bigrig77 likes this