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Posts posted by 16fire5

  1. Difference is PD doesn't run to the media, a Law Enforcement magazine, or EMTBravo to b**** and mock FD about it.

    I personally have no problem with Firefighters. They're there to do a job just like everyone else in emergency services. My issue lies with the minority of Firefighters who have the biggest mouths and have nothing better to do but troll the internet and b**** and complain every time they perceive someone else is doing their job.

    Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

    I disagree here. There are members of PD that run to the media and to the internet and there is also a group with mouths just as big. To think that there is a difference in the type of people in PD vs. FD is nonsence. We come from the same mold. We have our problem children and you have yours.

    My 10-26 comment was a joke if your offended I'm sorry.

    I never got to read the other thread but here is what I'll say. Many times you must act based on what you are confronted with and that's what these guys did. Could it have gone wrong for them? You bet but it didn't. I will not falt them for acting. From a training and policy side I don't think it should be encouraged because there is plenty that can go wrong. In Miami Dade County the FD does training for the Police Recruits on this topic and others.

  2. I have been to a few stations in Ireland. Large on duty crews, paid chef, same kind of guys. They use the booster line as much as possible. Barry seems to have been to plenty of places and has explained many of the pluses to their systems. I think their retained system would be a much better option over our volunteer system.

  3. FDNY is currently using (Navy for FF, Blue for LT, White for Capt and above) with embroidery. Pants (4 pocket or the 6 pocket cargo style).

    If I was starting from scratch I would not copy us on this. I would wear navy or black for firefighters, lieutenants, and captains. That is unless they will be in their office all the time. Line officers are going to get dirty and the light blue shows dirt easily. You can easily differientiate rank with the embrodiery and collar brass. I have seen this in other departments.

    efdcapt115 likes this

  4. Why continue to fight the statistics. Instead why not share what your department does to prevent accidents. Do you blanket authorize everyone to have a blue light? Nowhere does it say you have to. Do you police your members when it comes to excessive lights? I'm sure we could do a study and show the guys with 8 lights on his car is more prone to drive stupid than the one with 1. Is there a zero tolerance for unsafe driving with the POV and blue lights? Revoking the privilege immediately would probably set a standard to live by. Plus the guys with the blue light driving stupid is broadcasting to everyone they are not just a stupid driver but they are a volunteer firefighter. Never good PR.

    As for the tankers I heard Billy Goldfedder touch on it recently and a friend of his is adamant that tankers should not have lights and sirens. I am prone to agree. They are a relatively small number of apparatus and account for a high number of the fatal incidents.

    Bnechis, Dinosaur and ny10570 like this

  5. I'm not surprised that accidents involving volunteers greatly outnumber paid.

    Volunteer firefighters greatly outnumber paid so of course the incidences would be correspondingly higher.

    This was just another lame attempt to create animosity between the the vols and paid. Poor judgement behind the wheel is a reflection of the

    individual regardless of compensation.

    The flaw in that arguement lies in the fact that career firefighters who make up somewhere between 20 and 25% of the firefighters in the US protect 75-80% of the population. They in turn respond to a greater number of responses than volunteers.

    For the most part driving on the career side is usually done by more senior members. These members drive apparatus for a living and most of them drive the same rig everyday. They are older and much more familiar with the apparatus they drive. On the volunteer side it is much more common for younger members to drive apparatus and like it or not they do not get much time behind the wheel compared to their career counterparts. It's not hard to see why the statistics are what they are. The big question is how do you change them?

    JFLYNN, DR104 and efdcapt115 like this

  6. Wouldn't a truck be more usefull in a fast role though because it has ladders, saws,etc

    Not necessarily many departments have the basic tools they need for a FAST on their engine or rescue. Although I have put up ladders as the FAST truck in those instances we used the ladders off the apparatus in the block. In the FDNY which you seem to be familiar with the FAST is the 3rd truck on a 75 it's the 5th truck on a 76 or 77 so they don't always get optimal position. No single piece of apparatus is going to have all the things you need for a firefighter removal. The FAST officer should be thinking about the resouces at their disposal ans where they will get things they need.

    BFD1054 and sfrd18 like this

  7. My best guess is parallel cord wood trusses. Most other things wouldn't collapse together like they do. Even an inverted roof dosen't drop like that over a large area. While it looks like it dropped and didn't fully collapse it propably has no weight bearing capabiliites left.

    The inside truck crew should be popping up a ceiling tile on entry to see the cockloft to make sure they are not advancing deep into the building with fire over them. This exam can also give you an idea what the roof construction is. This must be communicated to command and the brothers on the roof.

    sfrd18, ny10570 and wraftery like this

  8. There is a common bumper load from a Maryland Department that is in use all over. It's 150' but all couplings are exposed so it can easily be shortened to 100 or 50'. It fits in a common deep bumper well. The lead lenght is a double donut which as other posters have noted is easy for the nozzle firefighter to effect flake out. It is a good compliment to departments that already have 200' crosslays by the pump panel. When ever we discuss hose loads we should not forget apparatus positioning and when it comes to apparatus positioning the first due truck still needs the front of the building. The last thing you want is and engine stopping to line up it's front bumper or crosslays with the front of the building.

    efdcapt115 and antiquefirelt like this

  9. Personally, I would much rather disconnect the power source for the "bomb in the steering wheel" so I don't get bashed in the head at a couple hundred MPH while doing my thing inside the passenger compartment.

    I don't want to get hit either but disconnecting the battery does not gaurantee anything. You should be following the 5-10-20 rule if you don't want to get hit.

    x129K likes this

  10. Here's another one: The chief is riding in the officers seat en route to a fire. This vehicle is still nothing more that Engine 123. Upon arrival the chief has to decide whether or not he is officer of the crew and be in command as Engine 123 or break away from the engine and become the IC and leave someone else in charge of the crew.

    Ok I just want to clarify most ICS SOPs including Phoenix's give a number of options for command when the first in unit is a supression unit i.e. Engine 123. The nothing showing mode, fast attack mode, and the stationary command mode. It should be noted that in the first two options even though the officer is in the building he or she is still the IC. No one recomends letting this go on for long but in many cases is the proper procedure. No commonly accepted ICS SOPs call for the pump operator to be the IC that I know of.

    fireboyny likes this

  11. I was wondering if things were better kept under wraps in the past and that's why we think more happen these days. Either way it seems emergency services have had more than I can remember in recent years including some high profile ones. Which to me is especially difficult in an occupation where we pride ourselves in taking care of our own. Lets face it office workers say it's tragic when something happens we look at what we could of done. Don't get me wrong we are still the best for that reason.

    x635 likes this

  12. As much as there were many auto aid agreements mentioned it is much more prevalent in the rest of the country and has been for quite some time. Obviously it is commendable when leaders take steps to assure an adequete response. Unfortunatly we still see plenty of situations where egos still prevent common sense agreements to benifit citizens and firefighters alike. While agree with those who advocate consolidation I understand that can not happen overnight. In many cases auto aid agreements can and many times these cooperative agreements can lead to further cooperation down the road.

    firedude and Bnechis like this

  13. The TIC is one of the best improvemnts the fire service has seen in the last 30 years. The problem comes in if it is just plain thrown on the rig and training is not done. Now as we become accoustomed to using it we run the danger of relying on it.

    For me the best use of the TIC is locating the fire. When confronted with a zero visibility situation and the need to locate the fire the TIC is phenomonal. In the past members relied on things like listening and feeling heat on their ears and blind searching which all had inherent flaws. The TIC allows you to find the fire faster and allows you to get water on the fire faster and that makes everything better. Now the TIC is very useful at assisting with the primary search but the reason I rank finding the fire higher is this is your number one priority is to locate the fire. Once you locate the fire you know the life hazard. Also locating the fire makes us safer.

    The TIC is also a supervisory tool. It allows you to keep track of your crew. Compare doing a large area search with tag lines compared to the Officer guided TIC search I think the TIC guided search is acutually safer.

    As for using the TIC to guide overhaul I think this is the least benifical use of the camera. After a decent fire almost everything is white on the camera. The fire areas should still be opened up based on standard practices. And opening up should continue until clean bays are found. This is not to say that you should not use the TIC I always do but regardless of what it shows there are areas that I will open anyway.

    As for training sometimmes people on here are looking for some outside trainers to come in and on this topic I would reccomend Safe IR. They are excellent instructors and are the experts on the topic.

    sklov5949, efdcapt115 and Dinosaur like this