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Posts posted by velcroMedic1987

  1. 12 hours ago, SOUSGT said:

    Funny thing,

    I don't remember hearing that the Chappaqua Fire Department or VAC had units at Bill and Hill's while he was president. Ditto on Crawford.  


    Also the law was changed. Bill Clinton is the last ex president to receive protection for life. Now it only for 10 years after leaving office. 




    You're incorrect.  President Obama changed that back to protection for life.



  2. On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:55 PM, EmsFirePolice said:

    Great idea. This would be great for Westchester. Hopefully the pictures that ConEd would receive would get them to have a lower ETA.


    While better information is of course valuable, the only thing that will reduce response times is more crews and don't hold your breath waiting for Con Edison to do that.


    EmsFirePolice likes this

  3. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 7:42 PM, FFPCogs said:

    Willy my solution is the same as it always has been. Same standards across the board and with that, no more of the career can only be led by career nonsense. The same length of service requirement for all members seeking promotion followed by EARNING that promotion by successfully passing the SAME promotional exams regardless of pay status.  A FF is a FF paid or not, a Lieut a Lieut paid or not, a Capt a Capt paid or not, a Battalion Chief a Battalion Chief paid or not and so on.


    This is the biggest problem with the fire service in NYS.  There are disparate standards for a career firefighter and volunteer firefighter so you can't say a FF is a FF. 

    Officers also receive widely different training - if any at all - so you can't say they're the same either. 

    Until they hold all to the standard, regardless of pay status, this will continue to be a hot issue in NY.

  4. Only one of the places I work has adopted a social media policy but they did have a policy on taking pictures while working.  They said that all photos taken while on company time are the property of the company and cannot be shared, published, or otherwise distributed except by the company PIO.  Kinda squashes any problems. 

    Now the social media policy says the same thing and also prohibits sharing information or photos of incidents responded to on FB, IG, Twitter, etc.  It even goes so far to say that posting to FB, IG, Twitter, SnapChat, etc. while on company time is not allowed.  One guy tried to be a jackass about it and got himself in the director's office so they aren't taking it lightly.


    antiquefirelt and dwcfireman like this


    On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 11:44 PM, rob zombie said:

    At the board meeting tonight, a re-vote in two weeks was decided.  The 2 trustees who abstained/voted no brought it up.  Large turnout by career FFs, somewhat for residents.  


    How many of the career FF live in the village?   They won't carry a lot of clout because they can't do anything for the elected reps of the village.



  6. If the problem is "lift assist" calls where they are not requesting medical intervention or transport to a medical facility, why does EMS get assigned at all?  Simply tell your dispatch center to stop sending you to lift assists unless an injury or illness is being reported as well. 


    Now if you keep doing them and they agree to pay $200/call, are you saying that will suddenly make it OK?



  7. 15 hours ago, wedgeclose said:

    I agree with the poster about the epidemic and it is almost always THE ATRIA in every town!  Used to be the nursing homes that were abusers.  Friday and Saturday they call and send all their "problems" to the hospital for the everytime its meal time at the Atria we might as well station a rig at each one for two hours.  These people are making TONS OF MONEY without providing and medical emergency care on property.  They do not contribute to the organizations at all.  So, we are burning up resources for lift assists and the like.  Hey the fuel and wear and tear on the vehicles AND the staff costs something.  Solution,  A $200 service fee EACH TIME there is NO TRANSPORT!  Draw it up so it is binding and they will stop calling.  It really is a scam by Atria who do nothing for their "guests" except feed them...amen


    Do they pay taxes?  Does EMS receive tax-funded support?  Then they DO contribute.


    Besides complaining about it here, is anyone doing anything anywhere to remedy the situation?


  8. On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 8:46 PM, SECTMB said:

    According to the story, the bankruptcy of Transcare left the City short by 81 tours made up of 200 EMS professionals.  There was money from somewhere paying those 200 EMS professionals.


    So, why didn't the City just hire those former Transcare workers and have the money that was funding them redirected to City coffers? There must be some way to waive or sidestep, legally, civil service hiring rules for a declared public health emergency.  If there was a compensation disparity between Transcare and City compensation, the City would have to make up the difference, but given that we are only talking about 200 workers, the difference can't be more than a ripple in a budget the size of NYC's.


    It would seem to be a win/win, the workers keep their jobs, the City gets State certified, trained and seasoned EMS professionals and the Public gets to keep the EMS workers familiar with their neighborhoods.


    I don't know how many buses are involved with those 81 tours, the Transcare physical assets aren't as readily obtainable as released employees, but I imagine the City must have spares or if they must, buy some stock/demo units from whomever has them to get by.


    Where was the crisis management plan? Weren't there rumors of issues about Transcare's long term viability? Was it necessary to overwork existing crews? I have no doubt I am oversimplifying a possible remedy, but I also don't think this needed to be more than a speed bump for an EMS response.



    The civil service process prevented them from "just hiring" the former TransCare employees.  It's not an ideal scenario but they have to abide by the rule of law or we'd all be complaining that some political patronage morons were taking all the jobs.