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Posts posted by 4truck48

  1. This is not a paid vs volunteer thing, it's a there should be ONE standard for ALL firefighters. There's should also be one standard for fire departments. All departments should be able to put the minimum number of properly trained firefighters on the scene in the generally accepted national standard. While Mt. Vernon seems to take the brunt of public flogging, with the exception of Yonkers and possibly New Rocelle no other fire department it Westchester can even fight a room and contents fire without Mutual Aid. Is Mt. Vernon undermanned yes, but so is basically every fire dept in Westchester.

    fdalumnus and AFS1970 like this

  2. Before you knock the unions ( who keep pushing for increased training and manpower) about blocking Home Rule why not lobby for one standard for all firefighters in the state, paid or volunteer. That would include new firefighters, in service training for all firefighters, response times, manning on apparatus, promoting officers on qualifications not on election results. Not to mention mandatory retirement age so we don't have a rig responding with 3 or4 70 year old men on it with a 19 year old lieutenant because that was all that was around.

  3. Not to beat a dead horse here, but if you have to retone to get an initial response, you have a problem. Basicaly there is no excuse for it. This is 2006 the days of but we're a volunteer department are over. It's time for everybody to realize we have a responsibility and a obligation to respond with properly trained manpower in EVERY situation, within a reasonable amount of time. If you have to retone and retone change your system. Ask yourself this question. How long would YOU want to wait if your house was on fire or if one of your family members was having a heart attack?

  4. Why is it considered Monday Morning Quarterbacking when someone asks a question that other people may also be thinking? It seems to me that the main question should be shouldn't a department be able to handle a residential fire without involving 200 firefighters ( Jourmal News artilcle ) and eight fire departments. I relize it was hot and relief and FAST teams were needed, but 200 firefighters, eight departments. We have to get away from the mindset that " It's a party lets all go"

  5. Lets be honest here, really honest. There is only one department in Westchester with proper manpower on their apparatus, Yonkers, it's just that MT Vernon gets more fires then everbody else { White Plains, NewRochelle and Greenburgh } and is exposed more. If these other departments had the same workload as Mt. Vernon they would have the same problem. The whole system has to change. There is enough blame to go around for everbody but nobody wants to correct the problem because we all have our own little Kingdoms. The Chiefs, the Fire Commisoners and even the unions should be demanding change but that might mean giving up some power. It's time for a regional department in southern weschester with properly staffed apparatus not one man tower ladders or three man engines. Don't blame Mt Vernon for this mess it's everybody's problem.