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Posts posted by PEMO3

  1. From NYCOEM: On Wednesday, October 23, 2013, between 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM, N615JB, an Airbus A320 painted with FDNY theme will overfly the Hudson River from the Verrazano Bridge north to the George Washington Bridge at 2,000 feet. The aircraft will be subsequently be vectored to JFK.

    The flight over the Hudson River will be filmed by news media, both airborne in helicopters and on the ground. The flight and the following ceremony at JFK will be featured on morning news shows.

    dave0820 and x635 like this

  2. Scene and personnel safety is paramount on all operations. You are of no use to the patient if you become a second incident that requires resources. Most "fly cars" by nature of the vehicle are low profile vehicles and do require access to the vehicle rear for equipment. By this fact, utilizing such a vehicle to "block" the lane or scene is a risky gamble. In my personal opinion fly cars and ambulances should always be positioned in front of the MVA and out of the lane of travel when possible. This has been burned into my mind ever since having to attend the funeral of NYC EMS Specialist Christopher Prescott who was killed while loading a MVA patient into the back of his ambulance when a driver (drunk) drove through a flare pattern and hit him. My feeling is that the EMS apparatus should position as taught in EVOC, past the MVA, toward the shoulder and when possible take out the adjacent lane to allow room to operate safely.

    x635 likes this

  3. Seth, I think using the word "size up" may confuse some into thinking that a detailed report on arrival is needed. While in a perfect world that would be great I believe even a "preliminary report" would be helpful. For example short blurbs such as "engine abc on location, nothing visible" or rescue xyz "smoke showing, building self evacuating" or engine xxx " manager reporting malicious false alrm, investigating".

    Bottom of Da Hill likes this

  4. Seems to me like the Select Bus Services issue and the blue lights they use is a multi faceted one. You have a quasi state agency that feels as such they can do as they please. The lights be of issue in SI and the Bronx probably have to deal with a larger number of suburban motorists who are aware what a forward facing blue light is supposed to be used for. And lastly, why blue, a simple forward facing yellow light or a steadily lite blue sign with the word "SELECT" would have the same effect without the creation of confusion and controversy but then again this is politics and they don't know how to do anything simple. Lets face it that idea would take 3 studies, 2 special committees and special vote before they could do it and the bill would include the purchase of 500 $1000 toilets for someones district.

    10512 likes this

  5. Dunno, I do know manmouth county has a pipeline out right now

    It seems the NJ bought 3 of these massive Neptune Systems with DHS funding in 2008 at a cost of over $1M each. ! was placed north, 1 central and 1 south. Each unit can pump at the equivalent of 12 to 14 pumper drafting at max capacity and feed a 12 inch supply line fitted with a multi-port manifold unit at 5 to 10 k gpm at 150 psi.

    The specs on the Gloucester County Unit are at: . I must admit they are quite impressive and it would be a shame if such resources sat idle during this event.

  6. I found an article on the Neptune "Super Pumper System" in Gloucester County, NJ, ( which is draft capable and comes with a hose tender with 1 mile of 12 inch flexible supply line. It is also foam capable at up to 10,000 gpm. Anyone know was this considered or deployed considering the issues with main pressure? (Not Monday morning quarterbacking just asking a question)

    AntMan and Res30cue like this

  7. This question is directed to RNEMT26 or any other ED nurses we may have on the board. As someone who is on the other side of the stretcher do you feel calling every patient in as opposed to only the critical notifications that require a room and ED team ready and waiting on arrival make a difference. Does granny coming in with the runs x 3 days or Bill who has had the flu for a few days recieve any different treatment by being called ahead as opposed to just being wheeled in silently.

  8. Monday morning quarterbacking a job becomes second nature but this is one of those times that one needs to look at the big picture. This "EDP" was armed and dangerous. If they decided to wait it out and in turn a trooper, civilian or other responder was injured or killed both the Record and this site would be asking the question "should the troopers have used deadly force and terminated the scenario sooner". These people are classified as EDP sometimes based on history and other times based on current actions but either was they are unpredictable and difficult by nature. People forget that the term EDP mean "emotional disturbed person" not crazy or insane person so the term EDP fits here.

    jmv3085, x129K and fireguy30 like this

  9. While this works well in some ER's others will tell you thats already way to much.

    A very busy ER general only wants: Code, Trauma Alert, and a few other minor general words. They do not need to knkow how old the pt is to set up for a GSW.

    So you really need to know what the ER expects and will even listen too.

    Also who is answer the radio. If its the clerk , do they care that the patient is on O2?

    While I do agree that the information required is extremely ER specific I disagree with age not being relevant is a report to know how to set up. The approach to a 8 y/o is different to that of an 80 y/o. I also believe that hospitals in Westchester are way too anal about needing to be notified about every unit bringing a patient. I agree with the "hot" patients needing notification but do they really need to know that granny is coming in with the runs x 3 days, etc. Maybe I am still in the NYC mode where the only time a hospital was notified is if you needed staff and a room waiting, e.g. cardiac arrest, GSW, multi-trauma, active labor, or something unusual requiring resources beyond the norm. The thought process was the others were triaged in the ED in "non-crisis' mode and placed as needed, bed, chair, waiting room.

    Bnechis, calhobs and CFFD117 like this

  10. By non-fire emergencies could he be talking about the EMS Division. I have personally seen 01 & 02 series buses on the road. FDNY helps that identification out with their unit serial numbering. First two digits followed by a dash identify the year, e.g. 04-12345 is an 2004.A 10 year old bus in service on NYC streets is a pretty beat up unit. Especially if it is a 3 tour bus. Just think about the stress of 24/7 operating over 10 years plus. While the decision makes sense the courts should leave the running of departments to the departments. I agree that there are too many judges trying to be legislators.