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Newburgh Car into the River

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Horrible, horrible.

Not confiming this was done intentionally but the kids??? Come on life is tought but not that tough. Makes me want to go home and squeeze my kids.|topnews|text|

Edited by x1243

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I am going to attempt to keep my calm on this one, but how selfish, and cowardly do you have to be to do something like this to three innocent children??? I believe in heaven and hell, and there is a special place in hell for Mommy Dearest and a special place in heaven for those poor kids. The mother should have just walked over to the freight line along the water, and taken her own miserable life.

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I agree JBE. As a father, this actually makes my stomach churn in a real bad way.

God bless those kids.

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But before she did it kicked her 10 year old son out & told him to get help! Sorry but WTF?

FF398 and x1243 like this

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But before she did it kicked her 10 year old son out & told him to get help! Sorry but WTF?

Couldnt have said it better JetPhoto. WTF :(:(:(

Times are tough but taking the kids with you..... Come on!!!

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What kind of bizarre, twilight zone state of mind do you have to be in to do this kind of thing? The unbelievable part is that its not the first time its happened around here! Thoughts also go out to the Newburgh FD/PD responders who took part in the recovery effort. Not an easy thing to do especially when children are involved.

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But before she did it kicked her 10 year old son out & told him to get help! Sorry but WTF?

At a news conference Wednesday morning, police said Armstrong's 10-year-old son, Lashaun Armstrong, opened a window of the minivan and escaped after his mother drove off a boat ramp. He worked his way to shore and then was picked up by a passer-by, who took him to the fire station nearby.

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What a tragedy! My heart goes out to the family and to the surviving son. It is a shame that the mother had to bring her kids down with her. The poor children had such bright futures ahead of them.

Thoughts and prayers also go out to the emergency responders who responded to the incident. Dealing with incidents like this, especially when they involve children is very hard. Stay strong!

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I'm not sure how many of you out there have had to deal with incidents involving children but in sure it's a few and unfortunately I have to admit that i'm apart of that group. I know the feeling that come with the loss of a child. My heart goes out to the NFD and NPD members that had to respond to this tragedy. It was a senseless taking of three young and innocent lives. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and the first responders.

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Could you imagine what was going through the minds of the firemen whose station this boy was brought to?

The very same firemen who have been FIGHTING to keep their jobs and their firehouses open.

The VERY same men who already worked severely understaffed.

Now they get thrown into a situation as tragic as this.

Understaffed, underappreciated, and under constant attack by the general public and politicians, yet 100 percent professional. Job well done NFD. Know that you ARE appreciated by some, and so many of us have your backs.

Pay attention recent events have proven, it's no longer where; it's truly when.

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I was the one who posted the Incident Alert about this last night. I had been listening to the scanner on and off, but was only getting bits and pieces. I knew there was a water rescue of some sort, that was about it. Later on i heard that it was for a vehicle in the water.

As i drove to work this morning, i heard the horrific news on the radio. I was stunned and literally sick to my stomach.

I cant say much more that hasn't already been said. JBE hit the nail on the head as many others have.

All i can say is that my heart goes out to those poor children and to the sole survivor. He is 10 years old, old enough to know what he saw and went through. As JBE stated, there will be a special place in hell for the "mother."

Also, im glad to see that soo many of you have included the emergency service members who were involved in this incident. This is one of those calls that you could never prepare for and will never be forgotten. My thoughts go out to those Fire, Police and EMS members who were involved.

x1243, billy98988 and eric12401 like this

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They found the car 75 feet from the boat launch in 8-10 feet of water according to lohud. I don't think that happens by accident; also gives you an idea of just how far a vehicle can travel submerged in water. RIP.

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OK nobody talked about the fact that there is NO gate at this boat launch site or railing at all from what I can see. Is this a town park and how far is it from the nearest house? I'm only going by the photos that I have viewed on TV or in the paper. I used to drive truck in that area, but that was in the 70's and it did not look like that back then. Maybe the gate whould not have stopped her from doing what she did but maybe some one may have heard the car hitting the gate and got the those kids in time after she got threw . Anybody ?

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OK nobody talked about the fact that there is NO gate at this boat launch site or railing at all from what I can see. Is this a town park and how far is it from the nearest house? I'm only going by the photos that I have viewed on TV or in the paper. I used to drive truck in that area, but that was in the 70's and it did not look like that back then. Maybe the gate whould not have stopped her from doing what she did but maybe some one may have heard the car hitting the gate and got the those kids in time after she got threw . Anybody ?

I'm not bashing you here, just my point of view....She would have done it anyways, gate or no gate. when there is a will there is a way, especially when you are that sick in the head. Why ruin a nice park by putting up a big ole gate now cause of some wacko. Why make the taxpayers pay for this gate and installation just for a rare incident like this. It is unfortunate what happened, dont get me wrong, I was sick to my stomach reading this. But a gate wouldn't have changed the outcome IMO, maybe just the location.

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But before she did it kicked her 10 year old son out & told him to get help! Sorry but WTF?

This point is contested. Other reports say he escaped out a window

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I'm not bashing you here, just my point of view....She would have done it anyways, gate or no gate. when there is a will there is a way, especially when you are that sick in the head. Why ruin a nice park by putting up a big ole gate now cause of some wacko. Why make the taxpayers pay for this gate and installation just for a rare incident like this. It is unfortunate what happened, dont get me wrong, I was sick to my stomach reading this. But a gate wouldn't have changed the outcome IMO, maybe just the location.

Go back and READ my post, I never said that a gate whould have stopped anything. I belong to a boat club that could not get Insurance until a soild gate was installed on our ramp owned by the village.

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OK nobody talked about the fact that there is NO gate at this boat launch site or railing at all from what I can see. Is this a town park and how far is it from the nearest house? I'm only going by the photos that I have viewed on TV or in the paper. I used to drive truck in that area, but that was in the 70's and it did not look like that back then. Maybe the gate whould not have stopped her from doing what she did but maybe some one may have heard the car hitting the gate and got the those kids in time after she got threw . Anybody ?

Its a commercial area, with no residential for a few blocks. If you look at this map the boat ramp is just south of Gully's.

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Thanks, picked up a few boats there and brought them back to the sound and had few at Gully's , pretty cleaned up from the last time there.

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OK nobody talked about the fact that there is NO gate at this boat launch site or railing at all from what I can see. Is this a town park and how far is it from the nearest house? I'm only going by the photos that I have viewed on TV or in the paper. I used to drive truck in that area, but that was in the 70's and it did not look like that back then. Maybe the gate whould not have stopped her from doing what she did but maybe some one may have heard the car hitting the gate and got the those kids in time after she got threw . Anybody ?

There is no gate because it's a public boat ramp. It's open 24 hours. The city isn't going to pay someone to babysit a gate for the occasional boat. I have never heard of a public boat ramp that's gated, at least not around here. There are no railings because it is surrounded by docks. It is pretty far from any housing.

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This morning the news (K104) reported that the mother had a second thought and tried to reverse the car but it was already too late. This must be per the 10 year old who escaped obviously.

As for the gate, yes it is a open lane, however we can not put barriers around the whole river. Like Newburgher said it is not in a housing area and there are miles and miles of the river are wide open for unfortunate stuff like this to happen.

Edited by x1243

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**JUST A QUICK NOTE** I like for us to keep in mind the bother firefighters who were the first responders to this heart braking incident...... , anything that involes kids is a little harder to deal with.

Just three weeks ago they also lost a young child to a working house fire.

God Bless Newburgh firefighters

PCFD ENG58, x129K and BFD1054 like this

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from recordonline

The trouble, however, was nearing an unthinkable end. Armstrong typed a final message:

"I'm so sorry everyone forgive me please for what I'm gonna do"» This Is It!!!!"

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My thoughts and prayers go out to the familys involved. A tragic situation for all. Keep in mind the emergency responders who have recently responded in newburgh to other untimely deaths of both adults and children.stay strong guys and keep the fatih! JJC

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He's suing Newburgh for operating boat ramp with reckless and dangerous access to the water. Its a boat ramp. Water access is kind of a requirement. I'm curious to see what responsibility Orange County DPCS is alleged to have. Was there a history of instability that they were aware of??

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