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"Chicago Fire" (TV Show)

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I'm looking forward to tonights episode.

Anyone here going to give it a second chance?

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I'll watch tonight and probably next week. If the storyline develops into something moderately interesting I might continue after that. So far I'm not impressed but I'll give it a chance.

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You know, last week I said I wouldnt make an effort to watch the show unless I was switching through channels. Ill be making the effort tonight... ;) .

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I might be going to one of the shoots of the show. I know someone who works for NBC and might be able to take me down. I'll take pictures.

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OK, I have mixed feelings now. The second episode was kinda cheesy, but I think this show has potential. Overall, still pretty cool. I liked how they used the charged hoseline as a pole.

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I liked how they used the charged hose line as a pole.

Thinking outside the box for quick access while getting a rope system in place....As long as everyone is trained in ascending properly and no couplings are in the way. (like the medics who went down) They still need to focus on spinal care a little more. The scene with the window washing stuff landing on the car was OK, like the way they carefully stated the conditions and identity of the victims. The show leaps forward in time like the events from last week were a month ago.

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Saw the 2nd installment of Chicago Fire last night (gave it a second chance as well). Although 'slightly' better than the pilot, it is still a drama (medic passing drugs to a firefighter, "again" ?? Please give us all a break).

As I said earlier, give me RESCUE 8 or EMERGENCY any day of the week

sfrd18, x4093k and GBFD111 like this

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I will agree that last night was definitely better than last night but I think we are forgetting that it is a TV show and not Reality TV. Trying to evaluate their technique and methods and not remembering that they are playing to a wider audience is the issue. I think if while watching we remember it is just a TV show and not real it might actually be enjoyable.

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I thought backdraft was bad. This show is horrible. Nothing like haveing a show the promotes firefighters as egomaniac drug pushers. They should add a bit more reality into it. Show some guys getting laid off, the city taking away pentions, and an idiotic DC who is more concered with facial hair then morale.

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I've given the show 2nd, 3rd and this past week 4 chances. I have mixed emotions on it, however it has grown significantly on me since the pilot.

I agree first in terms of the firefighting/ EMS protocol it isn't always as detail oriented as we'd like. As an EMS guy I find myself cringing a lot, can't speak as much to the fire stuff. They seem to overlook doing/ even considering C-Spines in scenarios where a possible spinal injury is very real, giving O2 or anything else thats pretty standard. The one that really made me cringe was the most recent (4th episode), a man was seriously needing and they gave him saline, thats only going to increase viscosity of the blood and have them bleed out faster. And everyone always seems to be in an unnecessary rush, which we know can be recipe for disaster.

The show seems to be very similar to ER. I know Michael Crichton isn't doing it but it is still NBC. I think it's similar to ER in terms of how they represent social lives and drasticaly exaggerating the show from the truth (EVERY doctor gets divorced, no doctor has a good social life etc.). But if your into that stuff (I admit I am) then I think the shows alright and they'll continue to get viewers.

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Does anyone know what happened on last weeks episode (October 31)? I did not have have power but do now!

If you have cablevision, the shows are free to watch on demand. Usually posted within 24 hours.

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After watching this weeks episode, i was applauding when Dawson kicked the drugged up guy out the back of the ambulance. How many times have you all wanted to do that?

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This show has grown on me, and has gotten better since the first episode. I really like it. I also love how the Chief stands up for his men/women no matter what.

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This show has grown on me, and has gotten better since the first episode. I really like it. I also love how the Chief stands up for his men/women no matter what.

I agree, I didn't think it would have much hope but I find myself tuning in every episode to see what'll happen next.

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Like a car crash that you can't look away from. It is what it is, a television drama. No more, no less. Not a firefighting documentary where every detail is perfect. It's primetime TV.

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So, I've really gotten into this show, and for a TV Drama, it's fairly accurate. The way they do things, is, in some cases, better then I've seen real life people do it.

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So, I've really gotten into this show, and for a TV Drama, it's fairly accurate. The way they do things, is, in some cases, better then I've seen real life people do it.

Ditto, I've gotten to the point where I have my DVR set to record it so I don't miss it if I'm out or watching something else.

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Chicago Fire Season 2 premieres tonight at 10PM!

It got very, very good towards the end of last season, almost comparable to Third Watch, and am excited to see what this season brings.

Also excited for the spinoff "Chicago Police" later this season.

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New episode airs tonight 10PM Eastern on NBC.

The spinoff, "Chicago Police", airs tomorrow night 10PM Eastern on NBC.

As I said earlier, if you liked "Third Watch", these shows are much like them. I'm looking forward to the premiere of Chicago Police tomorrow night, they've already done a lot of crossovers and really set it up for the new show. The shows will work together nicely.

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hey its tv i like it both fire and pd.we know how it realy go.s on in the realworld .

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I gotta say. I love this show. I know some people are complaining about unrealistic stuff and how it's just a big drama show. But you gotta remember, this is television, and the show is catered to a wide audience and not just emergency personnel. Look past that and just enjoy it for what it is, it's a damn good show. Suspend belief, and have fun lol. If there was a show that covered the not bit details, it may as well be a documentary / reality show. Prime time tv is all about action or drama or comedy, Chicago Fire wraps all that up into one.

I dig Chicago PD too. We'll see how it pans out. Glad they keep the show I remixed with characters from Fire showing up on PD.

Bottom of Da Hill and x635 like this

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Haven't gotten into "Chicago Police".

But I'm excited to say, my favorite show on television, "Chicago Fire", has been picked up for Season 3! (and Chicago PD for Season 2)

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It's a soap opera that has chosen to use a fire house rather than a hospital as the setting for the story. Personally I prefer sports and documentary type programming (A&E, National Geo, C&I, etc.). But everybody has their own taste...

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I love how realistic this show can be, especially during calls. Last night's episode, the Chief was arrested for ordering his men to close the road after despite warnings from a Trooper not to.

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