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Posts posted by TimesUp

  1. And let's not forget to actually be able to quickly charge the line. You could have the manpower and speed to properly select and position the proper size hoseline but if your MPO is clueless and incapable of doing his Job, then it's all for naut!

    There is more to being a good MPO also. But being able to get water is a good start. Main size, identifying a un primed pump etc.......Hands out to sides palms up and a shoulder shrug is one of the scariest things to see at a fire

    FirNaTine, BFD1054 and FFPCogs like this

  2. When I got on everybody said"just pump 150" 10 years later and nobody can add up FL and NP. Then we went to smoothbore's and added 2.5" after the first 6 lengths of 1.75. It was some show! long stretch short stretches. A good short cut is worth its weight in gold. But if that's all that's taught then get the Benny Hill music ready.

  3. After a good class on elevator ops you would then have to issue scba's? (I think the nypd is going to come up with a SOP?) Then turnout gear and firefighter I&II after all in order to operate safely at a structure fire theses would be the minimum you should give these officers. Anything less would be suicide.

    What a shame these kids lost their Dad. What a tragedy!

    BTW the new SOP could say to stay out of fire buildings even if dispatched. I'm sure there are some on here with better insight than me on that.

  4. It's a good thing the worker had the strength to do what he did cause the turntable operator obviously couldn't extend the Ladder if possible any further with the second guy climbing up the aerial behind the 1st Rescuer. What was he thinking and what was he going to do if he got further up? You could see the 1st Rescuer telling him to get back down. And what is the tip load?

    I think the second guy climbing up the ladder was trying to get everybody killed. The trapped worker saved both their lives. If it weren't for him they might of never moved the ladder. It looks like they would of been in the collapse that occurred soon after.

    JFLYNN and FirNaTine like this

  5. Interesting concept: A) Train to deal with the problem which will negate the aftermath, Or B. Ignore the problem and train for the aftermath. It's not always this cut and dry but if I were given a choice I would choose "A". All to often I see people go right to "B" It would also help to identify the problem before there is even a chance of a aftermath. Training for a worst case scenario has its place in the fire service. Preventing a worst case scenario from happening has a bigger place though.

    antiquefirelt and FirNaTine like this

  6. 100% correct. They cry they don't have the Finances but then create Jobs for their Cronies that for the most part are "No Show" positions anyway and were never in the Budget. I love though ltrob how guys from other FDs seem to know a lot about another Municipalites Finances/Budgets and what they can and can't afford!

    Very Knowledgable indeed, Thank god! Where would we be without them