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  1. RES24CUE liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    " Try focusing on what is right with the fire service or better yet join your local volunteer FD and show them how its done"
    By reading his post, that's sounds like what he did. He tried to demonstrate and preach professionalism, only to run into the same wall every department has. People who only want to do the bare minimum training and belong for the t-shirts and parties.
  2. M' Ave liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    You must have a tough time at the mall.
  3. M' Ave liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    You must have a tough time at the mall.
  4. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    I for one do NOT wish he "would just go away". Mr. Res24cue has just as much right as anyone else here to post his opinions, even if they may not be the most popular, and frankly I enjoy reading them, they offer a wonderful insight. Beyond that his views offers us a perfect picture of what I described earlier in this thread about the cancer of the "us against them" mentality, which if we let it is a disease which will slowly erode the true meaning of service. Better to have those views expressed out in public so they can be dealt with than to leave them lingering in the darkness behind closed doors where they are far more insidious and damaging.
  5. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in (Updated) Sleepy Hollow passes on decorated Marine for police force....again   
    What are you talking about!? This isn't an issue of 5 points! This is an issue of denying someone a job without cause. This ALSO isn't about anyone else. This is a guy who had every endorsement from the mayor to the police chief and down to the citizens of the village. The outward appearance here is that he was denied because of petty political infighting. The veteran aspect helps draw positive attention to this issue, positive for the candidate and I'm glad he's using it to his advantage.
    Could there be a valid reason for passing this guy over, legally? Sure could. If there is, then why don't these 4 trustees just come out and say it. From the outside looking in, the silence is awful telling.
    Lastly, on a personal note....your comments thus far are quite telling of your character. Degradation of the commitments of those who serve in the military is disgusting. Self gratification? I work with guys who have multiple purple hearts....and the scars to prove it. Come on over and tell them about their self importance and see how long you stay standing on your two feet. Standing in the line of fire, taking bullets and shrapnel and living with the fear of death everyday seems like an awful lot to do for 5 measly points on some civil service test. your eyes, they don't deserve special recognition. Well, keep enjoying football Sunday and holiday's with your family....don't worry, no one had to sacrifice for you to have those comforts.
    Veterans working on Wall Street....guess what? You put military service on an application for ANY job and you get a leg up....deservedly so.
    Love how you threw a jab at Volly's in there too. That is a SYSTEM with some problems, but filled with a majority a well intention'd people.
    Enjoy your comforts, paycheck and straight 8's in Eastchester.
    The U.S. Armed Forces
    Vet credits are actually given to anyone who serves in any capacity. Obviously, there is a differentiation of an additional 5 points for those who are combat wounded.
  6. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in (Delivered) Hawthorne Engine 154   
    Because in selling it, you reduce maintenance costs, insurance costs, replacement costs and the overall burden to the taxpayer. You can free up budgetary monies for other items. The list goes on and on. There just isn't a good reason for departments like the one I mentioned to have the size fleet that they do.
    Same goes for many of the westchester fleets. You take a department with a few square mile coverage area who consistently can only put one piece on the road for calls. WHY do they need a fleet with three pumps? Or more? Why is there a county in NY with something like 57 heavy rescues with a smaller population than NYC who has 5?
    It goes back to ones motivation and why you do what you do. Are your decisions made with the taxpayer in mind? Or your departments collective ego? Can you do it better with less? Do you need everything on that floor? Do you even use everything on that floor? Could you join forces with a neighbor and share services?
  7. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by thebreeze in (Updated) Sleepy Hollow passes on decorated Marine for police force....again   
    First, I work on the greatest job on earth, I'm blessed more than I could possibly imagine, my career is not the issue but thanks for talking out of your behind again. I will reiterate, yes he is more important than them, because while they, and you, and I, were home here enjoying freedom, he was overseas fighting for it. I worked my balls off to get my job, but I never begrudged a single person who went before me because they sacrificed their time and safety to fight for mine, and as I go forward I will applaud those who jump over me on promotion lists because of their veterans points. They DESERVE it, in fact they deserve more than this country currently gives them. The veterans points is a mere drop in a bucket for what they actually deserve. I'm over myself, I appreciate the value of others service above myself, whereas apparently you lack the ability to understand that you might not be the most deserving of something, guess you got jumped by a few vets at some point. Maybe you should have studied harder, been smarter, or served in the military and you wouldn't be so bitter.
  8. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by RWC130 in Yonkers Spare Engine 318 Catches Fire   
    I know of a nice Mack CF if YFD needs to borrow it.
    Just like the old days in Yonkers. (Yellow)
    Be Safe Brothers!
  9. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by PHIL78 in Yonkers Fire Dept Fire Commissioner Job Posting   
    How did he change the way Yonkers fights fire?
  10. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Does "Nothing Showing" Mean Anything?   
    Wow! Here we go again.
    It sounds like the first arriving officer should now say "Arrived at 100 Main Street I don't see anything but I'll have to investigate further because I can only see sides 1 and 2. Have incoming units reduce their response to non-emergency but they don't have to proceed with caution any more because those words trigger something in their brains and they may get into an accident. OOPS, I said sides1 an 2. For those of you who can't convert that, it's A and B. No signs of fire after my 360, but the neighbors keep pointing to the house across the street. Whoop, there it is."
    Why not just leave it as "Nothing Showing"
  11. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by RES24CUE in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    They quit! Why?
    1. Last time I checked this was a team sport! The success of an operation cannot and should not be determined by the actions of the few (or the individual). When a member constantly trains and studies, but is surrounded by novices who can't perform simple functions, he (or she) will be discouraged. It is hard to be proud of or confident in your organization or your team when you know exactly what needs to be done on the fireground and are prepared for every emergency, but everyone else doesn't. It is discouraging to consistently do your job exactly by the book and have every operation fail because no one else read it.
    2. It is dangerous! To be a knowledgeable and aggressive firefighter is a good thing. However, when an individual is experience and talented but surrounded by novices, who can you count on to come to your aid when the s*** hits the fan. Instead, it hampers your ability because you have to be overcautious since no one else can keep up (or get scared) and no one can get you out should you get into trouble (it happens to the best of us!).
    3. Frustration! It gets tiring to know exactly what needs to be done to resolve and incident but have other people consistently screw things up! You get tired of having ceilings pulled down on you; you get tired of waiting for water because your CPO can figure out how to pull the right levers; you get tired of having rooms flash when you are in them because your outside vent team doesn't know how to properly vent horizontally and introduces too much oxygen to the fire; you get tired of having no back-up man on the knob because the guy behind you couldn't find his gloves; you get tired of telling your crew to pull a 2 1/2 with a smooth bore and getting an 1 3/4 with a fog tip! After a while you just realize that they don't care and that you don't want to be a part of them anymore.
    4. Ostracization! When you are part of the small minority that actually cares about training, firematics, and performace, but 46 of the other 50 members of the organization only care about parades and pancake dinners, then you become the a******! You are the guy who is always critiquing everyone; you are the guy who is always telling people how to improve; and you are the guy who takes things too seriously (after all "We are just volunteers!"). So even though all you want to do is teach others and improve the effectiveness of your department, you are always the a****** who is ruining the fork and knifers' good time and telling them that they are doing it wrong! So instead of moving up because you are the most well-trained, you are voted out and replaced with the head clown in the popularity contest that they call an election because everyone loves him!
    Thats why they quit...
  12. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by thebreeze in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role   
    It's a no no when anyone, who is supposed to be operating at a fire scene, is taking pictures instead. Paid or volunteer, I don't think anyone is stopping during an operation to take group shots. If so shame on them. You obviously have an axe to grind with the FDNY but there's a legion of buffs who follow them around taking pictures, is that so wrong? No one is "grandstanding", and guys take pictures together after a job? There's nothing wrong with that on either side of the fence. You're ignorant if you think that guys are just out for 3/4, it's not an FDNY problem, there are just as many skells in every job, FD, PD, EMS, nameless other civil service jobs, and even the private sector who are just out to get theirs, to bilk the system and sit on their a-- collecting checks. I'm sure as a NYCMEDIC you see plenty of people abusing every system out there. Quit whining like you know what's going on if you want to ignore that larger truth about people and society as a whole, there are dregs everywhere.
    As far as who calls themselves a fireman, it's all about training. I wouldn't go as far as to say most volunteers are capable, a good amount definitely, career guys with more training, sure there are still some useless ones but not quite as many. Their are plenty of useless EMTS and Medics out there too, and police officers on the rubber gun squad, we all know at least one or two. Being paid isn't the difference, training and ability is the difference. If someone said they just wanted to volunteer and help, had no training and about all they knew how to do was put on a bandaid, would you let them run around and call themselves paramedics, stick needles in people's arms, intubate, and give drugs. Oh and would you respect them more because it was free? Do you respect volunteer medics more than yourself? Or guys who just do it for less even? I know I know, there are licensing and education requirements for paramedics, but then following that logic, shouldn't the same kind of standards exist for firemen too? Go ahead though and think it's the fact that someone who does something for free deserves respect rather than someone who actually cares about being good at their profession and knows what they are doing, be it career or volunteer.
    One more aside, it seems to be very common that the people who are the most inept and incapable, are the ones who don't realize this fact at all.
  13. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Vista's 10-75 - Helmet Cam Footage   
    It takes 20 seconds at most to remove a hose coupling, 40 if you change the nozzle. This guy walked around for a good minute 15 doing nothing. I personally have extinguished a basement fire alone, dragged 150 ft of preconnected line, one guy pumping water, me extinguishing. Not safe, but my neighbors house is still standing. This is a gross example of a lack of either fortitude or training.
  14. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Vista's 10-75 - Helmet Cam Footage   
    You can not make turns in a private dwelling with a 2.5 try it you don't even need to flow water. And this fire was manageable before numb nuts decided to leave the front door open.
  15. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by Morningjoe in Female Explorer has skills!   
    Minority this, minority that. When is everyone going to put race, gender, sexual preferences, religious background, completely behind us, and simply acknowledge when great work is done. What this explorer has done, was exceptional and will surpass the abilities of many Senior firefighters. We shouldn't segregate her any further by saying "this female did this, this female did that" but rather including her in the bigger picture of "this firefighter did this, this firefighter did that." And that should be applied across the board, regardless of the job title or task. The only way to truly include everyone without discriminating, is to remove superfluous titles of race, gender and sexual preference.I don't care who you are, or what you are. If you can cook an excellent cake, you're a great baker. If you can legally get me more money back on my taxes, you're a great accountant. If you can stretch a line, and force a door, vent a roof, follow the chain of command, then you're a Great firefighter.
    What this video shows is a great firefighter.
  16. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in School Districts dictating emergency services policy   
    Kids in High school belong in bed well rested for the school day. They don't need the added stress of responding to emergencies, nor do they need the distraction. If your dept. relies on 18 year olds in school, then they're in trouble.....
  17. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    Welp, Captain Nechis opened the flood gates...

    He's 100% correct. EVERY single Firefighter should be trained in RIT/FAST. Do we have Firefighters who are only trained to do fire attack but can't do search and rescue? Do we have Firefighters that can only do forcible entry but can't do fire attack? Sure, certain companies specialize more in one than the other, but come on people, its 2014. This is an ESSENTIAL function and everyone needs to know at least the basics.
    Maybe your department doesn't have the manpower to have a full RIT/FAST (beyond the OSHA required 2 out) but we can certainly automatic aid a neighboring company. What I don't agree with is the idea that only certain departments can be RIT/FAST. Especially when that department can be responding from 3-4 towns away from your scene.
    Sure, you could make the argument that you don't want inexperienced people on RIT. But let me ask you this, when its YOU in the basement calling for help, which would you rather have?
    A. The 5-6 relatively young Firefighters with basic RIT training and skills, standing on the front lawn ready to go.
    B. The Super Elite Special Operations FAST truck coming from 4 towns away that's still 10 minutes from the scene?
    I realize that I'm talking in extremes here, because usually you'll have something in the middle of both of those scenarios, but its the easiest way to illustrate the point. If EVERYONE is qualified to be RIT/FAST, then you can use anyone for the function instead of relying on a resource that's further away when time is critical.
  18. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Stiloskis Automotive Military Surplus Oshkosh Wrecker   
    Maybe its just me, but I'm much more concerned that there are towns that have 9 Chiefs cars in service but only 5 Engines than I am with a PRIVATE company buying a large military tow rig.
    Last I checked the owner of a private company can spend his money as he pleases. This being America and all.
  19. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Wood Frame, Steel Frame?   
    I'd call it lightweight woodframe (likely protected at some point). Using the least desirable construction at least indicates your concern, but without a doubt, these are the kinds of things a decent building info plan can identify and flag. It's not uncommon for mixed construction types to be utilized, but this limits the allowances to the least common denominator.
    In all likelihood the occupancy type allows woodframe construction, but the open sides at the ground level require steel to carry the loads without continuous bearing walls.
  20. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by RES24CUE in Northern Westchester Volunteer Fire Departments Self-Consolidating   
    From my experience, every time there is a major issue at hand that could potentially be of some type of embarassment to the fire department or the fire district, the commissioners say that it is somehow related to a personnel issue (Obviously!!! How else would the department be embarassed if not by the actions of an individual or group of individuals) and that it must be discussed in a closed door meeting. They then return to the floor and any questions asked regarding the issue are deflected by saying that "it is connected to a personnel issue and connot be discussed for fear of litigation" (exactly what was said in the aforecited article by the Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners). Then, if a newspaper or reporter asks any question about a personnel matter, the Commissioners buy time by saying that the reporter must FOIL them. Then after they get the FOIL request, they defer to the same tactic and say that they can't discuss personnel issues.
    SO WHY WOULD THE PUBLIC ATTEND? I was a 10 year member of the emergency services community (5 years as an Officer) and it didn't take me longer than a year to stop going to those meetings because all of the pertinent matters are discussed behind closed doors. The commissioners were talking about things that directly impacted me as a firefighter and I got fed up and wrote those meetings off as a waste of my time. Why should John Q Taxpayer feel any different? Just like everything else with politicians, they hide behind smoke screens, generalities, and procedure until taxpayers who have legeitimate questions about their emergency services get fed up and determine that its not worth their time to figure seek the answers that they desire. They then curse the Department, the Chiefs, and the Commissioners under their breath and tell their entire circle of friends within the community over dinners and drinks about their awful experience with the Fire Department (they generalize) and what bad corrupt people they are. Then neither they nor their friends within the community attend, vote, or volunteer (or donate).
    I think some people in this business (no reflection on you Bnechis or FFPCogs as I truly appreciate your posts/views) have a tendency to say "why is the public doing this to us?" instead of "What are we doing to make the public think of us in this light?" and "How are we driving people away?" The emergency services can blame the kids who grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths; they can blame the businessmen who have no time for their community; they can blame the economy for creating stagnant conditions that require people to work so hard that they have no time to volunteer; they can blame video games. BUT IN MY OPINION, THEY SHOULD REALLY TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND ASK THEMSELVES WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO MAKE PEOPLE NOT WANT TO ATTEND, VOTE, OR VOLUNTEER. After all, how is your retention rate? Most places can't even keep the people that are interested to begin with.
    Just like your reputation within the department, it takes 10 "atta boys" to get rid of one "oh s***." Does your organization have 10 equally weighted positive articles published (or stories/rumors spread around the community) about it for every 1 negative article that has been published about it in the recent past. I can tell you with complete certainty that the organization with which I was previously affiliated absolutely does not. The emergency services are not getting a bad rap out of thin air.
  21. on the job liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New E-One Metro: 100' Single Axle Rear Mount Aerial   
    You mean the TANDEM axle new E-One they just got? Yes, it does have a bucket...
  22. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by lad12derff in Yonkers Firefighters Battle Cold, Ice, Two Multi-Alarm fires   
    Nice work Yonkers in working these 2 jobs the same day under really bad conditions.
    Sorry did I just go off topic here?
  23. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Hurt feelings and bruised egos   
    *cat. Sorry. Fat fingers small keyboard.
  24. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in Yonkers Firefighters Battle Cold, Ice, Two Multi-Alarm fires   
    I would rather not answer any questions about myself on this thread. As gpeifer mentioned it was originally about a fantastic job our members did on a very busy and frigid night, surely saving multiple lives and mitigating property damage, and I would hope it might focus on its original intent. As far as 313- apparatus is not my division and I would rather not get into that, and as far as regionalization / consolidation- I am for it under the right circumstances but again, this is not the correct thread to discuss that. I will keep an eye on this site over the next week or so, and if a thread pops up with regionalization / consolidation as the topic I will consider chiming in. Same thing for the memorabilia / museum question- this is not the appropriate thread to discuss that.
    I would like to keep the attention on the great work that our members did on the night in question, as well as during numerous other working fires so far this winter (most of which were not reported on in the IA section here) . Notably, the skilled and dedicated firefighting operations that took place on the night of the 2 jobs that this thread initially focused on was done by a force comprised of 1 in 6 firefighters with only a week or so out of the academy, and another 30+ with less than a year on the job, and many of the bosses very new in their current rank, I was not at all involved with the operations on that night, but I am very proud of the excellent work that was done by our members and the attention should be on them in this thread.