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Posts posted by Anesti

  1. Great pics, Anesti. I saw the plume from Central Ave north of Tuckahoe Rd.

    It was a 3rd until the 10-66 (maydays) were transmitted - per dispatch policy, that's an additional alarm.

    Smoke was also seen from Hackensack. Saw it clearly from Target on 225.

  2. When hastings received there newest ambulance, they did not put the extrication equipment on the ambulance as they did it the past, this engien was replaced in 2006 by E45 a seagrave, so they made the spare eng(E43) into a rescue type vehicle, when they bought their new tiller they traded there old lafrance tiller to norwalk for a utility and boat, the utility now acts as the rescue vehicle.

    Does anyone know what type of utility it is or how it looks like??