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  1. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by jasd in Actor Steve Buscemi helps again   
    I am a close family member with the firefighter whose son is ill. Please spread the word regarding registering for the bone marrow registry. It can save a life.
  2. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Actor Steve Buscemi helps again   
    Here's brotherhood for ya. For a true fireman once it's in the blood it never leaves.


    I won't be able to get to Brooklyn, but I just wanted to pass this along to anyone who can make the trip. Even if you're not a match for Owen, your marrow may help save someone else's life. Hats off and thanks to Mr. Buscemi who has shown time and again his support for his FDNY brothers and fireman in general. The least we can do is return the favor when ever possible. Wish there were more celebrities like him.
  3. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Hoods   
    Or in your case pull the whole company out while the 10-45 is just around the hallway on the couch in the living room cause you need to wait for a line that is coming down the street cause the can man didn't want to disrespect the Lt and tell you no when he should have.
  4. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by ks1980 in Hoods   
    In my opinion, just a opinion which may not be popular is that our PPE is now too good. (If that makes sense)Let me explain, I feel that now our bunker gear is amazing but at the same time it is letting us get further in to what may be a bad situation. With the new materials and what not yes we are safer, but more in danger ie/ getting into such a hot area that our SCBA masks fail. Now I have not witnessed this, but there are reports. And the "New Construction" burns way faster and hotter then "legacy", and with advancements in our gear we go further then before.
    So to stop me from rambling further I am not against hoods, just saying to ensure we don't get a false sense of security in the gear. One note to this yes I was doing overhaul at a job not wearing hood, pulled some overhead and had a small ember fall onto my collar of my bunker coat burned back of my neck so lesson learned the hard way.
  5. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by CFI609D in The Mentors Who Shaped Our Careers   
    Dave Sanford (DC Westport FD, DC Wilton FD, Danbury FD & WRFD): he taught me the importance of training and that we never stop learning. A true gent, great leader, and mentor to so many of us who were fortunate to learn from him and call him a friend.
    Bernie Bodner (Norwalk FD): a true fireman's fireman of the old school, Bernie understood fire behavior like no one else I have ever met. He was completely fearless, both on the job and when he fought his final battle with cancer, no doubt linked to so many years of inhaling toxic byproducts of combustion.
    Andy "Father" Clarke (LT FDNY): Lt. Clarke shared much of his knowledge which he amassed throughout the War Years, serving on the South Bronx. He allowed me to ride with his engine company while I was a teen, and was kind enough to explain the principles of size-up and incident command before there were any of today's text books on the subject.
    Ed Smith (PGCFD & DCFD): Ed took the time to help me, "the new guy", learn and adapt to the DC way of doing things, and watched my back as I learned the ropes on TL33. He will always be my brother from another mother. Stay safe, Cap, I will always have your back as you had mine!
    And finally Ed Sere (FDNY): He took a young kid from the country and exposed him to urban firefighting and truck work in Harlem & the Bronx at L14 & R3. Every night buffing with Ed and his brothers was an education, with the lessons including not only life saving & survival techniques, but also an introduction to the brotherhood of the fire service and the importance of a good culture of esprit de corps in the firehouse.
    Thank you to all of the aforementioned who so generously helped me start my fire service career. You are all with me every day on the line and in the kitchen. My feelings are best said by the old Irish blessing:
    "May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out."
  6. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by Hudson61 in The Mentors Who Shaped Our Careers   
    There are folks from our past who have helped shaped our careers (paid or non-paid) in emergency services. Be it in the fire service, EMS, or law enforcement we all had someone that influenced us.
    Here in this tab, let's pay tribute to those we know as our mentors. You do not have to use their real names, a nickname or initials are fine. The important thing, you know who they are.
    For me, there are three I consider mentors from back in the day.
    Charlie Lent, for introducing me to the volunteer fire service
    To Vince Vail, for teaching me first aid and developing my interest in EMS to where I first became an EMT
    To Al Wohrman for inspiring me to learn and become more proficient in emergency services.
    Thank you.
  7. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by tbendick in Hoods   
    Just an FYI with feeling heat.
    FDNYs new attitude is when you feel heat threw your ppe you need to leave or cool the room with a line.
  8. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Hoods   
    I have to agree as well. When you start feeling heat to the point of discomfort you're already in a precarious position, so the "better" the protection the longer it takes to feel the environment around you, thus making you actually less safe. I also wholeheartedly agree with ongoing size up and strongly advocate knowing your buildings and how they react when on fire. On the other hand, and I won't speak for anyone else, but most fires I've been in have tended to be situations of total or near total smoke blindness. As such as part of my personal size up while working a fire attack or search I have had no other means of determining my immediate situation other than the heat I'm feeling. I think it is imperative that members thoroughly know all of their equipment, how to use it and it's limitations and that includes working in their PPE. This happens through training. My VFD doesn't get alot of work so what I try to do in training is simulate actual fire environments in terms of smoke and heat so guys get accustomed to feeling what working in "normal" or should I say safe heat feels like. This is a valuable aid in helping them to gauge conditions when working for real out in the field. Flashover simulators while a great training tool, are just not the same as actually working in that environment. And while training fires in burn buildings are a far cry from the real thing in the field, they are for all intents and purposes the best tool we have in that regard.
    BTW I'm not sure of what brands are the best but here's a tip for your hoods taught to me by one of my mentors. Sew the back flap of your hood to the inside of your turnout coat where it normally sits when donned.
  9. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FF1 in Hoods   
    I hear you. To clarify, I do agree... continuous size up is paramount. You always monitor conditions. My point on the hoods is, you can get antiquate protection, yet begin to feel heat when the temperature reaches a certain level.
    I agree whole heartedly that size up is the 1 thing you live and die by, but it doesn't hurt to be able to have a second sense (feel) giving you another view of conditions.
  10. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by FF1 in Hoods   
    these hoods are getting TOO good in my opinion. Reason being, yes, you want protection, but you also want to be able to "feel" the heat a bit. this will allow one more sense to give you an idea od conditions. These new hoods can practically be brought into an inferno and wont let you feel a thing
  11. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by bad box in Hoods   
    Here's a couple of tests done comparing various hoods that are currently available to the fire service:
  12. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by PHIL78 in New Rochelle Working Fire 11-14-13   
    Time:11:16 hrs
    Incident Type:working fire
    Location:456-458 Main st
    District:st 1 co. district
    Units:E22,24,21,23 L12,TL11 2302 2301 2309 30 a2

    Description:Units dispatched on automatic alarm initial alarm E22,E24 L12.
    E22,L12 On scene with a smoke condition in the store.(Monroe College book store)
    E22 sretching a line on a possible basement fire.
    2302 Filling out the assignment for a 10/75.
    L12 confiming basement fire Heavy smoke in the basement.
    2 Lines stretched fire K/D U/C approx 12:30 hrs
  13. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Hoods   
    Somehow, someway, I'll get by. I gave up worrying what the cool kids wore LONG ago.
  14. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Yonkers FD New EMS Car 45   
    Yonkers Fire Department New EMS Truck
    Car 45
    2014 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4/Outfitted by Proliner

  15. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by x635 in nfd2004's LA City/County trip in 1984   
    An EXCELLENT thread and series of posts on nfd2004's LA City/County trip in 1984 on EMTBravoWest. Well written and a great read! One of the best threads ever on any EMTBravo website.
    Read it here:
  16. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by Task Force 7 in Katy, & Sugarland, Texas   
    Here are a few photos that I managed to take yesterday while in the Houston area.
    Sugarland Engine 1

    Katy Engine 3

    Katy Ambulance 1

    Photos were taken by TF-7. These pictures were the first I've ever taken using a IPAD. I wasn't sure how they would turn out.
  17. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by tommyguy in Mount Vernon Fatal Fire 10-30-13 Discussion   
    Below is an audio link to the radio traffic as this fire was toned out and the first units began to arrive. The audio is on the Lohud site.
    The radio traffic shows:

    0312 - Initial assignments for heavy smoke in the building.
    0316 - Advises Battalion, "We're getting multiple calls including from PD."
    0317 - Eng 4 is 10-84 at scene, reports basement fire with heavy smoke/fire condition.
    0319 - Battalion reports,"Four people are still inside."
    0323 - Primary searches are underway. One line stretched, second line being stretched.
    Audio Link
  18. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by firecapt32 in Mount Vernon Fatal Fire 10-30-13 Discussion   
    Lets not forget in all of this "Stuff" the fantastic job the Brothers did that night under these extreme circumstances--. rescues were made-- civilians were saved--firefighters put their lives on the line for the citizens of Mt Vernon.
    To any firefighter pulling up on a scene and being told that people were trapped in side--chills run up and down your spine--your training kicks into high gear and you go to work doing the best you can. Those firefighters and Officers that night were sworn to protect the citizens of Mount Vernon and they did it to the best of their ability. 2 men 3 men it didn't matter - people were trapped and they went to work, knowing full well that at any time it could be them in didn't matter- they did it any way. For that the people of Mt Vernon should be proud of firefighters and Officers of FDMV.
    Let politics take its course--it will all shake out--but FDMV did a yeoman's job that night.
    Just my thoughts
  19. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by jloftus in Mount Vernon All Hands 10-30-13   
    Time: 1449
    Incident Type: Working fire using all hands
    Location: 245 Langdon Ave
    Units: E-5, E-3, E-4, L-1, L-2, R-1, C-2 Transcare : A2, EMS 1

    Description: Fire in walls of 3- Story Frame 75X50, 1- line stretched in operation.
    14:54 B-4 10-26 , All hands
    15:10 B-4 Prim. 2nd searches Neg. main body k\d, overhauling.
    15:55 All units in service.
  20. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by wedgeclose in Mount Vernon Fatal Fire 10-30-13 Discussion   
    How in the HELL can the people of Mt. Vernon allow the Fire Department to operate like this? It is unbelievable that they are so short staffed! Heck we get 40 or more volunteers out the door on every call......shameful.....
  21. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by Using_All_Hands in Mount Vernon - Multi-Fatal Structure Fire - 10/29/13   
    Date: 10/29/13
    Time: 03:15
    Incident Type: Structure Fire w/ reported people trapped
    Location: 11 S Bond St (Cross of Mount Vernon Avenue)
    District: City of Mount Vernon
    FDMV Units: E3, E6, E4, E5, L1, L2, L3, B2
    Transcare: Multiple
    Empress: 1 ALS Rig
    WCDES Units: Battalion 18, C&O Zone 1
    Relocate MV Sta. 3: Pelham E5, Eastchester L15
    Description: Heavy fire in basement and rear of two story frame with reports of 4 trapped.

    03:18 - Battalion reports heavy fire showing in rear, reports of 4 people unaccounted for.
    03:20 - EMS 1 and Mutual Aid EMS units to the scene.
    03:23 - 2A reports heavy fire in rear and basement, 1 L/S/O, stretching a 2nd, primary underway. E5 added to box.
    03:23 - Pelham Engine, Eastchester Truck to relocate Mount Vernon Station 3.
    03:27 - 2A requests L2 abandon water condition they're operating at and come to fire scene.
    03:28 - 2A reports fire extended to 2nd floor, reported people trapped, fire is doubtful.
    03:35 - 2A reports heavy fire, crews heavily engaged. 03:40 - 2A requesting EMS to Command Post.
    03:46 - Empress sending ALS unit to scene (Mutual Aid).
    03:49 - 2A reports crews still heavily engaged, primaries still underway.
    06:00 - Reports from local media sources that up to three civilians have perished at this fire.
  22. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by x152 in Stamford's New Engine 9 - 2013 KME Predator Severe Service   
    Slight correction, 1500 pump, 1000 tank, 30 class B foam.
    Additional deliveries for E8 (1000 gallon) and E1 (750 gallon in late Feb/early March.
  23. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Stamford's New Engine 9 - 2013 KME Predator Severe Service   
    AWESOME! I love the new paint scheme, and the fact Stamford is going with a real fire apparatus manufacturer finally!
    I think mstrang1 will be behind the wheel of this. Will be in service soon.
    City Of Stamford Fire-Rescue Engine 9
    2013 KME Predator Severe Service 2000 1500/1000/30 Class B
    (Supplied photo with much thanks)

  24. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Former Pleasantville FD Engine 90 1970 ALF For Sale   
    Former Pleasantville Engine 90 for sale on Ebay. Will grumpyff bite?