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  1. sueg liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Suicide   
    In a society where your value as a person has become more intertwined and dependent upon your bank account and credit rating than ever before it is not suprising that suicides are on the rise. Being human emergency responders are not immune to this, as such working to serve others may have a more palapable and visceral impact on some since we see ourselves as the "good guys" that shouldn't face such troubles...we're the ones that help people. History is full of times where hopelessness and despair have set in with tragic results and no more so than in times of economic trouble. We have all heard stories of the stockbrokers leaping out windows on Wall Street after the '29 crash. During the Great Depression suicides increased to unprecedented numbers around the world as people's lives descended into poverty. Going back even further in history Egyptians, Roman's, Greeks, Mayans, Incas, fact all civilizations...have faced increases in suicides as the world as they knew it and the economy on which they thrived collapsed...which is the direction many feel we are headed in today. And it has always been the ones who serve that are hit hardest. In the times of those great empires it was the military that saw their ranks decimated by suicides, especially among the leadership. Maybe because as the pillars of those civilizations they felt responsible for their decline, or maybe because try as they might they could not prevent it. I think a similar "guilt" coupled with the unparelled dehuminization of society today have created a "perfect storm" of despair and darkness that some just cannot seem to persevere through. And in this too it is an almost unwritten rule that we, as first the pillars of our with adversity, trauma and tradgedy in a stoic manner. We don't share our troubles, we solve the troubles of others. I suppose that for some that huge weight on their shoulders becomes a burden they can no longer bear as their lives spiral downward with their dwindling bank accounts, credit ratings and even addictions brought on by these troubles. And unfortunately in our closed world many feel they "can't" show weakness by asking for help. We in the fire service pride ourselves on the brotherhood forged through our collective effort that is unique, and it is this brotherhood that offers the best chance of help to those in need of it. Although sometimes suicides are completely unexpected, signs of trouble often emerge long before a trigger is pulled or noose tightened, so as brothers and our brothers keepers it is incumbent upon all of us to watch for them and act. The world is a hard place and one could argue getting harder and that affects everyone, but because of the unique bonds and shared experences that we as emergency workers confront daily, we alone have the insight necessary to spot a wayward or lost comrade before it's too late. When push comes to shove it is far better to act and be wrong than to leave these brothers alone in ther misery, despair and hopelessness.
  2. sueg liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Brooklyn 2nd Alarm 2-2-920
  3. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by sueg in RIP FF/EMT Matt Oliveri FDVA   
    Our sincerest condolences to Matthew Oliveri's family and the people who were able to become his family at FDVA-Montrose and Putnam Lake VFD. Quite a few of our members got to know him through mutual aid calls, the Christmas Parade and other events, and have been talking about how they will miss him. Keep talking and remembering his contributions and personality - and if you have any problem dealing with his sudden passing, let someone know so they can help. Anyone know how long Putnam Lake VFD will be collecting the nonperishable food in Matt's memory? I would like to add to the extremely thoughtful gesture so his memory can continue helping other people.....
  4. sueg liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Do Thermal Imaging Cameras Hurt Us?   
    Any tool in the wrong hands can be detrimental. TIC can be true lifesavers and minimize damages while enhancing firefighter safety immensely, as long as we like any other technology do not rely on it solely.
  5. sueg liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Fire Service Leadership Behavior On Social Media   
    I think the simple fact is that anyone in emergency services, whether you want to be or not, is a representative of his/her agency. Conduct that is unprofessional and immature not only makes you look foolish, but reflects negatively upon your agency and the emergency service community as a whole. An individual who is a Chief or other supervisory figure in his/her agency should absolutely be held to a higher standard, since they are expected to be the utmost professional and possess the qualities of a mature and professional leader. When I see individuals exhibiting childish and unprofessional behavior, it makes me second guess their abilities as a leader. We dont have to act like professional robots all of the time; we are all human. But unprofessional conduct when it applies to situations involving conflict resolution, or improper conduct that can be viewed by the public or those outside our little world, is inexcusable if you want to be taken seriously as a competent leader.
  6. sueg liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Fire Service Leadership Behavior On Social Media   
    I think it should go one further, and be ANY firematic officer (or line officer of any similar organization, PD, FD, EMS). There are so many people these days that get squashed by their organization for posting on websites such as this, then there are some where the upper echelon/brass posts something that if it was one of their members, would most likely bring retaliatory action.
    Final thought, all members should uphold such a behavior, because, what makes any one single person better than anyone else?
  7. sueg liked a post in a topic by x635 in Fire Service Leadership Behavior On Social Media   
    I'd like to know what you think about how fire chiefs and other leadership should behave online.
    Would you respect a Chief that behaves in a vulgar and immature fashion online on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook? What kind of message does that send to his/her department, the community, and the fire service?
    What would you think of a fire chief who enjoys inciting conflict, doesn't play by the rules on purpose, and makes themselves look like a victim of their own actions when they suffer the consequences of it?
    Finally, what type of members respect and follow this type of leader? And what type of member blindly follows a leader no matter what? And what if word gets out to the citizens about their fire chief's behavior?
    I believe that a fire chief should be allowed to have their own presence online however they see fit. However, I strongly feel that they must show some sort of decorum online, and set an example for others.
  8. Alpinerunner liked a post in a topic by sueg in Greenwood Lake FD water rescue/fire fighting unit   
    The NFVFD boat based at Squantz Engine Company actually does very well on smooth and rough water, but hang on tight depending on who is driving it. It has cut transport of people hurt at the forest edges of Squantz Pond or drowning victims to the ambulance at the loading dock or boat launch from more than 15 minutes by traditional motor boat to about two. It MOVES. Also, we had a structure fire on Lavelle Avenue (overlooking Squantz Pond) during the October freak snowstorm and could not get more than the brush truck past the downed trees and wires, and used the boat to provide water source from the Pond to the brush truck and the smaller truck that eventually cut its way through to put out the fire, and it worked very well. The first day we had it on the water, we used the pump to put out an outbuilding fire on Pine Island on Candlewood Lake, where we used to have to lug a portable pump, hoselengths, etc. and make extra trips for people. It has more than proven itself, and flies across the Lake without having to worry about seaweed propeller tangles. Good luck to the Department that bought one - it is well worth it.
    The only other one in existance at the time we purchased it was being built to go to Turkey. They have the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but not sure if it was going to be used in either one. Economy tanked, and no one else bought one until the recent ones posted, so glad to see they are selling. One problem we found was stress fractures in the upward struts, but they modified and fixed that, and it has not recurred since.
  9. wraftery liked a post in a topic by sueg in Fires that "Just get away from you"   
    Gee, some Fire Departments just can't get a brake.
  10. sueg liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Wear And Tear On Apparatus From EMS Calls   
    Agreed and most legislators 1st goal is to get reelected, so they do many things that do not help us as a state or nation, but what is good for a group.
    This is not completely acurate. In the communities that had a fire alarm box system, the FD got the call long before the Police dept even existed. This went on since the 1880-90's. PD's check and advise was not common till the 1950's or 60's and then it was because they answered the phone and sent a "Radio Car" out, sometimes with the FD notification but often not. Fast forward to today and Automatic Fire Alarms go from the alarm service to Fire Dispatch and PD often never knows, till we tell them.
    In my experience the "check and advise" mentality occurs mostly in volunteer communities (this is not a Vol vs career thing, is an FD vs PD thing), as many PD's do not want to "bother the VFD", but does not want career FF's sleeping while they are out on the road. I've heard this issue from all sides in many communities. And sometimes liability is a driving force, but more often the depts ignor the threat and roll the dice. Its changed because of politcial pressure.
    You are very correct in how we have changed, but its not just the medical calls....we get called for lock ins, lock outs, no heat, no hot water, broken light....etc.....etc......etc....
    PD dealing with the "drunk" has been gone in the areas I work for close to 30 years for multiple reasons:
    1) Our PD was told they would be put on charges 30 years ago for transporting "patients"...because it cut into the city's billing.
    2) I know of a number of cases where PD has transported to either the ambulance building ("to save time") or the ER. I have opened the PD car door in both of those cases and watched the "patient" throw up all over the back of the car (that usually is the last transport for that officer).
    3) I do no of legal cases of "drunks" who died sleeping it off in the drunk tank...but they were not drunk, they were medical calls. That usually ends the practice.
    Its not the legislators who are dialing 9-1-1. We have more than doubled our calls in 25 years. Yes we have created a nanny state, but thats because we are teaching that you do not need to learn to fish, since we will keep giving you a fish.
    Agreed, but they have a short enough memory, so they do not remember that the cost for not supporting us costs more.
  11. sueg liked a post in a topic by LCFD968 in TMC   
    It's because of arrogant know it all people like everybodygoes that we (dispatchers) have to ask those (mildly retarded) questions.I don't understand how I have job knowing that somebody like this can do it so much better. He knows all, Has experience in every aspect of emergency services. Why is he not dispatcher trainer of the entire state is beyond me.
    Can I say : "Job Security"
    Thank you
  12. sueg liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in TMC   
    Try being that "lazy POS" sitting in a chair all day yielding phone calls. I've been there, done that, and it sucks...mainly because people like you have your head so far up your (self) that you don't even want to consider the other end of it. I agree with everyone on this thread, that is, except you.
    And as far as that last comment, "cause you would have a miserable time." That is just messed up. You make yourself sound like a trouble maker, which coerces my opinion of you. You should give up the argument. You are severely outnumbered on this, and I wouldn't mind if this thread disappear from the front page.
  13. sueg liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Is it really all of us who don't get it, or is it just you? It's been clearly established you were wrong. Just plain wrong. Yet, you continue to want us to take your side over this calltaker, who it sounds was just doing her job, and doing it well. Why should we blindly side with you over your unwarranted and nasty criticisms? Just because your "on the job"? Your not impressing anyone here. Everyone here is "on the job". You keep doubling down, yet you remain in the wrong. Why should we side with you? You have the nerve to come on this forum, call out this dispatcher, and now, in retrospect, we see it's for no legitimate reason. In all your posts, you have failed to identify how this woman was incompetent.
    As for your last thought, I'm glad I don't work with you either, because you seem to have a poor attitude, no attention to detail, and a short fuse. I would have a miserable time dealing with that full-time. Additionally, if while driving "55 mph on a highway" you can't see the MPM, then you may have serious vision issues. I don't want someone like that backing me up. I also don't want someone backing me up who doesn't have the integrity and fortitude to admit when he or she made a mistake. Finally, I don't want anyone working with me who sterotypically believes workers may be inferior, just because they are female. So for once, you said something I agree with, I don't want to work with you either. :-)
  14. sueg liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Mile Post Markers:
    First, you claimed that you referenced to the calltaker the Taconic/BRP Interchange which is MPM 0.00 on the Taconic. Simultaneously, it is MPM 19.12 on the Bronx River Parkway.
    Then you claimed that it was right in front of the TMC which is MPM 12.62 on the Sprain Brook Parkway, NOT the Taconic. The Lower Taconic branches off before reaching the TMC.
    Now, you claim it was a quarter mile south of the 9A ramp, which could reference EITHER the 141/9A Interchange located at MPM 2.87 on the Taconic OR the newer 9A ramp which is located at MPM 4.67 on the Taconic. Now, you say a quarter mile south of that, which would put you at MPM 4.42 (from the new ramp) OR MPM 2.62 (from the 141/9A ramp). Now the second one would put you on the Lower Taconic.
    Now, this whole time, this calltaker is probably thinking to herself "...well, he can't mean the Taconic at all, now can he, because the TMC is on the Sprain, not the Taconic. Maybe if he gives me the MPM, I'll know exactly where he is, so I don't have a Trooper driving all over the place looking for this van!..." So she asks you for the MPM to help clarify things, but at this point, you've decided she's too "mildly retarded" and it all goes down hill from there. Did I get that about right?
    See how just reading the next MPM you saw could have avoided all this confusion? You can try to spin this all you want, but it seems obvious to me (and others here) that her follow-up question was reasonable, and not really anything you should have gotten angry over.
    Any dispatchers here agree/disagree? Maybe JBE, will chime in. Asking for a MPM a reasonable follow-up question?
  15. sueg liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in TMC   
    Way to double-down and not just admit you made a mistake. So, if I understand you right, calltakers/dispatchers who try to get precise locations of incidents being called in are either "mildly retarded" or "dopes"? And males are better dispatchers then females?
    I can only speak for myself, but I appreciate when communications personnel do their best to get good info from callers. It saves time, manpower, and aggravation in running down bad leads because callers are too inept, lazy, or just unable to provide good information. I'm also glad calltakers also realize that even those "on the job" can and do make mistakes, so taking their word as gospel without taking basic steps to confirm it is malfeasance. And some of the best dispatchers I know are female, so, I'm not sure what gender has to do with it.
  16. sueg liked a post in a topic by 20y2 in TMC   
    This thread is priceless and goes to show that we all THINK we know how to do each other's job, when in reality we most certainly don't. The thread started dropped a bomb, was proven wrong numerous times and now didn't chime back in to admit he was wrong. Priceless.
  17. sueg liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in TMC   
    How about just answering her question instead of giving her a hard time... is it really that big of a deal that you had to run on here to post tihs "horrible" experience you had? Did you ever consider maybe she was new?
  18. sueg liked a post in a topic by 10512 in FDNY Commish Orders Aviation VFD to Cease Operating   
    AFD does not stay in their own neighborhood, I have seen them all over the East Bronx, from top to bottom, in the South Bronx, and I have seen them up on the Hutch by the Westchester line, they just hop in their rig and ride around the Bronx, buffing jobs.
    I heard from several people, that when AFD shut down after 9/11, it seems a couple of them banded together and formed the "Volunteer Bronx Fire Patrol". They would ride around and buff jobs in an privately registered SUV (not any volley rig, but a personal car)) that had flashing lights and cheap stickers marking it as the "Bronx Volunteer Fire Patrol". I encountered two of them at a vehicle accident, maybe five years ago or so- ( I am NYPD and was operating at the accident) and, never having heard of the "Bronx Fire Patrol" ( I am also a former member of the New York Fire Patrol,) so l wondered who they were. They got out of the rig, and without asking the NYPD or FDNY what was happening, they just started directing traffic. The did this without asking NYPD or FDNY, or even telling us so that we might coordinate efforts. I asked them a couple of simple questions, like "who are you guys-who sent you here? and I received no satifactory answer, other than ...."Uhh"..."who" "what"...."daba daba"... and related comments. I went over to a Battalion aide and asked if he knew who they were, he said he had seen them at jobs before, but did not know who they were. With that, it seemed that as soon as I turned my back, they hopped into their SUV and left the scene before I could ask any more questions.. I said to myself that the next time I saw them, I would make it so that they would receive many summones (or arrest) and impound the car. I was transferred shortly after that to another assignment that took me out of the area, I regret not taking the time out that day to go track down the SUV and put it on paper.
  19. sueg liked a post in a topic by wraftery in The Radioactive tissue-box   
    The little atom came home crying "Mommy I lost my electron."
    "Are you sure?" Said the Mother>
    "Yes,I'm Positive."
  20. sueg liked a post in a topic in A Special Day For A Special Boy   
    My name is Kimberly, I am Christopher's mother. I would like to thank each and every one for your awesome words of encouragement and support. I've been an EMT for the 6 years and one thing I've learned is that I am part of a much bigger family! Before we found out what was causing Christopher so much pain, I thought I could handle anything, but it's a different story when your actually told the news. After Christopher's 1st surgery, the doctor's are going to place a Petrie Cast on him. For those that do not know, it is a cast from the top of the thighs and goes all the way down to the ankles. Both legs will be casted straight and there will be bars forcing his legs apart from each other. He will have to have this cast on for 6wks. Every word you type, Christopher is reading, so please don't stop! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! I pray you all stay safe during this holiday season. May you and your families share love, peace and happiness.
  21. sueg liked a post in a topic by Alwaysinheat in How Do You Select Which Officer to Vote For?   
    I think its very simple unless you want to see your department run like your high school student council with elected positions of dept. clown, nicest blue light package, again its simple b/c your life depends on it.
    Regardless if no dept. standards exist for the officers, past experience, training, knowledge of district should all be taken into consideration. But your election is limited when you don't have the right membership stepping up to the plate.
    Having military experience is great, however, one should still have FF 1, ICS, various tactical and building construction familiarization. Just b/c one person can lead a group of FF's, if he doesn't know were to lead his crew to he is useless.
    The only way to get qualified people into the ranks is to change the dept. policy and establish a training program that will allow new and existing members to to get the necessary training to become officers is so desired . FF's to be worth there weight should be certified in either interior/ exterior operations. Building construction, various fire fighting tactical and operation classes. As a firstline officer one should have one level higher of those to be supervised. ICS training, specific tactical training truck, tanker or engine ops. And once the training program has been in place for a couple of years FF 2, instructor courses etc. Can be added.
    I think the most important thing is to establish a training program that will standardize your FF's the first year, then continue with those classes and begin to offer the officer level training. As your years of training increase so will your ranks of qualified members for potential officers.
    If you don't have a good foundation, what you try to build on top of it will be worthless.
  22. sueg liked a post in a topic by JohnnyOV in Full Length UC Davis pepper spray video   
    Looks like, as I'm sure most of us assumed, that the Police were totally justified in the use of pepper spraying the protesters, and gave them ample warning to vacate the area they were "occupying" before the use of force was applied. Video is about 15 minutes long, but it's worth it to watch it all.

  23. sueg liked a post in a topic by x635 in Rattlesnake Anyone?   
    Really? What if my 16 month old daughter was in the garage and the snake got to her or my wife? As much as I love animals, including my dog which could have easily been killed, I love my family and dog more. This is a REALLY dangerous animal.
    And further FYI, juvenille rattesnakes are the most agressive. They use their venom not matter what, where adult rattlesnakes conserve theirs more and may even "dry bite". This particular variety I spoke with a LEO who is a snake expert and he told me I did the right thing as this was an especially vicous breed. It's also important that the public know what these types of snakes look like. (You never know who up north is keeping them as pets)
    If it wasn't on the sticky pad, IF I could capture it safely, I would put it back into the wild far away. But that was not an option. As mentioned, I love my family, and I don't want to possibly be severly injured or die handling this snake.
  24. sueg liked a post in a topic by FD347 in New York City Emergency Communications   
    I'll try to explain the system in a nutshell but it's going to be a pretty big shell, and it's definitely nuts.
    NYC 911 was located for years in 1 Police Plaza in lower Manhattan. In the mid-1990's they were kicked out and moved to downtown Brooklyn, Metrotech. They have 2 basic functions, call taker and radio dispatcher. Depending on the time of day they can have 60-80 call takers working at once. They also have over 2 dozen radio positions that operate on a 24 hour basis. Between 911 operators, radio dispatchers, relief personnel, supervisors and other uniforms there are about 200 people on duty at a time. Their civil service title is Police Communications Technician: Their CADS is custom written and they call it SPRINT.
    NYC*EMS (as it was known before the hostile takeover) was located in Maspeth, Queens, until the late 1990's. A sinkhole formed under their building forcing them to move out in a hurry. For a while they operated from a double-wide trailer in their parking lot before they too were moved into Metrotech, 2 blocks from 911. Their dispatchers and call receiving operators are EMTs ( and their supervisors (lieutenants and captains) are medics ( Their CADS is also custom written but I don't know if it has a name.
    FDNY had (past tense) 5 central offices, one to each borough prior to 2003. Most of you probably know the history but the basic stuff is here:
    Also in the late 1990's the fire department (now fully taken over by NYC*EMS) decided to decentralize the EMS dispatching facility and put them in the 5 FDNY central offices.
    Then came 9/11, Mayor billionaire and his scheme to integrate the entire operation, all 3 services , into 1 operation, 1 job title, 1 agency outside of FDNY and NYPD. His grand scheme was to create 2 new facilities, PSAC's, put half the city in each one.
    We're about half way there now in PSAC 1. Look for a completely new system to be in place in the next 3 to 10 years depending on how long they can delay the construction of PSAC 2 and the creation of the next CADS that can do all 3 jobs. (We're already in the selection phase and the scuttlebutt says it's just a formality, they're going with Intergraph because NYPD already contracted with them.)
    You can glean more information by using your favorite search engine and entering the phrase NYC ECTP.
    The current system looks like this: Bronx and Queens fire dispatch are still located in their respective FDNY central offices. The Bronx CO was remodeled so it can handle Manhattan fire dispatch should we have to evacuate PSAC 1. Similarly, Queens was remodeled to handle Brooklyn and Staten Island.
    The rest of the entire operation, 911, EMS and Brooklyn-Manhattan-SI fire dispatch are in PSAC 1.
    The flow of a 911 call hasn't changed much. Under the old system, if the caller reported a police matter, the police operator handled the call and sent it to their dispatcher.
    If the caller reported a medical emergency, the police operator interrogated the caller to ascertain the basics of the medical emergency, then patched the call to the EMS dispatch office for triage and ambulance dispatch. If the caller reported a fire, NYPD patched the call, before asking any questions, to the Fire Department central office of the borough in which the call originated.
    Under the new scheme that is not fully implemented yet, there will be no transfer of the call. The 911 operator will ascertain the location, perform medical triage and provide pre-arrival instructions for EMS and fire, then route the info to the respective dispatcher.
    I will not comment publicly about the new scheme because I have nothing positive to say about it. 'nuff said?
    So... how's that for a nutshell?
    Frank Raffa
    Supv. Dispatcher, FDNY
    Borough of Brooklyn
  25. sueg liked a post in a topic by x635 in A Reasonable Goal?   
    One of the main goals of this site is the ability to learn and share. Regardless of all the various issues that occur, essentially, if you close your browser at the end of your visit to this site and have learned something or contributed knowledge that others want to know or learn from, then we have done our jobs by providing the place to do so.
    Help us accomplish that goal we've had since Day 1 eight years ago, and continue to foster that enviroment. Ignore any issues that you may have with this site-life is too short and our time too precious to hold grudges, especially in our line of work. Even if you don't like this site but visit anyways, brush that all off and pick out what you can learn from. And pass along the knowledge that you may have that could really help someone out along outside this forum. If you have something you can teach or lend your knowledge to, please do. All of us are on this site for ONE common reason.....we love what we do, and we love helping others no matter how heated things may get between us. Make this site what you want it to be and know it can be. I've seen this site do incredible things, and you guys are what has made that happen. Let's keep that up.
    Thanks again to all the members who actively particpate and help us achieve our goals. And I must end this with my deepest gratitude for the staff members who volunteer hundreds of hours of their own time help to guide this site, even through rough seas 24/7. I wouldn't be able to run this site without y'all (members AND staff working together)
    Seth G.
    Founder & Executive Director
    The EMTBravo Group
    I strongly encourage anyone to contact me, 24/7/365, with any issues, ideas, questions, complaints,concerns, whatever, via my email which is