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Posts posted by Chkpoint

  1. You want hard instructors. If you don't have the mental capacity to stand at attention and take the heat then you sure as hell do not belong on FDNY job or any other job. cop, ff or what have you. Police dept a long time ago started letting anyone on the job and it shows. Especially when a good amount should not have "passed" jst. Scary to go on patrol with some of these people especially when an 85 is called

  2. Department policy is do not pursue motorcycles. These motorcyclist do this everyday through the city. If you did pursue them 1. Public is at risk and guarantees someone is getting injured /killed. 2. Lawsuits. In order to catch them you have to do raids of chop shops and warehouse garages where they are stored. Raids have been done it's just that there are so many of these bikers and before this incident it wasn't a high priority. And lastly manpower is so short with the PBA saying one job at a time in effect central has jobs holding and reckless motorcycle is not a priority.

    billy98988, BFD1054 and 210 like this

  3. I asked that question recently to a chief after a big fire. Answer I got was if confirmed fire 60 knows from pre plans what I want went I confirm its a fire and what I want when I say 2nd, 3rd alarm and so on unless special instructions. I asked what is a 2nd alarm and what does it bring he said for them it's what first alarm brings. So 2 or 3 engines and 1 ladder addition would make it a 2nd alarm. I know in a big city like NY it's different.

  4. I was going to post state law beat to it. Some towns/ cities still put a blue light forward. i.e Yonkers. I think NY police Depts should have some sort of blue light facing forward, it does help. And I agree 1 single blue lamp in the rear is not enough. Look at county police even NYPD compared to state pd. You can see these cars for miles. Late night on hutch that blue light helped me see that County PD car half mile around the bend the way the blue bounces off everything.

    What bothers the crap out of me is Vollys setting their POV up like a unmarked Christmas tree. One: it's illegal and also why? You can't go through red lights or have a siren and people do not have to move over for you. They should give you courtesy but you doing 50mph in a 30 zone is crazy. Now this site will turn this thread off because I hijacked it and criticized volunteers, which btw I have no problem with and have defended you as equally as career guys, except this issue.

  5. im sorry but i think some of you are missing the picture here. A Parade is for the community. A celebration of whatever it may be. Celebrating America or troops coming home or something within the community. Its very much American as apple pie. When i hear the "should have used the time for training or done this or done that or the rig should be covering." As long as he dept has resources to cover, go to the parade. Let the people enjoy a weekend and see firetrucks, police cars and Ambulances and bands. I just don't get it. Next parades will be banned because they are too patriotic according to the trend the country is on. Some of you need to get a grip and enjoy life.

    GAW6, fireboy, PCFD ENG58 and 4 others like this

  6. CGallo sounds about right. Right on par with what I'm sharing. Of around 2000 roughly who passed most of the passing was very low. Only 250-300 it seems are from 85 and up. I wouldn't be surprised a new test in less then 4 years. You have to now add in variables. Who of those that get called take the job, pass interview/ background pass physical. Who on the list as a prior record. And yes people with prior records take this exam felonies/ misd. And towns that do resident only may have less to pick from. Maybe county next time opens the test back up to outside the county again.

  7. At one time not that long ago you could get on the NYPD quick. Now it's a 2.5 year wait or longer and at one time they had large academy classes. Now lately majority of graduation classes are small. But I would still take the test. Many departments across the country love NYPD guys. In fact, idk if they still allow it but other big cities like Seattle and some in Texas were coming here to recruit NYPD cops, advertising when the starting pay was only 25k for city cops. Places like Seatlle were offering money for moving cost. If you want to move of course. Take everything and take first offer.

  8. Wheel as far as police that I am aware of 5 years ago you got hired under Tier 2. Now its at 6. and yes 5-6 was quick. I am not saying I am 100% correct and anyone can corect me but based on what I know and hiring practices 5 years ago police and fire were Tier 2.

  9. FL, TX, PA, NH, WA, TN and about 6 other states have no income tax and also no pensions. NYS is now at Tier6 for pensions. In 5 years in went from Tier 2 to 6. Sad and many states are like this now. Anyone in Tier 3 and up lost out on a lot. But I guess they can't miss what they never had. Unions losing pensions, benefits and money. In some if not most of the above states FOP is their union in a lot of places to protect them. It's all about test taking and maybe you should practice test taking and take some classes.

  10. Anyone can take the test now but as has been the long standing practice YPD hires its own residence. In the past you could pick up the application and they would tell you don't bother unless you are a resident.

  11. AFS. How about you have a fire and now a large crowd of people or even a small crowd. Plenty of people always want to get up close and see. Especially in today's world of cell phone cameras. Even if there is not a fire you just never know what can happen or pop up. It doesn't hurt to send both. I am a little offended by your statement and if you are a dispatcher I would think you would have some common sense of why PD should go. I have stated clearly my stance on this topic that its an FD job and they go in but I still feel I am needed and have been several cases at a fire scene I was. Like I said that one dingbat with a camera standing right next to the engine as FD is trying to grab a line or the tool and is in the way. Let me take care of that that's why I am there.

  12. I have been to scenes where fellow cops got off on the fire floor to a hallway fully involved. I try to tell some these guys why go in to a fire when FD is right behind us. As I have stated in another topic I'm not going into a fire or CO or gas alarm. That's what FD is for. If I worked in a rural area maybe I would have a different outlook. On the other hand I have been off duty after a shift and driving on the highway and pulled up to (all separate incidents) - overturned MVA, another was a overturn and ejection and another hitting the jersey barrier. All after midnight. I stopped did what I had to do until trooper, EMS and FD came. Called them all in. I also call it luck as I was mins behind the accidents and wasnt involved or having to swerve. It all depends

  13. Well in most towns, cities large and small PD gets dispatched to all fire calls. Again we don't know any details. and going off what i read I believe the cops got there and were told someone was down in the house. If you read carefully the people pretty much knew what happened when they indicated they left the car on in. The garage. And playing detective here go to rye They don't have any story or anything on it but look at alarm box at the top scrolling. Click on precious 30 alarms. For that date it says invest CO-yes. Which would indicate 60 control was told CO and dispatched it as so.

  14. Like I said if I know it's CO call or even gas calls. I wait for FD. Not afraid to go in its just the fact that you have FD for a reason. CO is deadly and easily you can go down. As a police officer you are trained that if you see people on the floor by moving then you better get the hell out of there and call in what you see. You learn that in basic terrorism training. Every situation is different. If I see a car burning with people in it I will try and do what I can to get them out while FD is in route. That sceneeio hasnt happened to me but i know i would. Maybe it's as simple as smashing the window. But CO is not something to mess with in my opinion. But every cop is different and as first responders most of us have the run in mentality. Why we do what we do.

  15. Personally I can tell you I have never gone in when arriving first ahead of FD on a FD job. especially CO call. Not my job to go in. Yes people could be in danger or down but it's not my job. I leave it to FD and standby outside. If they need me for something they can let me know. My thinking is why go in if someone is ready down they are already in a bad situation and overcome. Ill just be another person down and creating more problems. FD is around for a reason. Just my 2 cents