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Posts posted by x129K

  1. No. Engines are the primary EMS response to EMS runs. This vehicle is assigned to the EMS Officer. It replaces an 11 year old Ford Expedition. The EMS Officer responds to major and unusual incidents or if special called by a Batallion Chief.

    Is that still Roone?

  2. Less than 24 hours, and the story is up on firefighter close calls website... Word travels fast.

    Some jackass posted a picture on facebook last night, as the incident was in progress. That BS drives me up a wall.....EVERYONE WANTS TO BE "THAT GUY" THAT HAS THE SCOOP..the first with information, the first to put up a picture.

    I swear to God some of these sick phucks take pleasure in other's misfortune. Brotherhood my ass. Any MOS who exploits other agencies, members, or departments situations has no place in the "Brotherhood".

    I am glad the outcome was better than it initially sounded. Get well.

    BFD1054, x4093k and billy98988 like this

  3. Lets not forget in all of this "Stuff" the fantastic job the Brothers did that night under these extreme circumstances--. rescues were made-- civilians were saved--firefighters put their lives on the line for the citizens of Mt Vernon.

    To any firefighter pulling up on a scene and being told that people were trapped in side--chills run up and down your spine--your training kicks into high gear and you go to work doing the best you can. Those firefighters and Officers that night were sworn to protect the citizens of Mount Vernon and they did it to the best of their ability. 2 men 3 men it didn't matter - people were trapped and they went to work, knowing full well that at any time it could be them in trouble...it didn't matter- they did it any way. For that the people of Mt Vernon should be proud of firefighters and Officers of FDMV.

    Let politics take its course--it will all shake out--but FDMV did a yeoman's job that night.

    Just my thoughts

    I think that sums up what we, the public safety community, shoudl be focusing on - supporting these poor bastards that, yes, run way understaffed, who got bit. It was just a matter of time, and I bet every one of them knew it. And i can guaran-damn-tee that every member on that scene busted their asses and gave their all. Anyone says otherwise, politician, civillian, etc...aint worth the sweat on the balls of the guys on scene.

    It's not just the Vern either...we all know the other jobs this could happen at...any day.

    PCFD ENG58 and pfdff like this

  4. Oh Em Gee, Dan! I was thinking the same thing!

    But really, it was time for something better. Too many of us die in ambulance crashes, and many are unbelted in the back.

    I do wish the NFPA would stay the hell out of my ambulance. I do not trust that group. They seem to rep the manufacturers, not me. I do not need firemen from Massachussetts with too little fire work to do getting involved in EMS. Prefer to see the AMA not the NFPA.

    I love you Billy. :wub: