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  1. x129K liked a post in a topic by 210 in Rant   
  2. x129K liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Remembering 585   
    Couldn't have said it better Dad.
    We'll never forget you, Uncle Mike!
  3. x129K liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in HVVFA convention parade   
  4. x129K liked a post in a topic by helicopper in A Passing Police Officer Called It In......   
    In the academy, we teach cops to park directly in front of the building and/or at the nearest hydrant (to keep the street clear) and then go for coffee 'cause it may be a while. (Before you all get started, I'm KIDDING!!!)
    While we do have a duty to act, that duty is limited to our actions within our scope and training. Unless/until fire suppression is listed as a duty for police we will be acting within our duty when we bang on the door to get people out, evacuate neighboring buildings, start traffic direction/control, etc.
    Those things need to get done and I personally would not advocate giving cops the Fit-5 is the answer. Suppose the cop breaks a window to insert the Fit-5 and there's a flashover or other negative "what-if"?
    We can definitely benefit from working and playing well together I don't think we're at the point yet where duties can be or should be interchangeable.
  5. x129K liked a post in a topic by JM15 in A Passing Police Officer Called It In......   
    Great Point... Is there any medical training in the academy for Police? I would like to see at minimum CFR.
  6. x129K liked a post in a topic by sklov5949 in Departments on facebook   
    City Of Poughkeepsie
  7. x129K liked a post in a topic by bad box in Mutual Aid Response - how long do you wait?   
    I have difficulty accepting that in this day and age there are some fire departments that consider FAST to be a specialty. Every certified firefighter should be completely competent in all aspects of FAST duties. FAST is every bit as much a part of firefighting as is advancing a hose line or Vent, Enter and Search functions are. When firefighters arrive at the fire ground, they should be prepared to handle any task and use any equipment. Firefighting frequently requires split second decision making and immediate action. This fact can be no more apparent then it is when a Brother / Sister firefighter is trapped and in immediate danger of death.
  8. x129K liked a post in a topic by jjpinto in Yonkers New Deliveries   
    Here you go the new apparatus deliveries for Yonkers
    Squad 11
    Engine 309
    Ladder 72

  9. x129K liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Departments with no hydrants; WHY do we continue to burn buildings down!?   
    We bring a total of over 6,000 gallons of water with our own apparatus (assuming nothing is OOS or delayed) plus we get an additional 2 Tankers initially with 6,000 gallons on any repoted structure fire / smoke in a house. Once it is confirmed (or the IC wants to get them moving sooner) we get 2 more Tankers with 6,000 gallons. On a 2nd Alarm we get 2 more Tankers and on a 3rd Alarm, another two.
    Since the majority of our Tanker responses are within the first due area of E118, they will drop a 3" and a 5" supply line as they go into a driveway, so we can keep a constant supply of water going. (Hopefully) Drilling, preplanning and prior experiences have helped us better prepare for fires in no man's land.
  10. x129K liked a post in a topic by firefighter36 in Departments with no hydrants; WHY do we continue to burn buildings down!?   
    Great question! To be honest, that is something I feel changes based on the situation. I took the rural water supply class a few years ago, and it was an eye opener coming from a place that is mostly hydrants. Anyhow, in our evolutions, there didn't seem to be as much of a distance of supply line as there was an emphasis for the proper number of tankers to keep an uninterrupted supply of water showing up to the attack rig from the various water sources. As a matter of fact, the instructor showed over time into the final exercise that we were 1 tanker short of keeping a constant attack. (We ran multiple master streams, hand lines, etc.)
    Why would it change? Availability of manpower, tankers, and location of static water sources. The lay of the land is an important factor, how far down a long driveway, up or down hill, etc. The impression I got from the class was that departments need to have the right equipment and the right plan. Unfortunately, there are departments out there that think an engine with a larger booster tank is sufficient. Is that really the case? or are Tankers not as near and dear to member's hearts as an engine or truck?
    Also, food for thought, at a relatively large fire, in a hydranted area, we laid 1000 ft of 5" along with a dual lay of 3" and 2.5" not because of any kind of friction loss formula, but because we needed to hit a 2nd hydrant and quick to maintain water supply based on a change in water pressure from a main.
  11. x129K liked a post in a topic by FD7807 in Tarryown FD New Utility 61   
    it was relettered and striped with an irish flag chevron in the back. The village per their current procurement policy will put the old one on auction to help offset the cost of the Vilvo. It cost just over $50 K with the cascade purchase and install included. It is head and sholders above what we run with now and will be a great addition.It will also carry the paratech strut system, a plethora of water rescue PPE and equipment along with HAZMAT, extinguishers, rehab capabilities, along with salvage and overhaul equipment. It also has a 25 KW generator plus air and electric cord reels.
  12. x129K liked a post in a topic by GAW6 in Who pays for your parade uniform?   
    First of all, uniforms are not just for "parades". They are worn at inspections, wakes and funerals, fire prevention presentations, etc. There is nothing more impressive when you have lost a loved one to see your department come in as a group in uniform.
    Our Fire District pays for the uniform; the member pays for his own shoes, belt, etc. Anyone who leaves the department turns his uniform in and it goes in to our "stock". New members must check the "stock" first to see if any part of the uniform fits before going to purchase a new full/partial uniform.
  13. x129K liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Who pays for your parade uniform?   
    Sure! Whether tax money pays for it in a municipal budget or from the insurance tax, what's the difference. It may not stack up against firefighting equipment, but a dept. needs a dress uniform. I think it just falls under the category of professionalism for P.R., fire prevention education and official functions from funerals to inspections and such. Now, members wearing that uniform correctly.....that's something that has to be policed!
  14. x129K liked a post in a topic by JBE in Are Tarrytown Firefighters Getting Hosed?   
    Just a question out of curiosity, since I'm really not familiar with the area, or the politics. Could it possibly be that after TL-78 cost nearly $1 million or just over $1 million, that the town government is going to be a little more observant of what the FD is spec'ing out, hence the controversy we have??
  15. x129K liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Are Tarrytown Firefighters Getting Hosed?   
    Damn, whining about a $620K engine? Get a real problem. While many of us wouldn't want a Beta model engine, Crimson has built plenty of apparatus to be a significant contender. Having looked into them a bit for our last purchase, the only downside I ever heard of was regarding local dealers, nothing about the builder.
  16. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by x129K in The Annual Parade Debate Thread 2010   
    Sigh....I hate this BS.....
    I for one...actually LOVE parades...I like to march in them...I like the brotherhood and comeraderie of them..I like putting on my Class A for a reason other than someone who died..I love beer...I love to hear my kids yelling "There's my Daddy!" as they point to me with their freinds...I love the pride associated with being a member of a department who routinely wins trophies...
    Parades are good.
    Are they a TRUE indicator of a department's fire and emergency mitigation skills? Nope....
    Are some of the WJA rules outdated, nonsensical, and somewhat against proper firefighting? Yep...and I hate those rules....but it is what it is.
    16Fire5...I don't know if they are "illegal", but most departments prefer "parade lays" for crosslays....and I for one don't like that..it is a pain to pull a "parade lay" off of these monster engines we spec these days...especially with gloves on..
    In regards to hair, beards, and peircings...MY department, who is very serious about marching, will not let anyone on the street with facial hair, be it a goatee, fu-man-chu, or even stubble...it's a dry shave at line up or you can sit and watch. Long hair MUST be put up...we are serious about appearance...and yes...we get off of the floor routinely for alarms as well..
    It is easy to sit back and say, "why do these departments get 30 guys on the street, but they can't get a peice off of the floor for a fire call?" Well...THOSE departments are the ones you see with 3, 4, or 5 guys on the street at parades. or just a rig with no guys marching....NOT every department has a ton of people who march..not every departmnet has a ton of people period.
    Not everyone who marches drinks either ....(I tend too... )....in fact, most departments do not even supply beer before the parade - just water to keep their guys hydrarted...which is a good reason to have friends in other departments...take a stroll, shoot the bull, and steal a beer!
    Perhaps hypocritical, I do not agree with taking a truck and a large portion of a membership out of the area for a parade..like Lake George..Nope...don't agree with that one bit..I think a rig should be in a position to be able to respond to an alarm if need be...but then again, do the Judges gig you if the crew has their turnout geat left in the cab????
    Like them or not - parades are an important part of the Fire Service's history and romance....
  17. x129K liked a post in a topic by Boss159 in The Shoutbox Is Back! (Incident Alert Live)   
    I am all for the shoutbox.
  18. x129K liked a post in a topic by nerdalert in The Shoutbox Is Back! (Incident Alert Live)   
    I liked it, I thought it was a nice addition.
  19. x129K liked a post in a topic by Geppetto in Mansion Fire in North Stamford   
    News 12 and others are reporting alot of controversy associated with this fire. The audio track has made it to the Stamford Advocate.
  20. x129K liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Port Chester 2nd alarm   
    Here we go ! We sold them to by diesel for the rigs !
  21. x129K liked a post in a topic by PCFD ENG58 in Port Chester 2nd alarm   
    There was no middle " DONE" !
  22. x129K liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Kiryas Joel FD awarded a 2009 AFG grant ?   
    Kiryas Joel: Is it pronounced like Curious Joel? Could that be the reason they are apparently responding all over the place?
    Just curious myself.
    After all I am George.