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  1. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in The Prescription Drug Dilemma   
    I found this story today and it made me think about how much of a serious problem prescription drugs have become. This woman was drunk and taking prescription meds and going 100 mph in the wrong direction. Unfortunatly Westchester County is all too familiar with this type of incident and the catastrophic and tragic outcome that it can have.
    It's almost a daily occurance that I stop people that have a pocket full of vicodin or some other form of oxy or hydrocodone or even some type of psych meds. The people that we stop and arrest don't see anything wrong with it because they are "prescription drugs", the problem is that the pills aren't their prescription drugs to be in possession of. "They are just holding them for a friend " or the ever popular "these aren't my pants" defense.
    There have been countless drug store robberies across the country with people stealing pain killers including the savage massacre on long island. More recently we lost a brave member of the service because some junkie wanted to hold up a pharmacy to steal pain pills.
    We charge drug possession and in some cases criminal diversion but the cases seem to get lost in the system and plead out with no real consequence to the offenders.
    I believe some of the problem is with the doctors who over prescribe pain killers and some of it with weak and ineffective laws and prosection. I believe a lot of the problem is perception. People think that just because it's a pill and it comes from the pharmacy that it's not a "real" drug or a street drug, but i see pills more than crack these days and there is no end in sight.
  2. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Lack of Snow this Winter   
    I am not advocating for or against human influence global climate change. I am only pointing out that global warming does not mean warm and sunny New England winters. It means fluctuations in expected weather patterns. In theory last years snow on all 50 states was just as much global warming as this year Texas having more snow on Christmas than some ski resorts.
  3. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Detroit EMS - Shots Fired - New Years Eve   
    I don't know this charlie reporter guy but I like his attitude and style. Clearly blaming the inept politicians before laying an oz of blame on FD/EMS.
  4. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Sorry, You're Going To Love This Story   
    No, it's basically a Second Amendment Rights saying that comes up every time a citizen defends themself. None of us(fire/EMS/PD) can be everywhere at once, thus preventative measures are the best defense against whatever you may face. I believe it could apply to Fire/EMS as well. My thought that everyone is better off depending on themselves for the immediate safety of themselves and family. Hence, own a gun, live in a sprinklered house and know basic first aid and CPR.
  5. sfrd18 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    Here are a few photos I took recently of some of the EMS apparatus/ ambulances in the Greater Burlington, Vermont Area.
    I took these shots with my Droid so they are not of the highest quality.
    The first photo is of Charlotte Volunteer Fire & Rescue A-1. 2007 Ford E350/PL Custom

    The second is of Vergennes Area Rescue Squad (VARS) A-2. Ford E350

    The final is one UVM (University of Vermont) Rescue A-2 (R-2). 2009 Ford E450/Osage

  6. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Merry Christmas   
    Happy Holidays to everyone out there in Bravoland and a very special happy birthday to my own mother whose birthday it is today.
    Stay safe out there.
  7. firedude liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    UVM Confined Space Rescue 1999 Ford F-350/Lifeline (Former UVM Rescue A-1/A-2)

    Village Ambulance, MA, Unit-2, 2010 Ford E-450/McCoy Miller

    South Burlington Fire Department U-1, 2005 Ford F-250 (Paid for by FEMA Preparedness Grant)

    Lamoille Ambulance Service,A-32, 2009 Mercedes Benz Spinter/AEV

  8. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by chris498 in Status of West Harrison's Rescue 35?   
    I read this thread yesterday and have been following the discussion for a day and now feel compelled to add my opinion. It is disappointing that a member of this site asks a simple question about the status of a piece of apparatus which has been placed out of service due to fire and the automatic responses that are generated turn immediately to why does this department need this truck?
    The funny thing is that rarely are the one’s questioning the needs of (fill in the blank) Fire Department, at all associated with that department – so how would you know what their communities specific needs are?
    As example, I wouldn’t question why one department – of which I have no affiliation with or knowledge of their needs - has 3 ladder trucks even though they are surrounded by departments with ladder trucks on every side of their community – because it’s not my place to. If that department has determined that is what they need to do their job, I trust that their leadership has made an educated decision and that they are not just stroking their egos.
    Ironically, it’s double edged sword here as well; a northern department is questioned why so much mutual aid is needed at a house fire, but another department that is self-sufficient is accused of wasting tax payer dollars and questioned why they need this truck or that truck instead of using more mutual aid. It doesn’t make sense; it’s ludicrous.
    There was an interesting article on here lately about the fire service and its changing nature; how departments are being asked to respond to new situations and different types of emergencies all the time. Proper response to these new challenges often requires newer tools, gear and equipment to effectively mitigate these hazards; which in turn often means purchasing a newer and larger truck to carry this equipment and get the job done.
    So - why does this town need this truck? Because their membership and commissioners and potentially their insurance agency have determined it is necessary for their district and their firefighters to do their job effectively.
    This, of course, is not the first time that others who think they know what is best for everyone else interject their own beliefs or who knows maybe even their envy at some other departments rolling stock and I’m sure it won’t be the last – but still it’s disappointing; it is one of the reasons I seldom participate on this site any longer.
    Periodically someone on this site will post something about making this site what we want it to be – a place where positive discussion can take place and where people can learn. But that doesn’t happen; the forcing of agendas continues. Then there is the occasional thread that asks why member participation is down on this site and I think to myself in response to that question, I can’t imagine why someone would feel compelled to post something here when others with agendas, or egos, or envy, or whatever pick apart every detail of every call, decision and comment made. It really is disappointing.
  9. FFEMT150 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in A Special Day For A Special Boy   
    Keep up the good fight.
  10. firedude liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Status of West Harrison's Rescue 35?   
  11. JM15 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Trapped Woman   
    Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Woman Pinned Under Wheel: ‘I’ll Stay Until We Get You Out’
    Job Well Done.
  12. JohnnyOV liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Short firefighter   
    FF/Paramedic and Katonah FD LT Jeff Waful ran circles around some guys during FFII down at WCFTC 2 years ago. And other than maybe his turnout gear, he used the same SCBA and everything as everyone else.
  13. JM15 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Trapped Woman   
    Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Woman Pinned Under Wheel: ‘I’ll Stay Until We Get You Out’
    Job Well Done.
  14. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Trapped Woman   
    Ummm.....No. My safety, my crews safety, safety of the victim, safety of bystanders.
    I implore you to reconsider that statement.
    I agree totally.
  15. JBE liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  16. JBE liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  17. JBE liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  18. JBE liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  19. JBE liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"   
    I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.
    Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).
  20. firedude liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Recertification/Challenge   
    Recert., if not for you then for your patients and crew. Just because the state gives you the card doesn't mean you know the material and can actually perform on demand (im not saying you wont be able to, but its good to have a certain level of comfort and familiarity). Combine that with the fact that protocols, equipment and techniques can change from year to year (CPR anyone) I would think it would be best to start in a more encompassing program initially than limiting yourself to only challenging the exam.
    Im sure you, your crew and your patient will feel a lot more confident knowing you sat for the entire refresher course as opposed to spending a Sunday morning moving between stations.
  21. FF398 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    A few more:
    AmCare A-1 Ford E350

    Saint Michael's College Fire/Rescue A-2 2007 Ford F450/Road Rescue

    Future Town of Shelburne Police Department 2011 Chevy Caprice PPV

    Town of Shelburne Police Department 2010 Chevy Tahoe

    Town of Shelburne Rescue Square Headquarters

  22. BigBuff liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    Milton Rescue A-1 2009 Chevy C4500/Lifeline

    Williston Fire & Rescue Department A-1 2010 Ford F-450/Osage

    Newport Ambulance Service Ford E-350

    Charlotte Rescue A-2 (Spare) E-350/Crusader

    Missisquoi Valley Rescue 2010 Chevy Express/Braun Chief XL

    St. Micheal's College Fire/Rescue A-1 (12-A-1) 2010 F-450/Road Rescue

    Town of Shelburne Police Department K-9 Officer Car 1 (2010 Chevy Tahoe) & Car 2 (2011 Chevy Caprice)
    @ CPR Refresher @ Shelburne Rescue Squad HQ 12/11/2011

  23. BigBuff liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in Great Burlington, VT Area EMS Apparatus   
    Milton Rescue A-1 2009 Chevy C4500/Lifeline

    Williston Fire & Rescue Department A-1 2010 Ford F-450/Osage

    Newport Ambulance Service Ford E-350

    Charlotte Rescue A-2 (Spare) E-350/Crusader

    Missisquoi Valley Rescue 2010 Chevy Express/Braun Chief XL

    St. Micheal's College Fire/Rescue A-1 (12-A-1) 2010 F-450/Road Rescue

    Town of Shelburne Police Department K-9 Officer Car 1 (2010 Chevy Tahoe) & Car 2 (2011 Chevy Caprice)
    @ CPR Refresher @ Shelburne Rescue Squad HQ 12/11/2011

  24. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in LODD - Firefighter Jon Davies Worcester, MA FD - 12/8/11 (Condolence Thread)   
    What sad news this morning. Worcester, Mass. IAFF Local 1009. We all bear witness once again to them getting hit hard. And news of our Brother lost this morning from Mount Vernon. December 8, 2011. Suddenly another infamous date. While we all commiserate here on the site, waiting for news.....a name....mornings like this one always bring you back full circle to other similar mornings.....
    Today feels like....The Father's Day Fire.
    Black Sunday.
    Manlius, New York.
    It's hard to make sense out of these days. Why?
    It reminds me that the career fire service in America is actually not all that huge; and how we are all entwined together with a culture created and passed down through generations of firemen.
    I cannot help but to think of the outpouring of respect that will be shown for these Brothers. I cannot help but to think of the absolute devastation that has occurred to two separate families this December morning. The trying days...months...years now put before families who only last evening had holiday plans in the works. Christmas forever changed for a lot of people in an instant.
    In 2002 I traveled to Colorado Springs to pay respects at the IAFF National Memorial, hosted by IAFF Local 5, Colorado Springs Firefighters. The day before the Remembrance, I had a rented Toyota Four Runner, and decided to drive to the top of Pikes Peak. The Service the next day would be right in front of this mountain, where the Memorial is located.
    When I reached the top after a couple of hours drive, standing there in the parking lot of the lodge I recognized the President of Local 1009. "Hey Worcester" I called out.
    "Hey, how's it going?" the President of 1009 replied. "You want a beer?"
    And so we shared a brew at 14,000 feet and spoke quietly amoungst ourselves.
    The irony was not lost on me that there were six Brothers from 1009 standing there.
    And now two more names will be chiseled into the face of that black wall out in Colorado Springs. In the shadow of Pikes Peak, surrounded by beauty, yet carved from tragedy.
    Once again, Worcester Brothers will make the solemn journey, and this time our Brothers from Mount Vernon will accompany them.
    So Rest well done, the Lord has called you home.
  25. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Covicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu Jamal given life w/o parole   
    What do the French know, anyway?...If it weren't for us, they'd be speaking German right now.