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  1. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Sadly much of the fire service etiquette seems to be slowly fading away. And those of us who have been around awhile are to blame. If we look the other way when members act disrespectfully or distastefully then the fault lies with us, the "older guys" who should know better. I more often than not find myself at odds with both the younger members and the admin of my FD, as I always speak up and see to it that the nonsense stops when members Facebook or Twitter or act disrespectfully at solemn or formal occasions. When such situations arise I hear the standard lament, "it's not 1980 anymore, it's a different time, you can't expect guys to act like they did years ago, wah wah wah, blah blah blah. I'm so f><king tired of that lame ass BS excuse. As I see it here's the deal, there is a right way and there is a wrong way to conduct yourself when in uniform and that goes doubly so for when we're present at funerals or other significant events. I think many will agree, but I also think that beyond agreeing we have to act when we see the wrong way happening...if we don't who will. I joined my first FD at 16 and believe me, my friends and I were hellions in the extreme. The older members made it clear what was and what was not acceptable....just as it had been made clear to them before us...and they made sure we learned exactly what that meant. I truly am thankful I had men like that around to show me the way...and sometimes do more than just show...because I came out a better person and a far better fireman for it. No matter how many volumes of the latest new age, progressive, politically correct management theory drivel is shoved down my throat I KNOW that what I learned and how I learned it is what works best and is the right thing. Society might be crumbling all around us and there may not be a helluva lot we can do about it outside our world, but in our world we still have when guys need straightening out it's up to us to do just that. 10, 15, 20 years from now those same guys will be thankful we did
  2. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by x635 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Are we talking about this "selfie" in inappropriate situations craze as well?
    Boston should have had a separate area for themselves, and out of towners. Ship the out of towners to Gillete Stadium and let them tailgate or go home. The people who live and work in that city each and every day should have had their city back. So they could go about their normal activities, go to their normal bars, visits with their friends. Showing support during a funeral is one thing, invading a mourning community is another. Boston is a town that likes to have fun...but also is serious when they need to be serious. There is no black and white there. The funeral is the end of the public respects, and now it turns towards personal mooring and figuring out how to go on.
    Another thing that drives me nuts is group shots with everyone smiling with the burnt out house and crying victims in the background. Put down the camera, don't even touch that FB app to brag about being there, and GO HELP THE PEOPLE WHO'S LIVES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED!
    Salvage has been replaced with a cell phone. Tarp anyone? Give me a hand with those family photos. One minute Chief, just gotta check my Facebook.
  3. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    I saw this 13yrs ago at Ground Zero. Guys taking pics of each other I/f/o/ utter devastation. Are you friggin kidding me? Yeah that's it, let's take one of the worst days in American History and turn it into a photo op! Morons!
  4. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Gotta be kidding me! Friggin disgrace to the Uniform! ST Paddys Day was last month!
  5. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Gotta be kidding me! Friggin disgrace to the Uniform! ST Paddys Day was last month!
  6. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    I saw this 13yrs ago at Ground Zero. Guys taking pics of each other I/f/o/ utter devastation. Are you friggin kidding me? Yeah that's it, let's take one of the worst days in American History and turn it into a photo op! Morons!
  7. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Gotta be kidding me! Friggin disgrace to the Uniform! ST Paddys Day was last month!
  8. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    I saw this 13yrs ago at Ground Zero. Guys taking pics of each other I/f/o/ utter devastation. Are you friggin kidding me? Yeah that's it, let's take one of the worst days in American History and turn it into a photo op! Morons!
  9. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    Sadly, it appears another new "trend" is coming out of our technology boom. It appears that a funeral is now becoming a "look at me event". Reportedly, many uniformed firefighters were taking cellphone pics throughout the processional and such. Many don't seem to understand that taking pictures for their Facebook page makes a solemn day of remembrance appear to be about the wrong people. What could and should be a large silent presence to honor the fallen and show the family, FD and community that we are one in brotherhood appears to be just another excuse to get out of town a drink and show off their hero costumes. Disgraceful. Too bad only those of us on the inside readily see the difference between those in uniform and those in hero costumes.
  10. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Westchester County PD Newest ESU Unit   
    It was a question not bashing. If one guy was going to be driving that around all day as an ESU piece, it would be a lot of truck. That's all.
    It's no different then one FF on an engine or ladder and that's downright ridiculous. Or a department buying a 10 FF engine when they're lucky to put 4 guys on it for a call on a drill night.
    What kind of jobs will it respond for? Again, a question, not bashing.
  11. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Westchester County PD Newest ESU Unit   
    That's an awful lot of truck for just one guy.
    Are they going to put a second guy onboard?
  12. TimesUp liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Mount Vernon To Break Ground For New Emergency Operations Center   
    Did they ever fix the floor at the Oak St Station I believe it's Station 4? shouldn't they be worrying about that? I believe 2 Engines use to roll out of there and that's why they are down to 4 now instead of 5. Just another reason for always requesting m/a. Whose running that f*** shop over there?
  13. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by x635 in Mount Vernon To Break Ground For New Emergency Operations Center   
    You'd think the city would find another place for a firehouse. I'm sure they could get federal grant money since I'm betting it can be classified as a superfund site....I can only imagine what's underneath that building.
    I can't find the words......I can't believe they are putting the EOC there. But in 10 minutes, they'll forget about it, it will fall apart, and the Mayor will have no clue what to do in an emergency except to make sure his secret stash is safe.
  14. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by lad12derff in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    I, along with 25 of my Brothers spent 2 days paying our respect to Lt Walsh and FF Kennedy. I have to tell you that there needs to be a class on proper etiquette taught to the younger generation of firefighters. I can't tell you how many members I saw carrying cases of beer on their shoulders walking the streets where our Brother was being celebrated. Guys just walking by the church with 24 on their shoulder. I don't really know if they were career or volley and don't really care who they are affiliated with but their actions disgusted me as well as other New Rochelle Firefighters. If you want to have a few beers between the service and the last drive past the sea of blue please go to a bar. If you want to tailgate and party in front of the civilians like morons please go to a football or baseball game. In front of the church and on peoples lawns is not the place!!!!
  15. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Fire Chief makes Anti-Semetic remarks   
    He's not a private citizen, he's a uniformed officer. There's a difference. He's not Joe Shmo the anti-Semite, he's the face of the Fairview Fire Department. No one will remember his name, but they will remember what the FIRE CHIEF said.
  16. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Fire Chief makes Anti-Semetic remarks   
    Yeah? Taxpayer funded public servants in leadership positions can make derogatory remarks like this? I'm the first guy to hate on P.C. bulls#*t, but this isn't the kitchen table in the firehouse......
  17. TimesUp liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Incredible Save by Houston FD   
    It's a good thing the worker had the strength to do what he did cause the turntable operator obviously couldn't extend the Ladder if possible any further with the second guy climbing up the aerial behind the 1st Rescuer. What was he thinking and what was he going to do if he got further up? You could see the 1st Rescuer telling him to get back down. And what is the tip load?
  18. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by TimesUp in Incredible Save by Houston FD   
    I think the second guy climbing up the ladder was trying to get everybody killed. The trapped worker saved both their lives. If it weren't for him they might of never moved the ladder. It looks like they would of been in the collapse that occurred soon after.
  19. TimesUp liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Incredible Save by Houston FD   
    It's a good thing the worker had the strength to do what he did cause the turntable operator obviously couldn't extend the Ladder if possible any further with the second guy climbing up the aerial behind the 1st Rescuer. What was he thinking and what was he going to do if he got further up? You could see the 1st Rescuer telling him to get back down. And what is the tip load?
  20. TimesUp liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Incredible Save by Houston FD   
    It's a good thing the worker had the strength to do what he did cause the turntable operator obviously couldn't extend the Ladder if possible any further with the second guy climbing up the aerial behind the 1st Rescuer. What was he thinking and what was he going to do if he got further up? You could see the 1st Rescuer telling him to get back down. And what is the tip load?
  21. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    Before we worry about every FF being experienced and well skilled in RIT/FAST SOPs(which is truly important also) how about we make sure everyone can "Pump and Ventilate" properly, accurately and as quickly as possible, reducing the chances of having to put a RIT/FAST Team to work. After all these are the Basics right? Put the friggin fire out folks as quickly as possible and most your troubles will go away. Let's also stop assigning positions on Apparatus based on "Seniority" and more on "Ability!" I can guarantee you to if you look at most LODs, they are attributed to Complacency,Ignoring Dept. SOPs or maybe following piss poor SOPs that were implemented and were doomed to fail from the beginning and/or plain out Incompetence on an individual's ability to perform. In a nut shell I guess what Im trying to say is Im sure many LODs are cause by "Human Error" but nobody wants to admit it! There I said it! Let's always stop trying to point fingers and blame everybody but ourselves and our fellow so called 'Brother" FFs. Many guys die in our Profession because of stupid mistakes made on the fire ground, not because there were only 2 or 4 guys on a RIT/FAST Team instead of 10. Let's get out of the "Denial Phase" please and constantly blaming Management and the Administration! We at many times are our own worst enemy but don't want to admit it!
  22. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    Before we worry about every FF being experienced and well skilled in RIT/FAST SOPs(which is truly important also) how about we make sure everyone can "Pump and Ventilate" properly, accurately and as quickly as possible, reducing the chances of having to put a RIT/FAST Team to work. After all these are the Basics right? Put the friggin fire out folks as quickly as possible and most your troubles will go away. Let's also stop assigning positions on Apparatus based on "Seniority" and more on "Ability!" I can guarantee you to if you look at most LODs, they are attributed to Complacency,Ignoring Dept. SOPs or maybe following piss poor SOPs that were implemented and were doomed to fail from the beginning and/or plain out Incompetence on an individual's ability to perform. In a nut shell I guess what Im trying to say is Im sure many LODs are cause by "Human Error" but nobody wants to admit it! There I said it! Let's always stop trying to point fingers and blame everybody but ourselves and our fellow so called 'Brother" FFs. Many guys die in our Profession because of stupid mistakes made on the fire ground, not because there were only 2 or 4 guys on a RIT/FAST Team instead of 10. Let's get out of the "Denial Phase" please and constantly blaming Management and the Administration! We at many times are our own worst enemy but don't want to admit it!
  23. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    Before we worry about every FF being experienced and well skilled in RIT/FAST SOPs(which is truly important also) how about we make sure everyone can "Pump and Ventilate" properly, accurately and as quickly as possible, reducing the chances of having to put a RIT/FAST Team to work. After all these are the Basics right? Put the friggin fire out folks as quickly as possible and most your troubles will go away. Let's also stop assigning positions on Apparatus based on "Seniority" and more on "Ability!" I can guarantee you to if you look at most LODs, they are attributed to Complacency,Ignoring Dept. SOPs or maybe following piss poor SOPs that were implemented and were doomed to fail from the beginning and/or plain out Incompetence on an individual's ability to perform. In a nut shell I guess what Im trying to say is Im sure many LODs are cause by "Human Error" but nobody wants to admit it! There I said it! Let's always stop trying to point fingers and blame everybody but ourselves and our fellow so called 'Brother" FFs. Many guys die in our Profession because of stupid mistakes made on the fire ground, not because there were only 2 or 4 guys on a RIT/FAST Team instead of 10. Let's get out of the "Denial Phase" please and constantly blaming Management and the Administration! We at many times are our own worst enemy but don't want to admit it!
  24. SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Duration a FAST Unit Should Remain On Scene?   
    100% correct but also we should try and remember as much as possible what we've been taught on how to not get ourselves or put others in a predicament that would require a FAST Team to be deployed.
  25. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in Incredible Save by Houston FD   
    I wonder what percentage of Firefighters could have made the 2 moves that that tradesman did?