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  1. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Health and Fitness in the Firehouse   
    What I never understood though is why do individuals who perform the Job of a FF have to be begged, persuaded,encouraged, etc.etc. to stay in some kind of good shape. We all know how important it is and how physically challenging it is so can we please just show a little initiative and start our own work out regiment on our off time. After all we as PFF have a pretty good work schedule and there should be no excuse for members not to work out on their own. Let's stop blaming Management for guys being out of shape and not providing a "Workout Program" and take some personal responsibility. I see plenty of Gyms in Stations with only a handful of guys utilizing them. It's like trying to persuade guys to learn their Job and become proficient at it when they have absolutely no interest at all. Here's a novice idea, put down your ipad and iphone, get up off the couch or push yourself away from the bowl of ice cream on the kitchen table and do some cardiovascular. Don't wait for the Powers to Be to tell you to do it! Many of us all have families at home we should be concerned about! JMO.
  2. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by ForkandHoseCo in Health and Fitness in the Firehouse   
    It is something that needs to be addressed within individual departments of course. But with that being said, someone who is out of shape and can not perform their duties as a firefighter is a much bigger liability I would think. Many tasks on the fireground require certain degrees of physical strength and cardiovascular endurance. Im not saying everyone needs to be a bodybuilder or marathon runner, but there are many FUNCTIONAL workout "styles" that translate very well to firefighting. There are a variety of avenues that can be taken to help lower that risk of injury, one being the IAFF's PFT (Peer Fitness Training) program. If that is not an option, maybe consulting a personal trainer to set up health/fitness evaluations and programs for your department? I feel as if this topic gets pushed aside whether it be for financial reasons, participation issues, laziness or just the failure to recognize there is a problem. I started this post to try and find out what everyone is doing and maybe get some constructive criticism. It's very hard to change things on our own and by helping each other, just maybe we can start to see some change.
  3. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Health and Fitness in the Firehouse   
    More importantly how many Depts will cover a guy if they get injured during a fitness program within or outside the Station, while they're on duty?
  4. Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Health and Fitness in the Firehouse   
    More importantly how many Depts will cover a guy if they get injured during a fitness program within or outside the Station, while they're on duty?
  5. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by PEMO3 in 60 Control Dispatching Yonkers Fire   
    I actually see that as a valid question and not a statement that 60 is in someway incapable of doing the job. A YFD dispatch would probably be better familiar with streets, locations, unit assignment and problems that crop up in certain areas with calls. Based on this valuable added resource a YFD would be a great asset.
  6. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by Dudley in Responding to cover   
    Please don't have any accidents, kill any innocent motorists, or maim any children in min-vans because you're on the way to someone else's firehouse to drink their coffee.
  7. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by kinkchaser in Concerns Were Raised Days Before Hartford Firefighter Death   
    This reinforces the need to check out your personal gear and the equipment on the rig and the vehicle itself at the beginning of each shift
  8. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Car Blocked hydrants   
    Agreed. Going this way put firefighters in danger. How much water is going to flow through this?
    This was done to prove a point to the car owner, but at the potential expense of members operating and potential loss of more of the fire building.
  9. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by z28skunk in White Plains Firefighter suffers heart attack battling flames   
    Hey guys here for an update-my father was responding to a full assignment on Monday when he suddenly collapsed. My brothers from WPFD used an AED to bring him back almost immediately. He went in for surgery yesterday and all went well. The doctors expect him to make a full recovery. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
  10. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by Monty in More than 190 Buffalo firefighters sue over volume of sirens   
    I was just going to post this too. Some interesting comments. Wonder if Buffalo FD has headsets now? Wonder what the union has to say about this and the use of headsets?
    Interestingly there is no mention of the union in the article - wonder what their stand is. Did the lawyer just go out to all the firefighters and invite them to sue? And do they have proof of above normal hearing loss?
    I believe we should be protected as much as possible and we should be compensated for on the job injuries - but this seems like maybe it's stretching it.
  11. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Yonkers - Working Structure Fire - 10/26/14   
    "Vacant" structure with someone inside. Take note for the next time someone tells you to write off a vacant building...
    Nice job YFD.
  12. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in The New NYPD ESU Truck 5   
    Ugly or not, who cares. It's not for parades, its for work duty.
    Agree, as in having 4 instead of 2? It is usually manned by 2 ESU officers, however, they need the flexibility should a large scale incident occur. Space means more rapid transports.
  13. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  14. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  15. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  16. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  17. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  18. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  19. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  20. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  21. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  22. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  23. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Port Chester FD Brownout Issues   
    Just rely on Mutual Aid like many other Depts.! After all aren't we there to help each other out? That's the "Brotherly" thing to do these days right? Jump on a rig and play in each others sandboxes no big deal!
  24. x635 liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Boston Firefighters given new schedules to curb sick-day abuse   
    Isn't it a shame people just can't go to work and have to abuse the s*** out of the System! Sick leave is there to be used not abused! Unbelievable!
  25. FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in No More Friendlys?   
    Maybe they thought it was better to close now rather than wait for the minimum wage hike to kill them?