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Posts posted by lad45der

  1. 16 minutes ago, vodoly said:

    Slightly off Topic but here's one of Ed's masterpieces Ridgefield Rescue 2's Bum's on Da Hill Mural


    Thats awsome too I still love that Mack and Eagle one does this Artist have a website? His work is incredible.

     I would love to see him do like an old horse drawn steamer on a new rig 

  2. In my recent past I was injuried in a working fire brought to the hospital via an ambulance workmen comp denied paying all the bills which to this day I'm still fighting over and being brought to collections over.  I will loose my s*** if workmencomp sees these types of  videos and pays a claim after watching this type of foolmanship. Any career guy on here will tell you what a pain in the ass comp claims are.  How do manufactures even warranty a paint job after these wet downs. Our new rigs come with specific instructions on how to clean and care for the new paint job. Tower ladder streams weren't covered I assure you.

    AFS1970 and Bnechis like this

  3. 45 as I'm told will be done shortly I was not given a specific timeframe but she's coming don't worry.

    before this starts up again it is not former FDNY 157 Truck it was FDNY 138 Truck I had The vin run several years ago  by 

    John Calderone himself I even have the paperwork from him!.

    some of us are big fans of that old girl and now there is a big sister in town to play with too.

    vodoly, Westfield12 and AFS1970 like this

  4. Wow That was painful to watch. blaring air horns and Mechnical sirens with crowds of people standing around. It's one thing to tap the siren a quick hit of the air horn. spraying water into utility lines, children and in one case a baby in the arms of a woman in Foam, standing in moving apparatus,

    Remember your actions when your on the stand with your right hand up swearing to tell the whole truth to the judge and Lawyers. Everything is on video these days. Tradition or not Departments cannot conduct themselfs in this manner in 2015 for a multitude of reasons.

    Please tone down the wet downs please. Couple of wedges, some refreshments, invite a member of the church to bless the rig?. Show off your equiptment to the taxpayers show them you can eat off the apparatus floor and prove that you can handle any Emergency that may arise in the coming moments. Get ready to use the new truck in the event of a fire in the next 10 minutes. Please honor your department not tarnish it.

    With an open mind watch the videos and then ask yourself Is this ethical and professional conduct to the mayor, the taxpayer and the highest of tradion in the fire service.

    16fire5, PCFD ENG58 and AFS1970 like this

  5. Rest in peace young brother only 25 years young. I'm sure the brothers and sisters of the NYPD will see to it that your coward thug killer has a miserable lifetime in prison. Maybe the Mayor of New York will do something about all the cop shootings in recent months.

    Let's see if there is gonna be a Riot tonight prob not if I was a betting man.

    Westfield12 and AFS1970 like this

  6. Another important tool that needs to go in the bag is a 20degree elbow it's not always needed but sometimes it is, without it you will suffer from a kink in which this is a low pressure system to begin with, kinks are no good (one 90 degree kink can cost you 16-20 GPM)

    Guys have talked about hose a little bit when looking at hose specs. Take in account the couplings pull out force they are different from one to the next. This is important for two reasons all the times you hose test which I believe is too much pressure to begin with NFPA should take it down a notch?. but also you don't want couplings pulling apart in the middle of a hose stretch up the side of a building or a hose stretch in a well.

    AFS1970 and FirNaTine like this

  7. The most important tool to carry is the inline gauge. One model is made by Kolchek the other is made by Elkart I think ? Both do the same thing. Remember if you don't know how much PSI you have certainly your GPM won't be correct. I see some Engine company's carrying 5 valve wheels? This is the fire department which means if you carry 5 wheels you will need the sixth. Just carry one aluminum pipe wrench. Leave the wye on the rig btw concentrate on getting one good line up and running. A standpipe operation is a low pressure system Pre 93 and post 93 constructed systems will provide you with only so much pressure see NFPA 14 for further information.

    2-1/2" increaser and Decreasers of pryolite material are needed as well. I have many other items of interest but let's get as many people to make suggestions so everybody gets in on the topic.

  8. On a Sunday morning 3 years ago I took my then three year old in to watch the boat race on the Hudson River.

    Apparently I thought I might have parked in Obama's parking spot. Morris Street or ave??? it's in the financial district by wall st.

    I read the sign which read anything from no breathing to no standing I even asked a passing NYPD officer if I could park there with the signs being so confusing . The officer reads the sign and says I should be good??.

    Come back from the race now this is a Sunday morning in the financial district. Well there's the orange envelope on the windshield.

    I open the ticket and I'm looking around thinking ok where's the firemen this is a joke right! I got a $250.00 parking ticket!.

    I took pictures of the sign I remembered the NYPD officers shield number wrote that down so I didn't forget.

    I contested the ticket in the Bronx parking court.

    The judge looks at the pictures of my truck in relation to the pole with a hundred signs on it, and says to me he can't never make sense of the signs so he reduced the ticket to just $90 which is steep but better than $250.

    Like the other posters said bring those pictures in with the facts and a good chance you will get off or the ticket reduced.