FDNY 10-75

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  1. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by velcroMedic1987 in What's Up With Squuuaaad?   
    I think there are far more unprofessional things on the radio. Like, third tones for a crew... An EMT is needed....
    XXXX on scene, working fire, retone for all available personnel...
  2. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by mrock770 in Colonie Working Fire - 1 Vly Rd. - 06/22/2014   
    why are they using 100' TL on a 1.5 story wf. with power lines under them and above them
  3. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by sympathomedic in Very Impressive Ladder Placement By Yonkers FD   
    I borrowed a camera to get these pics of very impressive ladder placement by Yonkers FD.

    The boom in pic one was lifted off the truck bed, over an engine and swung 3/4 way around, then elevated full up and over a tree before coming down. You can see it is resting on phone wires. The phone pole to the left prohibited a direct placement. The truck was backed up onto the sidewalk for this.

    Pic two shows the fire bldg.

    Pics 3,4, and 5 shows the other ladder. Note the rubber turn markers are both bent as the truck JUST made the alley. If you can't tell, this is a TOWER LADDER. Forger the rig, the BUCKET JUST fit into the alley. Also note the boom under the wires. Crew had to limbo under the wires, as gettng into the bucket would have been impossible with the rear of the rig corking up the alleyway.

  4. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by FF402 in New Fire Hydrants Won’t Rust, Freeze, Or Get Opened By Wrong People   
    Anyone else using or considering these new hydrants?

  5. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by goon16 in FDNY Marine 4 Involved In Major Accident   
    Why are you Monday morning quarterbacking the decision the brothers made ? It was a serverly stressful situation when your brother gets injuried that serverly. They made that decision based on what they thought was best. Nypd escorted the bus to Bellevue where he got the best care you can for this type of injury.
    If you are so concerned with the decision they made and are questioning it, why don't you call over there and tell them how they made the wrong decision and tell them how you would of done it
    Hope for a speedy recovery for this brother
  6. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in "New Invention To Save Lives During School Shootings" by People who "think"   
    Children SHOULD be safe in school, but that's not the world we live in. You know what stops a shooter really effectively? .40cal hollow points to center mass coming from those guys in the blue suits wearing the shiny metal thing on their chest.
    We keep coming up with more and more excuses NOT to have cops (or at the VERY least, well-trained armed guards) in every single school in America.

  7. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by houlidsa in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    They are not unsuspecting, they are uneducated, ignorant, or lazy. The other thing is most of the stuff is not a gimmick its designed for a specific scope or practice which was over stepped or misunderstood by a FD. The big problem is guys don't look to solve their own problems they think there is a magic bullet in one nozzle that will make fires instantly go out.
    The nozzle is only one component of many in putting a fire out.
    Remember putting the fire out starts with you!
  8. AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    Great read.
    While we're talking about Andy, why are companies still using combination nozzles for structural firefighting? The facts are all there about solid stream nozzles but I almost think some places refuse to believe they are superior or they're in complete denial. You see departments purchasing the 'latest' TFTs or Akron Brass combination nozzles because they have this gizmo or that. Sure, they have their place but not for our bread and butter structural fires. I believe that most of these newer fog nozzles are nothing more than a way to make a buck off an (almost) obsolete product.
  9. AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    Great read.
    While we're talking about Andy, why are companies still using combination nozzles for structural firefighting? The facts are all there about solid stream nozzles but I almost think some places refuse to believe they are superior or they're in complete denial. You see departments purchasing the 'latest' TFTs or Akron Brass combination nozzles because they have this gizmo or that. Sure, they have their place but not for our bread and butter structural fires. I believe that most of these newer fog nozzles are nothing more than a way to make a buck off an (almost) obsolete product.
  10. AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    Great read.
    While we're talking about Andy, why are companies still using combination nozzles for structural firefighting? The facts are all there about solid stream nozzles but I almost think some places refuse to believe they are superior or they're in complete denial. You see departments purchasing the 'latest' TFTs or Akron Brass combination nozzles because they have this gizmo or that. Sure, they have their place but not for our bread and butter structural fires. I believe that most of these newer fog nozzles are nothing more than a way to make a buck off an (almost) obsolete product.
  11. AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    Great read.
    While we're talking about Andy, why are companies still using combination nozzles for structural firefighting? The facts are all there about solid stream nozzles but I almost think some places refuse to believe they are superior or they're in complete denial. You see departments purchasing the 'latest' TFTs or Akron Brass combination nozzles because they have this gizmo or that. Sure, they have their place but not for our bread and butter structural fires. I believe that most of these newer fog nozzles are nothing more than a way to make a buck off an (almost) obsolete product.
  12. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Volunteer question only   
    Because I know the answer already from anyone who was trained heavily and frequently I would like if only our volunteer members answer the following question.
    You have 4 lengths of 1.75 line with a combination (fog) nozzle on it. How many PSI would you provide at the pump panel. Please if you could provide an example of your math.
  13. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows   
    Good short and to the point article that reinforces the words of the late Andrew Fredericks:
    "If you put the fire out there's no reason to jump out of windows"
  14. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by ronfrehm in Old Yonkers Fire Dept Photos   
    Photo by Ron Frehm of YFD Engine 8 operating at 88 Buena Vista Ave 2 alarm fire on Feb 1, 1970

  15. suffernH&Lbuff liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    Tuxedo's other engine
    GSO #9349
  16. suffernH&Lbuff liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    Tuxedo's other engine
    GSO #9349
  17. suffernH&Lbuff liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    Tuxedo's other engine
    GSO #9349
  18. suffernH&Lbuff liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    Tuxedo's other engine
    GSO #9349
  19. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Memorial Day   
    As we all prepare celebrate Memorial day 2014 with barbecues, parades and a day off I thought it might be fitting to put this day in perspective with a few facts.

    1) Memorial Day was originally known a Decoration Day because it was a day when family and friends would gather to decorate the graves of the fallen as a remembrance. Food was often taken along and set out on sheets in the grass to foster a sense of community.

    2) While the first Decoration Day events were held after the American Civil War in both the North and South, Waterloo New York was officially credited by Congressional act in 1966 as the birthplace of the tradition
    3) A day set aside to remember the sacrifices of those lost became a national event in 1868

    4) The term Memorial Day was first used in 1882 although for many the older term of Decoration Day remained in use until after World War 2. Memorial Day became the official name by Federal law in 1967

    5) Traditionally Memorial Day is May 30. This along with 3 other holidays was changed to a specified Monday in 1971 by Federal law to allow for convenient 3 day weekends.

    6) On Memorial Day, the flag of the United States is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where it remains only until noon. The half-staff position remembers those who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon, their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

    7) And most important of all:
    Since the birth of our great nation 1,321,612 Americans have given their lives to protect our freedoms and defend our country. We owe them all a debt that we can never repay. But we can and should remember. So before we drink that beer or eat that burger let us take just a moment to honor their memory and their sacrifice by saying thank you.

    To all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation. Thank you for your service and thank you for my freedom

    God bless America.
  20. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by RonaldWPiperJr in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    Copake NY 12516. 4 Guys 2000gal . 1500gpm. pumper
  21. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by MyFyrtrks in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread   
    US Tanker: Just delivered to Quaker Street FD Schenectady County just off of I-88.
    This is an answer to the request from a commanding officer for a tanker & manpower or an engine & manpower. Quaker Street wanted to make this unit truly a multipurpose unit and fill the requests of other departments while utilizing only one unit. They also needed a second piece of apparatus for a back-up.
    This unit is built on a Freightliner chassis with a Hale 1250 gpm Hale pump with an APR 2000 gwt.
  22. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by pump305 in Fire Commissioners want to get rid of Greenville FD (Orange Co) Rescue Truck   
    If the brakes did get hot enough to loose stopping power, then maybe.. the dept should look into engineer training again on steep hills. I would assume it's equipt with a Jake brake and being all wheel drive over size brakes. Unless it was spec wrong it's not the trucks fault the brakes got hot.
  23. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Fire Commissioners want to get rid of Greenville FD (Orange Co) Rescue Truck   
    Overweight or not.....this isn't a city bus or oil delivery truck, ect, that's riding up and down the roads all day everyday. It's an emergency vehicle and it can't possibly be out often enough to do regular and permanent damage. This seems like a silly fight....
    Although.....maybe they'd get under the weight limit if they shaved off a few air horns.......
  24. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by everybodygoes in Hartsdale Firefighter's Make Great Save   
    In radio and voice contact is still considered supervision. If you are not comfortable doing a search alone you should resign.
  25. FDNY 10-75 liked a post in a topic by Pagers in Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory - F-81-3 B.R.A.T.   
    Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory - Milton, NY. Forestry 81-3 (F-5)
    Specs and other pics http://firematic.com/brat/kesselring13/index.htm