
Update on Stamford Merger

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I cannot understand how the Mayor of the City of Stamford says he has a idea of how to transform the City's fire services. Why doesnt he leave that up to his Chief of the Stamford Fire Department and the new ( to be appointed) volunteer Asst. Chief? The Mayor is a business man, with absolutely no formal fire service training that I am aware of. His actions, in my opinion, would be strictly politically motivated! And look at the comment that Belltown Chief Didelot stated " I guess the public has spoken at this point in time", you GUESS?? The citizens overwhelmenly voted for a single fire department and single chief concept! Long Ridge Chief Teitelbaum is "exploring legal options at this time"...are you kidding me, legal options about a public election where the citizens of Stamford have voted for a change. Kind of like Mitt Romney suing the Federal Government because President Obama won re-election. ( by the way Mitt Romney is not suing anyone). And Springdale Chief Fahan states " he doesnt believe that Charter change automatically gives Stamford officials management control over the volunteer fire stations".......perhaps he should read the entire provisions, especially Sec. C5-40-3 (g), before making that statement..... The Chief's of the volunteer fire companies shall have primary firefighting responsibilities in their fire service districts and primary responsibilities over the personel and equipment assigned to their fire service districts, subject to the supervision and direction of the Assistant Chief of volunteer services and the Fire Chief. That is now adopted as the current Charter language for the City of Stamford.

The absolute MUST is to guarantee quick and adequate responses from all stations when called upon to act. Some stations have been doing fine and others, well, have not. We all know this to be true. What I welcome is the fact that ALL firefighters will be held to the same standards ( annual physicals, annual training, etc.) All firefighters, career or volunteer now need to work TOGETHER in making the Stamford Fire Department the best that it can be. It's time to stop all the bickering,the "he said-she said" and most importantly the lies.......lets get going!!!

Edited by SFRD372
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It's time to stop all the bickering,the "he said-she said" and most importantly the lies.......

What fun would that be? :D

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The fact is that "it is the end". It is over. The Stamford Fire Dept will now become One Fire dept with One Leader. There will be Volunteer Firefighters, and anyone who is a volunteer firefighter will get to be a part of the fourth largest city in Connecticut. Its offers every challenge that any dept has. High rise residential and commerical buildings, large wood frames, mutli family buildings, the very busy I-95 and Merritt Parkway,railroad traffic and a waterfront, and as I know it, group of career firefighters that are second to none.

If I had my choice, I'd love to be riding the rigs with these guys and right in on the action.

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In reality - does that mean there's going to be more or less volunteer opportunities? Would volunteers ever get expanded into the downtown stamford area? (like, if you're somewhere in stamford, go to closest station type idea)

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The fact is that "it is the end". It is over. The Stamford Fire Dept will now become One Fire dept with One Leader. There will be Volunteer Firefighters, and anyone who is a volunteer firefighter will get to be a part of the fourth largest city in Connecticut. Its offers every challenge that any dept has. High rise residential and commerical buildings, large wood frames, mutli family buildings, the very busy I-95 and Merritt Parkway,railroad traffic and a waterfront, and as I know it, group of career firefighters that are second to none.

If I had my choice, I'd love to be riding the rigs with these guys and right in on the action.

With all due respect Willy, with so many details left to be figured out I think saying that this is over is a bit premature. While there will be one Chief there will also be much in the way of discussion as to how everyone will merge and become an effective combination FD. By the new Charter language volunteers must remain "an important part of the fire department" which means that, at least to an extent, their collective voice will have to be a part of the process.

It may be more precise to say that what was is over, what will be remains to be seen.

In reality - does that mean there's going to be more or less volunteer opportunities? Would volunteers ever get expanded into the downtown stamford area? (like, if you're somewhere in stamford, go to closest station type idea)

The volunteer opportunities available in the future will be dependent upon the contribution that will be expected from them and the resources available to meet those expectations. As far as volunteers responding to calls or stations downtown in the manner they do now in their own areas....highly unlikely. It may come to pass that volunteers will augment the existing career staffing downtown, but I would imagine only as part of a formal and organized assigned duty program. To the best of my knowledge, as it stands by the new language, everything concerning volunteers in terms of districts, status, membership, bylaws, property ect will remain as is, with operations being standardized citywide under the supervision of one Fire Chief. As time goes by and things level out this may and probably will be subject to changes as deficiencies and strengths become apparent.

Edited by FFPCogs

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With all due respect Willy, with so many details left to be figured out I think saying that this is over is a bit premature. While there will be one Chief there will also be much in the way of discussion as to how everyone will merge and become an effective combination FD. By the new Charter language volunteers must remain "an important part of the fire department" which means that, at least to an extent, their collective voice will have to be a part of the process.

It may be more precise to say that what was is over, what will be remains to be seen.

The volunteer opportunities available in the future will be dependent upon the contribution that will be expected from them and the resources available to meet those expectations. As far as volunteers responding to calls or stations downtown in the manner they do now in their own areas....highly unlikely. It may come to pass that volunteers will augment the existing career staffing downtown, but I would imagine only as part of a formal and organized assigned duty program. To the best of my knowledge, as it stands by the new language, everything concerning volunteers in terms of districts, status, membership, bylaws, property ect will remain as is, with operations being standardized citywide under the supervision of one Fire Chief. As time goes by and things level out this may and probably will be subject to changes as deficiencies and strengths become apparent.

You are probadly right Pete, I shouldn't be writing on here, how "I" think things will work out for the Stamford fire Dept. But as you probadly know, recently I visited the Fairfax County fire Dept in Virginia. I know a few times either on this site or one of the others, we have discussed how well depts in the Maryland, Virginia area operate as Combo Depts, and often used them to suggest that Stamford follow their footsteps.

I have a very good friend who is a volunteer firefighter in Fairfax County, Va. he is assigned to fire Station 10 which is the busiest in the County, and maybe one of the busiest in the Country. He is a retired U.S. Army Colonial and West Point Graduate. Currently he is in his early 60s and in Excellent physical shape. He must pass all the same physicals, required to undergo most of the same training, and for that he gets to ride one of their rigs out of that station, one shift every eight days. Of course more if he wants.

When he reports in he goes to the company officer (usually Career Captain) and ask where he should ride. It is up to that officer to tell him that he ride the Engine, the Ladder, the Medic Unit, or the BLS Unit. When he goes to a call with them, he recieves his instructions from the career officers or members. It might be moving around furniture at a medical call, or helping to stretch that first important line. His due response area is very similiar to that of Stamford. High rises, wood frames, major highway etc.

He has told me and I quote: "it is not the job of the volunteer firefighters to cut back on their manning but to add to it". From the impression I got, the career guys have no problem with him, or even the other volunteer firefighters. AND it goes the other way too.

Besides being a Retired Army Colonel, West Point Grad, he also has TWO Masters Degrees. his father was a Batt Chief in the FDNY and he now has a son on the Boston Fire Dept. He certainly makes me look bad by ALL Standards. Yet, he loves being a Volunteer Firefighter in the Fairfax County Dept. In fact, he has invited me down again in the spring, along with many members from another web site. I'm sure he'd be happy to show you around and let you know how things work out there if you ever want to visit the place.

Anybody from the Fairfax County area on here to confirm what I said ?

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Willy, Fairfax is a very well run combo FD, and I for one am glad to have your and others input about what you think Stamford could do, even if I do not agree with it. That is the purpose of sites like this, the free expression of opinions and ideas. That said, to be honest I lean more torwards the Montgomery County MD model. In that FD officers are officers and firefighters firefighters across the board. This is done by requiring standardized training, certification and testing at every level. In stations where there is a career officer of higher rank than a volunteer they are in charge of the house for that shift, and vice versa. They also combine career and volunteers on an as needed basis. This most commonly plays out one of two ways. In stations with a strong volunteer base career members staff the hours when volunteers numbers are limited, usually weekdays 7 - 5, while volunteers staff nights and weekends and always to the same staffing levels. In stations with a lesser volunteer element they do something along the lines of Fairfax where career members staff an Engine 24/7 and volunteers staff additional units as availability allows. The most important aspect of Montgomery, PG and other sucessful combo FDs nationwide though is that they have managed to integrate the chain of command fully and without differentiating between status. This to me is THE model we should all aspire to. Knowledge is knowledge, experience is experience and fire is fire and the one thing they all have in common is they don't distinguish career from volunteer...nor should we.

And let me be completely clear on this as well: volunteers should never be, and should not let themselves be, used as a bargaining chip or politcal pawn to decimate the career ranks. Conversely career members should never be, or let themselves be, used to eliminate effective volunteers for any reason. Both should build on the strengths they offer and support one another to best serve the community that relies on them.

Edited by FFPCogs
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Did the city fall off the face of the earth. Nothing after the vote ? We have been busy with Sandy cleanup and now Newtown but is anything happening up there?

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From the Ragvocate:

Congratulations Chief, looking forward to working with you.

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Judge Douglas Mintz ruled March 28 in state Superior Court in Stamford that, while the volunteers' suit and a counterclaim filed by the city are pending, the Turn of River, Springdale and Long Ridge companies must:

  • Abide by the federal "two in, two out" rule that responses include enough firefighters for two to enter a building while two remain outside to aid them.
  • Notify the dispatcher when responding with fewer than four firefighters so a backup unit can be sent.
  • Include at least one firefighter with a valid state emergency medical responder certificate when fielding medical calls.
  • Allow a career fire officer to command a scene in a volunteer district unless or until a volunteer officer shows up.
  • Track which volunteers ride which apparatus on their shifts, and whether they respond to incidents from a firehouse or elsewhere.
  • Provide SFD Chief Antonio Conte with the names of the active volunteers in each company and the status of their training, certification and medical fitness.
  • Allow a city fire marshal to respond to incidents in volunteer districts and work with them to determine the origin of fires. A city marshal must sign off on the reports of volunteer marshals.

So it took a judge to tell them they have to do their job and comply with the rules? That's sad!

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The volunteers are going against the city charter? I bet these are some of the same guys who used to say last year "We cant do that, its against city charter" They used to be very concerned with what the citizens wanted. I guess those days are over.

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The volunteers are going against the city charter? I bet these are some of the same guys who used to say last year "We cant do that, its against city charter" They used to be very concerned with what the citizens wanted. I guess those days are over.

Pretty much like you said. Unfortunately there were a lot of other posts prior to the site being down that got lost as well concerning this "lawsuit". Still be interesting to see how all things once again play out since they have to be told to do what they are supposed to be doing anyway.

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Stamford reps to consider budget cuts
Kate King
Stamford Advocate
May 5, 2013

"...Mitchell also proposed reducing three volunteer fire departments' budgets by a total $468,875.

The proposal -- which would affect Springdale, Turn of River and Long Ridge -- is intended to force the volunteers to the negotiating table. The three departments lodged a lawsuit against the city and Fire Chief Antonio Conte earlier this year after clashing with public safety officials over a November charter change that mandated the consolidation of all fire services. The city has since filed a countersuit against the three departments for not complying with the merger.

"The negotiations are still kind of iffy and certainly I want them to come and negotiate in good faith," Fountain said.

Pavia had already withheld half the departments' annual budgets in his original proposal. If the Board of Representatives accepts the Fiscal Committee's recommendation for further reductions, the departments will receive only enough funding to cover operations through the first quarter of next fiscal year. The Board of Finance would likely set aside the withheld money in the contingency fund, however, with the understanding the budgets would be restored if the lawsuits are settled...."

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Well it's been quite awhile since there has been anything to report from "the City that works", but it seems we now have a judge's ruling in the latest (and hopefully last) round of legal wrangling over the Charter.

Here's a link to that decision for those who may be interested:

I'd translate, but I don't speak Legalese... :P

Edited by FFPCogs
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Wow language changes over 80 years are interesting.

Springdale: "and to establish and maintain club rooms, for social intercourse and the promotion of the interests of the company and the purpose thereof".

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Well it's been quite awhile since there has been anything to report from "the City that works", but it seems we now have a judge's ruling in the latest (and hopefully last) round of legal wrangling over the Charter.

Here's a link to that decision for those who may be interested:

I'd translate, but I don't speak Legalese... :P

I don't speak legalese either but it looks like they lost most of their arguments. How has the new operation been going up there?

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I don't speak legalese either but it looks like they lost most of their arguments. How has the new operation been going up there?

Not much different than before, but with this behind us I'm sure change is in the wind. What and when those changes will be remains to be seen.

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And now the latest:...

Press Link:

Statement from Mayor's Office:


Office of the Mayor

December 20, 2013

Tom Dec

City Releases Statements on Fire Service Court Decision

STAMFORD, CT - Mayor David Martin released a statement following the news that the Superior Court upheld the constitutionality of the 2012 charter revision referendum. The referendum established a unified Fire Department in the City of Stamford, led by a Chief of the Stamford Fire Department with an Assistant Chief for Career Service Firefighters and an Assistant Chief for Volunteer Service Firefighters.

“It is promising to learn that the court upheld the decision made by Stamford voters and reassuring to know that the Fire Service in the City of Stamford will be working together as one unified department to keep residents safe,” Martin stated.

The court affirmed the important and continuing role of the volunteer fire departments under the terms of the revised charter for providing fire protection services within their districts.

The Director of Public Safety, Health and Welfare Ted Jankowski stated, “The court’s decision upholding the constitutionality of the charter provides the foundation for a unified fire service consisting of both volunteer and career personnel working together. This is a positive step forward and I am confident that a unified fire department will allow for more effective and efficient fire protection for the entire City of Stamford.”

All parties attended the monthly Fire Commission meeting last night at which the Fire Commission reviewed and extended the Interim Consent Order.

The Chiefs of the Long Ridge Fire Department, the Springdale Fire Department and the Turn of River Department, as well as the City Fire Chief and the Director of Public Safety were in attendance at the Fire Commission meeting.

Fire Chief Peter Brown stated, “The court decision provides an opportunity to move forward in our effort to make a stronger and unified fire service. I am looking forward to working closely with the volunteer fire departments to provide the best possible fire protection for the City of Stamford and its residents.”

The City and the three volunteer departments entered into an agreement which will automatically terminate on January 31, 2014 (unless extended by agreement of the parties) to continue operating under the Interim Consent Order agreed to March 28,
2013 and the Addendum to the Interim Consent Order agreed to December 19, 2013.

The agreement will prevent any disruption in fire services and will allow the parties the opportunity to discuss a plan for moving forward.

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What is the evidence?

If that is true, that means a fire department is committing a federal felony. Statements like that need to be backed up

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Applicants that falsify their applications or misrepresent their organizations in any material manner will have their applications deemed ineligible by the AFG Program Office and referred to the DHS OIG for further action, as appropriate.

$2.8 million worth of misrepresentation.

Did they?? Since the application was made in 2013 one could argue that technically the "old" system was still in place since the Charter change was being challenged in court and had not yet been deemed legal by the judge. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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I’ll withhold comment for now, but as an FYI and clarification:

The SAFER application that was submitted by Turn of River Officials was completed at the end of August 2013, signed on 08/30/13.

That would place the submission 9 months AFTER City residents overwhelmingly voted for the charter changes.

Stay tuned, this will get interesting.

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