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Hillcrest Ny FD Hosts Double Wetdown 8/22/15

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If you ever want a more tangible visual example of just how completely dysfunctional the fire service is in some areas, a few seconds of one of these videos will suffice.

Absolute ass-clowns.

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Don't worry, guys. Seems to be a dying tradition, anyway. Used to be that when a new rig arrived, one of the first questions asked was "when is the wetdown?" Now, it's more like "is there going to be one?"......and, increasingly, the answer ends up being "no".

Could be any number of reasons why. Money? Safety concerns? People don't have the time. People have (or hear) the attitudes expressed above and agree with them. Who knows?

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When and if we had wet down's [dry, never water ] in Port Chester the rig was blessed. show to the dept and the tax payer had some food then went home . What a joke this is.

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I much prefer the push back into the station tradition.

My biggest issue is tying up the road and acting like what you're doing is so damn important and that its okay to impact other people's lives. That and the lights and sirens. You Just look like idiots. Go do this in a school parking lot on a weekend.

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Not good at all, very poor example. However, good luck with the rig and stay safe.

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Skip to 8:35.....

When you think it couldn't get worst

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My only thought with this is that it actually looks like a street fair with families and member of the community coming by and being involved. They sure do look like a bunch of jack wagons, and I still don't get the need for laying on the sirens like they do. Don't they go on enough calls?

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Wow That was painful to watch. blaring air horns and Mechnical sirens with crowds of people standing around. It's one thing to tap the siren a quick hit of the air horn. spraying water into utility lines, children and in one case a baby in the arms of a woman in Foam, standing in moving apparatus,

Remember your actions when your on the stand with your right hand up swearing to tell the whole truth to the judge and Lawyers. Everything is on video these days. Tradition or not Departments cannot conduct themselfs in this manner in 2015 for a multitude of reasons.

Please tone down the wet downs please. Couple of wedges, some refreshments, invite a member of the church to bless the rig?. Show off your equiptment to the taxpayers show them you can eat off the apparatus floor and prove that you can handle any Emergency that may arise in the coming moments. Get ready to use the new truck in the event of a fire in the next 10 minutes. Please honor your department not tarnish it.

With an open mind watch the videos and then ask yourself Is this ethical and professional conduct to the mayor, the taxpayer and the highest of tradion in the fire service.

PCFD ENG58, AFS1970 and 16fire5 like this

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