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Posts posted by hudson144

  1. As of a recent decision with FDMV the state was not allowed to use the 4/5ths or 80 % rule when scoring the jun 2011 capt/lts exams, in 2004 the lts exam had 37 out of 100 questions deleted from the exam because monorities got them wrong. Through legal channels, which I will in time post on bravo about the actions that we took as plaintiffs the DOJ said no! Well, the results are out and as proof that curves,dumbing down of tests,deleting of questions because of the 4/5ths rules the minority members of FDMV have made it clear that if you work hard and study that you can prevail on these tests. Many times I have seen the complaint that tests are biased, the same complaint that minority members of the Buffalo FD had thrown out of court after a state issued promotional exam was given. Well, hats off to the minority members of FDMV,out of the top 11 on the new lts list 8 are black and 1 is hispanic! Nobody complaining about biased tests here because they worked hard and came out on top on their own! Great job to all who placed on top.

  2. Disparate Impact? Whats it called when12 black Firefighters charge city hall demanding that the pending promotions of 2 white firefighters is halted?

    Whats it called when the black city atty says she "didn't want to promote 2 white Firefighters in fear of a lawsuit from the Black Firefighters? * At the time she was 1st VP of the Black Bar Association for Westchester Co, its all BS!

    BFD1054, helicopper and x129K like this

  3. Recentlya black Firefighter found a noose hanging in or on his locker in the Firehouse, incidents like this should not be tolerated and people need to be aware that something that may be a "Joke" to you may not be funny to others. This could have been a major issue here. The City was aware of the situation and according to the local press/TV coverage a investigation is being conducted by the FD,PD and law dept. The member who was responsible for this admitted to the act and now may have to face disciplinary action pending the outcome of the investigation. It doesn't matter what race you are when it comes to a situation like this.Use your head and think of the consequences down the road!

    BFD1054 and Dinosaur like this

  4. "Brotherhood"? I am not surprised at all if this is true, recently Atlanta had a big scandal with testing. If you take an exam watch everything and listen also. Our system is not protected and nothing IMO would be a shocker too include tests being reviewed prior to the test being issued. Remember that city hall has these tests prior to being given which would certainly make me think about corruption!

    SageVigiles likes this

  5. Date:2/28/12


    Location: 218 Tecumseh ave

    Frequency: 154.145

    Units Operating: Engs- 5,3,4, Trk3,TL1 Res 1 Car 2, Car1,1A

    Weather Conditions: clear

    Description Of Incident:3 story wood frame



    1733- Car 2 on location, 10-26 working fire

    1735- Car 2 reports heavy fire from floor #2, extension via exterior to floor #3

    1744- 2 lines stretched,line on fl #2 in operation, crews checking for ext on fl#3

    1812- Fire U/C.

    BFD1054 and sfrd18 like this

  6. After several trips to the airport I was very impressed with the knowledge of the airport ops members, they were very well educated on the aircraft that fly in and out of there and they knew the airfield like the back of their hand. It qas a pleasure to conclude the class there with a review of the airport, the ARFF apparatus and the procedures that they followed during a aircraft emergency. Good Job!

  7. I have in the past given the ARFF class in Wetchester, the 1st 3 nights is classroom and the last night is a tour of westchester co. airport. The main focus has been to make the students aware of the hazards with aircraft incidents and to also make the students aware of how busy the airspace really is over westchester co. I am no longer teaching the class but mt close friend Dave Russell who has a strong background in firefighting too include FDNY and also 25+ years as a USAF firefighter. Dave's own stories will keep you awake with many lifetime incidents from the past that he has experienced. (Don't believe everything he tells you) lol. Take the class and learn from it. Mike,for you orange co. guys I am sure Dave would be willing to go the road with a chance of doing the last night at Stewart. I will mention this to him.

    BFD1054 and firedude like this

  8. The Vulcan Society- when you read the mission statement for them you want to puke! If you can't cut it no matter what race you are then too bad, lowering the standards is not the right thing to do and its not fair to anyone who has gotten on the job for all sides. The facts for the City of NY on recruiting, testing, filing applications for the job etc. hasn't been done for any other ethnic groups. Should be interesting when the test results come out. My prediction will be that the next test will be tied up and challenged for a long time. For those of you who are on the job, build up the OT for your pensions n get out.

  9. With the most recent situation in West Haverstraw this week it might be a great time to review your response guidelines to gas leaks. Con Ed here in Westchester has gone above and beyond to warn us of the hazards. From a close friend of mine that was at the scene the other day he said he will never forget the capacity of the blast and is glad that all members had the PPE on. I am sure that Jerry Knapp will have a nice presentation on this incident down the road. The Scarsdale incident a few years back is another incident that reminds us not to take these leaks lightly. I am glad to see that the W Haverstraw members will be ok. Be safe out there!

  10. After a long 4 1/2 year battle the 2nd circuit ruled yesterday against me, the findings of the court basically say that because of lack of proof they would not rule in my favor. I know the truth, promotions were stopped by the request of the Vulcan Society and senior Black officers of the FDMV. The decision of my attorney to go for a summary judgement was because of the NH20 decision from our highest court. They stated that you can't hold back a list of white firefighters in fear of litagation alone. In my case the City Attorney at the time on federal EEOC forms stated that she didn't want to promote in fear of a lawsuit from the Vulcans. 3 days after the promotion was stopped the Vulcans very own attorney withdrew the complaint claiming that the review of the decree showed that there was no violation if the promotions of 2 white firefighters went ahead. The City Attorney did nothing but ignore the Vulcans Attorney and ordered the civil service commission to terminate the list even though it had 2 weeks to go before termination date. Facts are facts and we will go on knowing the truth and who was involved in this case.That same very attorney is now a city court judge and I pray that she doesn't rule on the bench because of race.

    I have to say that I am proud that I stood up and fought this case,even though the results were not in my favor I realize that throughout the country racism is strong in the fire service, against white and black,females,asians,hispanics etc. The brotherhood that I am very proud to be a member of certainly has some issues. I will continue to serve the citizens of Mount Vernon to the best of my ability something that I swore that I would do. There is no other career that I would want to do. I also want to take this time to thank everyone for the donations,words of encouragement and just the support that I have recieved. Its been a long haul but well worth itThe world is round and someday those who were responsible for this mess will realize that.Again, thank you and be safe! FF Joseph J Carroll FDMV

  11. From looking at the price tag to take a test from all listed its a pretty good deal, In mount Vernon if you live out of town it costs $75 to take an exam. This includes members on the job! Making money from civil service tests should raise some eyebrows. Imagine taking the entry level Firefighters exam,lets say 300 "out of towners" take it. With no chnce at all of getting hired and slim chances of even being called to take the agility the city will pocket approx $22,500. Not a bad profit margin is it?

    BFD1054 likes this