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  1. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Metz is a very reputable aerial manufacturer with impeccable German engineering credentials, but it is also a European design based on European tactics...and therein as they say, lies the rub
  2. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Wow, that's all I can say without expletives. Thankfully that tradition never carried far enough north for any of us to see it up my way, truly an embarrassment those who might be associated with that type of event and antics, sadly that may carry over to the rest us as well. I feel for those Brothers and Sisters who belong to professional (volunteer and career) FD's that may be in the area where this kind of event takes place.
    And I expected the Metz to be the worst decision I'd see on that video!
  3. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Tradition, good answer.
    Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.
    Is that new Truck in service yet? Does it carry ground ladders? How many?
    Doesn't look like much compartment space
  4. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Well I see one thing is done right...they're using the right type of nozzle for one of the only two jobs they're good for...the other being watering the lawn
  5. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by dwcfireman in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    I don't understand why both the lights and sires and the need for each incoming rig to spray down the new apparatus (I understand that this is a "wet down," but it seems a bit ridiculous in this fashion). It just makes more sens to me to have a bbq, invite everyone over, and have a little ceremony to put the new toy in service. I even like how some departments break a bottle of bubbly on the bumper in the same way you would christen a ship.
  6. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Tradition, good answer.
    Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.
    Is that new Truck in service yet? Does it carry ground ladders? How many?
    Doesn't look like much compartment space
  7. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Tradition, good answer.
    Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.
    Is that new Truck in service yet? Does it carry ground ladders? How many?
    Doesn't look like much compartment space
  8. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    Tradition, good answer.
    Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.
    Is that new Truck in service yet? Does it carry ground ladders? How many?
    Doesn't look like much compartment space
  9. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by TRUCK6018 in New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15   
    I never said it was a good answer and I never said I agree with it.
    Personally I think the practice is an accident and law suit waiting to happen. Furthermore, from the public's point of view, it makes a mockery of the fire service.
  10. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Some Photos From The Mount Kisco Parade   
    Sorry, I meant the Glenville pumper, not the Glenbrook ladder
  11. Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in Some Photos From The Mount Kisco Parade   
    that's a Maxim? I thought it looked like a Seagrave on a Spartan Chassis
  12. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by thebreeze in POUND RIDGE WORKING FIRE   
  13. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by turk182 in yonkers 3rd alarm   
    Dude grow a thicker skin, nothing wrong with your post or SFRD18 providing some more information.
  14. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by 10512 in Drones and Fire Command   
    So far, it appears most of these questions regarding drones are "hypothetical".
    It appears not very much enforcement has gone into drone regulation.
    There have been a few "near misses" regarding drones.
    When, not if, a drone is involved in an incident, whether it be an accident or recklessness, and that time is coming soon, you will see a host of new regulations regarding their use.
    As of right now, nothing major has happened.
    Give it some time, and when that happens, there will be all kinds of rules and enforcement.
  15. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by robert benz in Drones and Fire Command   
    I am sure before too long, drones will be a part of the fire service. I can hear it now "urgent, urgent, or mayday, mayday, drone down drone down we need a mechanic and IT here now.
  16. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New York State Police chooses Dodge Chargers AWD as new car   
    This was a real car. The NYSP had these, and before this Camaro, Mustangs for pursuit on the interstates. I saw them in the past on both I-84 and the Thruway (I-87).
  17. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in New York State Police chooses Dodge Chargers AWD as new car   
    This was a real car. The NYSP had these, and before this Camaro, Mustangs for pursuit on the interstates. I saw them in the past on both I-84 and the Thruway (I-87).
  18. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Ossining PD/VAC Carbon Monoxide Rescue Body Cam Video   
    SCBA should not be on ambulances or police cars, unless the personnel also have all of the other PPE, training and minimum staffing (2 in /2 out) as required by law.
    We have enough problems training EMT's to handle EMS calls. Instead of the extra 100 hours of SCBA training, learning MCI management and many other skills would be time better spent.
    The reason I say this is such a bad idea is I got to listening to a police officer ask my partner to say goodbye to his wife and children before he was intubated. He donned SCBA (no turnouts) and entered a structure fire to search for victims. His partner vented some windows and the building flashed. The officer did not survive.
    The SCBA was issued for hazmat and toxic gases (including CO).
  19. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by AFS1970 in Numerous Fires None Being Posted   
    I will still post here, although I am not as active as I once was. To some extend I don't have the same frame of reference I did when I joined this site.
    As for Incident alerts, I like to read them and occasionally comment on them, but it does seem like too many of them either get no replies or turn into the usual battles. One reason I left another forum was over an incident alert I posted that turned into a bunch of guys from a certain department repeatedly bashing the members of one of the departments that responded to the incident I posted. The funny thing is had I done a less detailed post, they would not have had their cannon fodder. From that I learned less is more. I now list responding units by agency and usually in numerical or alphabetical order, not in the order they responded in. I try to make my IA's more about the incident and the circumstances than about who did what when and for how long.
    Look at the recent thread about a big brush fire, there were replies debating on if it qualified as big by some departments standards. I have to assume that it did by the local department's standards and that is really all that matters.
  20. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by somebuffyguy in Numerous Fires None Being Posted   
    See you've been a member of this site since 2007, yet I don't see a single incident posted under your account. Why not contribute ?
    I used to contribute incident alerts on occasion, but really don't have the time to sit and listen to the scanner for hours on end anymore.
    Being that most of these incidents are now instantly posted up on Facebook these days, whats the incentive for users to spend hours listening to an incident rather than spending time with their families or other hobbies just so grateful users like yourself are satisfied ?
  21. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by 61MACKBR1 in Yonkers Fire union blasts Mount Vernon on mutual aid   
    We can debate manpower questions until the cows come home. In my opinion, like what has been done successfully in other "Counties" throughout the United States, if Westchester County could finally come up with an agreed upon "Consolidation Plan" resources, equipment and manpower could be allocated and made available for the entire county to use. HOWEVER, to make this a reality, a number of large hurdles (or buildings) needs to be address, such as:
    1) The ellimination of the "HOME RULE" that currently exists throughout New York State (which is probably the # 1 hurdle to overcome)
    2) "REQUIRING" that every firefighter in the county are trained and have the SAME FIREFIGHTER CERTIFICATIONS that are required, regardless of whether or not they are currently a Paid FF or a Volunteer FF
    3) Ensuring that every aspect of this CONSOLIDATED DEPARTMENT meetings all ISO/NFPA/OSHA requirements to the letter (No Exceptions)
    4 Realize that with any Consolidation Plan, while the number of firefighters most likely will not change, the number of chiefs most likely will be reduced (you most likely will not need as many chiefs/assistant chiefs to run a County-Wide Consolidated Program (thus dealing with the Officers Union in each respective current jurisdiction, which will be another major hurdle to overcome)
    5) Dealing with all of the Local Politicians, who like to have control over every little aspect of their respective communities
    6) Dealing with the UNIONS which will be the final and last major hurdle to over come.
    Can it happen? Yes. Will it happen in our lifetime? Probably Not
  22. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Yonkers Fire union blasts Mount Vernon on mutual aid   
    Worry about the call that is, not the call that could be. Do you not send people you may need to that first call out of fear for the second call? No.
  23. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Yonkers Fire union blasts Mount Vernon on mutual aid   
    Ya know....yeah, it usually is. When you're in Westchester County, you're living in someone's little fiefdom. Someone's little slice of the pie and it's a ridiculous exercise in redundancy. I'm paying my property tax bill (which is insanely high) and wondering why they're always asking for more money, but there are fewer cops and the roads are like the surface of the moon.
    Too many Chief's, not enough Indians.....lets streamline the operations around here and put our money and manpower to better use.
    It's all about ratio's with the fire service. We DO have some good resources here, so lets expand their scope of coverage and better utilize them. We could use an analogy that would apply to many volunteer departments around here:
    Lets say Dept. A has 5, reliable and involved members and that department answers 2 calls a day. Dept. B next door also has 5 reliable and involved members answering 2 calls a day. Well, 5 guys is useless...and those guys would probably jump at the opportunity to do more with their dedication. So, COMBINE those depts. and you've got 10 solid guys handling 4 calls a day. You've doubled your available manpower and simultaneously increased staff utilization by 100%. In the process, you could eliminate half the chief's and their vehicles, probably a firehouse to maintain and a redundant vehicle or two.
    But....that'll never happen, because everyone is too interested in protecting their slice of the pie....
  24. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in FDNY hosting citywide ‘Open House’ for 150th anniversary   
    Trains stop at "Stations", we work in fireHOUSES
    If you had a poor experience at any of the shops you visited, that's a shame. Remember, ya never know what kinda day they were having and sometimes the revolving door of visitors is hard to deal with. I'm not regularly assigned to work in Midtown, but I have on occasion and while everyone's happy to chat and entertain visitors, it's hard to get other work done and sometimes it's overwhelming.
    I'm not trying to dissuade visitors, we welcome it. Shame there was a bad experience, ya just never know how that day was going...
    As for the NYPost article, correct, the member quoted was not a "Probie". The NYPost, journalistic beacon of integrity, took some posts from the "FDNYRant" (which is the worst thing ever) for that article and called them "quotes".
    All in all, some guys are not happy with the Open House, and I understand it, but it's a couple of hours for some positive PR on a Saturday. We'll live.
  25. Newburgher liked a post in a topic by 61MACKBR1 in Yonkers Fire union blasts Mount Vernon on mutual aid   
    In 1975, Yonkers FD had a 405 uniform force that was running 13 engine companies, 7 truck companies, and 1 rescue company

    In 2015, Yonkers FD had a 459 uniform force that was running 11 engine companies (including Squad 11), 6 truck companies [ladders] and 1 rescue company