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Posts posted by JP59

  1. 18 hours ago, dwcfireman said:

    Then there's also the fact that you have a lot of manpower on scene so we can tag out and send fresh troops in as firefighters get tired.


    I agree with dwcfireman. We always make sure we have enough manpower to rotate crews. We run a full rehab operation at structure fires and make sure all members are rehabed and hydrated.

    vodoly and dwcfireman like this

  2. 11 minutes ago, gamewell45 said:

    I haven't used a blue light in probably 10 or more years now, however come January I'll dig out my old revolving blue light and place it on the roof upon arriving on scene, thus ideally drivers approaching the scene will take notice and slow down, etc.

    Maybe the revolving blue lights will make a comeback for this purpose. You never know.

    velcroMedic1987 and gamewell45 like this

  3. I think the revision to include blue and green lights/ volunteer fire and EMS is a very good thing. My concern is the following, if we are only allowed one blue light by law, which I personally obey this law, then unless you have a rear facing blue or green light on your vehicle, motorists would not be aware you are fire or EMS. I think the majority of us use a dash light. If they aren't aware, what would prompt them to obey the move over law and give us a safer scene to operate at. Just my thoughts.

    EmsFirePolice likes this

  4. Date: 12/14/14

    Time: 2112

    Location:Oak Street and Chestnut Street

    Battalion 1 transmitting 2nd alarm for a 2 1/2 story wood frame with heavy fire on second and third floors.

    Defensive operation at this time.

    Fire D/W/H

    2134: Battalion 1 reports 4 master streams and 2 hand lines in operation. Still exterior attack only.

    Requesting portable lighting and Rehab unit to scene.

    2155: Car 4 reports structure is 3 story not 2 1/2 story. All visible fire knocked down. Companies going to interior operation.

    2208: Car 4 reports interior attack cancelled due to structural instability. Exterior attack resuming with hand lines in operation in yard.

    BFD1054 and AFS1970 like this

  5. The Baofeng radios are actually dual band VHF high and UHF band commercial transceivers that are capable of transmitting and receiving on public service frequencies and amateur radio (ham) frequencies within these bands. They are used by many ham radio operators due to their low cost. I am a licensed ham radio operator and own and operate one of these radios on the ham bands. Unfortunately, you are not required to be a licensed ham operator to purchase any radio. These radios being used by VAC members are not covered under the agency's FCC license and because they are capable of receiving public service frequencies, they are subject to the NYS scanner laws for mobile use unless you hold a valid amateur radio license. Lets hope that the unlicensed individuals that have these radios only use them for monitoring and not transmitting where they shouldn't. I am also a volunteer fire officer and a VAC member and only use agency issued portables and not the Baofeng for public service purposes.

    velcroMedic1987 likes this

  6. I don't disagree with you there, it's certainly a valid point you make. The author of the story was skeptical as well and did some digging and the more she digs the more this person's story checks out. The site refuses to issue a full refund. The most they're willing to give is a $100 coupon, which they claim is the largest they've ever given out.

    Now that said, there's a reason why I posted this story in the "You can't make this stuff up" category. It just sounds too good to be true, lol

    OK, now that you and Seth provided additional details I am no longer skeptical. Never dawned on me the delivery driver might have done this. If thats the case, the buyer is really being treated poorly by Dell. Thanks for the insight guys.

    x635 likes this

  7. You'd be surprised. A lot of people document unboxings via photos. It's not all that unusual. How is this person trying to plot an elaborate scheme to get a free camera when he had paid for it already? That doesn't make much sense.

    Also, there is apparently going to be a follow up story coming. The original publisher posted in the comments section in reply to someone who was just as skeptical as you. It hasn't gone live yet due to the person still waiting on an official reply from Dell management. I'm going to keep monitoring the site and when the story does go up, I'll post the follow up in here. It will be up at F Stop Lounge.

    Maybe I'm wrong maybe not. How could he scheme a camera or two out of Dell? Delivery #1 was a camera and he replaced the camera with flooring tiles, notifies Dell and has another camera shipped. Delivery # 2 allegedly had wood in the box and not a camera and files another complaint with Dell. If this is the case, hypothetically, he now has 2 cameras in his possession and possibly a full refund from Dell. It could happen and if you think someone wouldn't try this I think you are mistaken. Just my opinion.

    x635 and JetPhoto like this

  8. I am very skeptical with this story. First of all, if you are documenting an unboxing it usually is a Youtube video so you can share product info with others. I have never seen an unboxing documented with photos before. Whats the purpose? And, if you were to photo document an unboxing, why take pictures of you cutting open the shipping box. Sounds like an elaborate scheme to try to get a free camera from Dell. I don't believe any of this story.

    x635, Disaster_Guy and FF1 like this

  9. The drawback is that you have to listen to the BeeLine buses, the Hospitals, in addition to what you want to listen to. Listening to the buses can get boring pretty quickly, without a way of turning them off. Just my opinion.

    If you have software such as the ARC software for programming your scanner, you can turn off Bee Line and whatever else you dont want to listen to that is trunked. I use the ARC software for all 3 of my scanners and only listen to the trunked agencies that I want without a problem.

    sfrd18 likes this

  10. The bottom line is the New York Giants outplayed Green Bay and earned the win. The Giants in the last 2 regular season games and first 2 playoff games have really gotten their stuff together. I am a proud Giants fan my entire life and congratulations to the Giants on a BIG win.

  11. I recently switched from an AT&T Blackberry Torch to an HTC Inspire Android phone. I got used to the Android and never looked back. The Android has superior internet, much better applications and if you receive I-Pages from 60 control or other county control centers, a program called Cadpage is available for Androids which give you an immediate pop up of the I-page on your screen and an option to open Google maps if you need directions to the call. I agree the Blackberry's have a better battery life but overall the Android is the clear winner. I also use Gmail, so my email is pushed to the Android immediately.

  12. I shot video of the entire parade yesterday and they're not up on youtube. I'm not sure how to post video on this site so if you're interested in seeing them, just do a search for West Harrison Fireman's Parade and there's a total of 17 videos from the parade. Congrats to West Harrison on 100 yrs and it was good to see such a good turnout for it.

    Nice job on the videos. I like the fact that you made a seperate video of each department. Job well done!