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Posts posted by PCFD ENG58

  1. As a member of local 1971 [ retired ]   and a 44 year member of the PCFD . It's not about the firefighters it's about the community we live in and the safety of the residents  that now  are at risk . Most of you guys know me and know that during my career I had my share of fires over the years many and I mean many that I pulled up to by myself.  Many voll pulled lines off my rig and started to attack the fire before the rest of the rigs got there . Now that element is lost  We worked together well and that my fellow firefighters is what made our dept work .

  2. It is true and has been coming about for some time . Do any of you guys remember the time when North White Plains had there trouble  with there chief , well guess who's chief in Port Chester . Said day for my brothers in local 1971. We are a busy dept with no room for this and if anyone has driven in Port Chester lately you can see the village is booming with new housing

  3. The Siccard that Port Chester uses like most has 2 stages. When used to fill trucks it is used in first stage and cannot throw no more then 15 feet.But like the one used in Boston that was used by a pissed off operator that was not using it right at all, and yes sucked up a few shopping carriages along the way

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