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Posts posted by demps121

  1. very interesting discussion. I am not really in favor of this. I think the small communities are going to lose some of what made them great (the small town services). just thinking, why don't we close every store in every town and just open a
    Walmart supercenter? Is this how we want our communities to function. Remember the beat cop? he knew all the local kids and there parents. Why does CT not have county govt? Who is correct?

    When a resident with some clout calls up at 1 am does not get a local officer then we will see what happens. I just think some of these small villages and towns residents want local cops to handle everything. This is not an issue about efficiency this is just a dollar issue as of now, it is to save 200K that's it.

    x635 and yfd910 like this

  2. Barry,

    Lets talk about 2 of the squads that were disbanded. 1 Was Squad 5 that was handled by Eastchester and Scarsdale. Eastchester is allegedly with Mt Vernon now. Lets say there is an incident in NYC trains are going to be stopping in New Rochelle because they have a hospital, Trains will stop in Yonkers because they have 2 hospitals, Trains will stop in Mt Vernon because they have a hospital, and guess what trains will stop in Bronxville because there is a hospital.

    So now lets talk about decon at these locations, how are we going to decide who gets the trailer? and the needed equipment?

    Also Mt Vernon has 3 train stations as does Eastchester. Perhaps the people that made the decision to do away with squad 5 should really speak to the people that do the work. The plan may look good from some meeting room however not in practical application.

    Captain Richard Dempsey

    Eastchester Fire Dept

    Haz Mat Tech

  3. you guys need more information.

    Feb 5, 2011 sta 5 closed and TL-17 was parked outside and oos in all the elements until november 2011.Ladder 15 (non working aerial device was placed in service.) In late october 2011 ladder 16 had mechanical issues and was placed out of service. Tl-17 was then placed in service and kept outside in the elements until recently when weather (temps) finally forced the issue and accomodations were made to store and keep tl 17 in service and inside. Ladder 16 is still oos.

    Back in feb 2011 tl 17 could have been kept in service as well as ladder 16 however it did not happen. WHY?

    There was a short time approx 3-5 days (in late october) when there was no working aerial device in Eastchester as tl-17 had broken down.

    Taxpayers should ask the questions

    Remember it's Eastchester NOBODY GIVES A ****. except a few

  4. lets clear some things up. This did not happen yesterday. Sta 5 closed Feb 5,2011 (a year ago) ladder 15 with no working aerial device has been in service from Feb 5,2011. Nobody cares!!!!!! Maybe some of the EFD officers (at least 1 that I know of) might have copies of e-mail, and letters that were sent offering suggestions that might make it a little safer, but have fallen on deaf ears. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN NOBODY GIVES A **** at EFD, or at least the majority does not!!!!!!


    "The Reality of Being A Fire Chief ...And The Liability"

    Keith Macy, Jonesville (NC) FD's Chief, handed a letter of resignation to town council member last. Chief Macy has served as Volunteer Fire Chief since 2001. Why did he resign? Well-he didn't fully resign as a member-but he sure did as the Chief. Macy steps down from the role of Chief but will serve as a Volunteer Firefighter.

    Chief Macy said potential personal liability and lack of support for the fire department are 2 reasons for his resignation. The Chief became aware of potential personal liability after completing the Fire Chief 101 class required of North Carolina fire chiefs for FD's to be certified with a 9S rating. North Carolina FD's must meet requirements to be certified with this rating for insurance grading purposes.

    Liability as Fire Chiefs are a very real issue-one worth learning about to fully understand your state and local laws, responsibility, liability, requirements and protections.

    HERE is More: