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Posts posted by Remember585

  1. Then why did you return? Are you seeking some kind of validation through your grammatically inferior posts? For someone that espouses freedom, you have the freedom to leave at any time. Why in the world would you spend so much time on a forum that you despise? It's beyond illogical. You must have something else to do with your time. Take up a new hobby. Why do you need anyone to delete your old posts? You are actively adding new posts to a forum you want nothing to do with.

    I believe the medical term is EDP... :D

    Perhaps Res24cuE is being sarcastic? Either way, I don't think it's time for the site to come down. It just needs some life breathed back into it and has to be open for some changes.

    velcroMedic1987 likes this

  2. Based on some of these posts, I can't help but wonder if some of you were dropped on your heads as babies. What is even more concerning is how little some people know, armchair quarterback and jump to conclusions.

    I have a fairly good amount of training regarding trains and train emergencies. I have - what I believe - is a wealth of knowledge of the fire service, including resources in this county and around us. I also have responded to and run a handful of incidents involving mass-casualties.

    I have never - nor has 99.5% of you - had an incident like this. The people running it did a TOP NOTCH JOB, and the fact that some of you are sitting back, typing away and criticizing any decisions of the Incident Commander or any others at this incident just fortifies why I have little faith that we can ever become better as a county. Some of you posting here are officers, past officers or - God help us - aspiring officers in your respective agencies. As the Maitre D' in Ferris Bueller's Day off said, "I weep for the future."


    And for the record, this is me, as a person, voicing my opinion which has no reflection of any affiliation I have or have had in the past.

  3. Our Engine is set up as follows;

    (1) 100' 1.75" bumper line, preconnected with fog nozzle. We refer to it as a trash line.

    (3) 200' 2" crosslays. Two have smoothbore nozzles, 1 has a fog nozzle.

    (1) 400' 2.5" preconnect off back with smoothbore nozzle.

    (1) 600' 2.5" deadlay with gated Y for courtyard/warehouse stretching.

    (1) 1500' bed of 5" LDH supply hose.

    (1) 600' bed of spare 1.75" hose, (soon to be replaced with 2").

    The pump panel steps on both sides have 25' lengths of 5" for the MPO to make short hook ups.

    We have tried 2" in the past with mixed - usually negative - results. We switched the smoothbore tips to 1" and saw a marked improvement in Nozzle Pressure and manueverability. We also realize that we could be getting our first line in to place with as little as two firefighters, so it is nice to have mroe water and more reach.

    x635 likes this

  4. EMTBravo was a great site until it became a part of modern society. Nowadays, everyone needs to feel appreciated, to feel more important than they are and to constantly get a pat on the back for everything. I miss when a good job or deed was recognized and can't stomach the constant need everyone has now to one-up each other. And this is for life in general, not just this site.

    As Tony Soprano's mother used to say, "Poor you!" To quote the kids nowadays, GFY!

    jd783 and AFS1970 like this

  5. We can mandate whatever training we want as the "minimum," but what a department does for it's members after that is what truly separates the "men from the boys."

    There's departments that take your FF1 and consider it "enough." That's wrong no matter how you slice it.

    Training + experience = good firefighters. We all know "that guy" who has taken every class, but rarely shows up on calls and when they do, you wish they didn't.

  6. 1. To generalize that career and volunteer departments don't get along is not a fact. There are plenty of departments that work perfectly fine with one another regardless of how they are staffed. Sure you have isolated knuckleheads on both sides who flat-out hate one another, but the overall majority of ALL OF US don't fall into this category.

    2. Do career firefighters have a hire minimum requirement - yes. Should volunteers, yes - but I STRONGLY feel that all of which is covered in the career academy is not applicable to volunteers - specifically the codes portion. A firefighter, whether paid or not, should have the basic education to respond to and mitigate just about anything we are sent to - and at minimum, we all need awareness level training of those specialized operations we may get sent to - but aren't necessarily trained for, staffed for or equipped for. IE: High-angle rescue, water rescue, confined space rescue, etc. It literally baffles me that awareness training on all of this isn't considered part of our minimum training.

    3. No training requirements for career chiefs? Interesting. Although since most come from a lower level rank and usually have experience in that role, I don't think this is as bad as it sounds. Granted we all know how politics comes in to play and the best candidates tend to get bent over from time to time...

    4. I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. I don't care if you are paid or volunteer, I just hope you all make it home safe at the end of your day.

  7. Comparing NYC to Westchester is like apples to oranges. In NYC, companies can move from one borough to another. In Westchester, it's usually a neighboring department moving over - sometimes only a mile or two.

    Here in Westchester, the majority of relocates usually move over to another district, where they generally don't go anywhere else or on any runs in that district they're covering, with some exceptions. Sometimes, resources get relocated that aren't even usually in that district... but I'll digress. And sometimes units that are relocated aren't even moved up to the scene of a working fire, while others are called from several towns away and PASS THE ONES COVERING! Again, I won't elaborate.

    Being requested to cover another district while they operate at an incident or multiple incidents is a PRECAUTION. It's moving things around and getting them closer in the event something else happens or additional help is needed at a pre-existing event. It is NOT an emergency. If you are driving from your quarters to someone else's and you get sent to that scene or to another call in their district, you can easily throw a switch and light it up.

    Some of us have districts that are larger or spread out uniquely, requiring 10-15 minute responses. Should we turn out lights and siren on to get back to quarters in case another call may happen on the other end of the district?

    When you send an apparatus out for repair, do you always have an apparatus to cover that unit? For example, if your department has only one Tanker, do you have a Mutual Aid Tanker come sit in your fire station until it returns? Do you drive back from the repair shop lights and siren because there might be a fire it needs to go to? I doubt it.

    I'm sure I won't make friends here and will offend some of you, but let's be realistic. Going from one firehouse to sit at another firehouse isn't an emergency.

    Chief Benz - you're 100% right that an accident can happen anytime, and we ALL know that we'll usually be the ones getting the s*** end of the incident. But - to me and me only - relocating to someone's firehouse is not an emergency and not worth me risking an accident.

    As for the Greenville incident - I call bullshit and feel there is some other issue / underlying agenda here. Hopefully this incident passes, no wrong-doing is cited and Greenville gets the money the need and deserve.

    I sure the response to mutual aid it is easily answered in every dept's sop's. :wacko:

    When did you take up comedy, Chief?

    SteveC7010, BFD1054 and Fireman488 like this

  8. I called the district Secretary, the funds are reserved for an "annual open inspection and recruitment day", in other words, a sh**ton of taxpayer money for a party.

    Love the guys at YHFD, but I think the district has nerve to ask for funding when they waste 15k for a party.

    The budget goes before the residents of the Fire District to be approved, right (third Tuesday of October)? So if the residents approve it, and then approve this added proposition to fund the more then necessary work to Station 2, it's really a non-issue. The voters have the right to question anything in a proposed budget, and have the ability to vote in or vote out Commissioners if they choose, and they also have the ability to vote for or against the proposition for the firehouse project.

    So it isn't about the guys at YHFD having the "nerve" to ask for funding for something that is needed. They're following the law and doing everything by the book with full transparency, from what I can tell.

    Mini-Attack9 likes this

  9. My only gripes with this are Station #3 (saw carry) & #4 (ladder raise). Besides the Yard Breathers, who wears an SCBA for this stuff?

    And - if I have a 30 minute bottle and you have a 60 minute bottle - does that mean the same test for both of us?

    The change is long overdue, and everyone will complain about it until it's been around for a while, just like everything else, when it becomes accepted. Any volunteer fire department that thinks doing this is a bad idea are probably the same ones that let their Chiefs handle everything while the rank and file members hold their dicks back at the rigs.

    Bnechis, BFD1054, CFI609D and 2 others like this

  10. The Washington Engine Company No. 2 of the Croton Volunteer Fire Department is hosting our annual Holiday Raffle again.

    The prizes are as follows;

    1st Prize: $2,500.00

    2nd Prize: $1,000.00

    3rd Prize: $500.00

    Tickets are only $10.00 each, and only 1,000 tickets will be sold.

    The drawing is on Monday, December 8th.

    If interested, contact me at

