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Posts posted by msm232

  1. I think we need to better define " Cascade ".

    Thats a pretty generic term that does not describe the capacity of the equipment and with a "Cascade," capacity is pretty important.

    A standard "Cascade System" - High Pressure Breathing Air Storage Cylinders ONLY

    A "Cascade with Booster" - High Pressure Breathing Air Storage with electrical or pneumatic pump to boost low pressure to high presssure.

    A "Compressor Refill System" - A High Pressure Pump usually (6000 psi) which fills High Pressure Storage Cylinders

    If anyone has a different type, please feel free to add.

    Stay Safe

  2. FYI

    Utility 147 was acquired to be a prime mover for our support trailer.

    It is also going to be a driver training vehicle for any one starting to train for an MPO position.

    Right now only 21 year members can train to be a MPO.

    This is intended to allow 18 year old drivers the ability to start training on a larger vehicle

    without damaging a front line response unit.

    Once properly outfitted, at the discretion of the Chief, it may be used for storm duty.

    Original cost on this vehicle was over, $105,000.00

    We acquired through surplus for $3700.00

    Stay Safe

  3. All Pretty standard except:


    2500 lb - " This wont take long to exceed "


    Custom Chassis Choices

    Arrow XT™, Enforcer™, Impel® or Velocity®


    Detroit Diesel DD13, Cummins ISX 12 or ISL


    500 gallons


    Single set of outriggers & one downrigger

    Jack Spread

    18’ / 13’ short-jacked

    Rear Axle Suspension



    2500 lb

    Overall Apparatus Length


    Overall Apparatus Height


    Collision Avoidance




    Read the fine print.....

    Stay Safe.

    Westfield12 likes this

  4. Primary function of FDNY is water supply at aircraft incidents. They are also responsible for all structural incidents on property.

    Once life safety priorities and extinguishment are accomplished by PAPD, the incident then becomes structural until the NTSB commences with the investigation.

    ref: 10th ed. FDNY operational reference

    Not so sure how the new ARFF guys fit into this plan as of yet.

    Stay safe.

    x635 and EmsFirePolice like this

  5. Eastchester, Mt Vernon, New Rochelle, Pelham and Pelham Manor all use FDNY 2 1/2" thread on hose and hydrants (not steamer connection.

    F.D.N.Y. Thread is 3.030 x 8 TPI

    NYC (New York Corp Thread) is 3.00 x 8 TPI

    **Threads Per Inch**

    These threads because they are so close in size are constantly getting mixed up.

    Eastchester, Mt. Vernon and Pelham Manor are listed as New York Corp

    New Rochelle and Pelham are FDNY

    In addition: You can put a FDNY Female on a NYC male coupling but you can not put a NYC Female on a FDNY male.

    BE CAREFUL, this could create a bad situation on the fire ground.

    Stay safe...

    M' Ave and AFS1970 like this

  6. This should sum it up:

    According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), “Made in USA” means that “all or virtually all” the product was, indeed, made in America.

    The agency enforces the standard to ensure commercial compliance and confirm consumer confidence.

    For a “Made in USA” claim to be accurate, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.

    Products should not contain any – or only negligible – foreign content.

    Stay Safe...

    x635 likes this

  7. The men tend to know what they need better than anyone, it's a story as old as time. The rest of the fire service doesn't know what the FDNY wants, so I don't take stock in what they or you say. You're trying to tell me how great something is for a job you're not on. I don't walk around telling doctors what drugs to push or mechanics what parts to use. That's a salesmans job. I have no issue with Scott or the mask they provide, I'm also a fan of their FastPak and the improvements they have made to it from feedback, I do however think that the Pak Tracker is nothing more than a gimmicky money maker for Scott. Everyone keeps saying the FDNY asked for it, no, some guy trying to make a name for himself asked for it, there was no poll of the FDNY, same way we get a lot of our garbage we carry, someone not near a fire floor decided what we needed and what would work best and got together with a vendor and shoved it down our throats. You sitting here saying it's great means nothing when the men whose hands it are in say it's useless to them. It's great you guys can take the company line for Scott, I'm gonna take the company line for the men.

    OK, I respect your opinion, Here is what I can tell you about how the Pak Tracker made it to FDNY. This project was in the works before 9/11 by some very well respected members of your department and not R&D. The idea was to put the PT into the PASS electronics and they had requested Scott to do it because it seemed like a logical choice. After 9/11, the program became a priority by your staff chief's because the department had very few options for tracking a downed member. I was at that meeting, and I can tell you, They were not asking Scott to do it... They were demanding it or they would find another manufacturer that would. Is it perfect, NO, but it adds NO WEIGHT to the members SCBA because of its integration to the PASS electronics. If a member gets jammed up and cant hit the mayday button, it will send the signal ie. L30-Chau to the receiver letting someone know there is a problem and that the member may need help. You are never going to please everyone but to say that this did not come at the request of FDNY is just untrue.

    Stay safe

    x635 likes this

  8. I've seen this play before, always the same act,

    RANK AND FILE MEMBERS: "this really isn't helpful for us in most cases and can actually be a hindrance in some cases"

    SUCK UP SCOTT SALESMAN: " oh no it's great, there are studies from.... somewhere, you guys are just doing it wrong, give me more money so we can keep telling you you're doing it wrong."

    NYC/SCOTT BUDDY R&D GUY: "OK here's a ton more money for something we aren't really gonna use but we will make sure to put on every truck instead of doing something useful like a fifth man on the engine or a TIC for the engine boss"

    RANK AND FILE MEMBERS: (collective sigh)

    Your right!(roll eyes),I forgot, the rest of the fire service knows nothing, and you guys know everything.

    Stay safe.

    x635 likes this

  9. We've been training with this tool for years now. We started when it was first assigned to Rescue Co's, and we've continued to use it in training evolutions, from both In house training and use during MOAD evolutions. It has an extremely rudimentary display, doesn't work well with concrete walls/floors and is little to no help if you're not on an even plane. What training suggests it could cut down search time by 50%? Scott's? I've never heard the number before. Is it a tool? Sure. Is it the first thing the FAST team is reaching for? Probobly not. It's just not that good! you sell them or something? you said, I guess we just need some more retraining(rolls eyes)

    Lets agree to disagree. Its a tool like anything else. It has its +'s and -'s. and Yes, I am involved with Scott products and NYC.

    Stay Safe

    x635 likes this

  10. He said borderline useless, and he's right. It's got limited applications with the FDNY. In most situations it takes away a guy from the FAST team while he stares at the readouts on a poorly designed display. If a guy goes down, usually the other companies working will be able to find him quickly, if not, then based on standard protocols you will already know the general area where the guy was, second due irons, check floor above apartment etc. The pak tracker would be most useful in a collapse or maybe a row of taxpayers on fire, other than that it's kind of useless and even might hinder a FAST team that would otherwise already have a good game plan in place. It's another tool that, if guys rely on it instead of their training, will just slow them down and make them ineffective.

    The RFID technology in the coats has absolutely zero to do with safety of the members.

    Also, the system was developed by Scott, for Scott, to make more money, for Scott, on top of the obscene amount that Scott already charges. The FDNY and one of their Captains is just the lucky recipient for the test run/FDNY buys it so will everyone else ploy

    Well no, FDNY came to Scott after 9/11 and demanded a system be developed around the electronics of the PASS device. It took 8 years (2010) for FDNY to adopt it and it was a part of the upgrade to the paks and an additional 18 months for them to get the hand held receivers. Long after other major cities had been using this technology. FYI, The training suggests that system could cut the time to finding a downed firefighter by 50% if used properly. A little more then borderline in my opinion.

    Stay safe.

  11. Agree completely on your first point. System that isn't broken......

    However, the PAC Tracker about borderline useless.....

    Wow, useless? That system was developed for FDNY by Scott and adds ZERO weight to the SCBA because its integrated in to the PASS electronics. My bet is that formal training on how to use the system effectively was never implemented correctly. I believe there is a Captain assigned to Tactical Training doing PT training. Maybe a refresher is in order.

    Stay safe

    x635 likes this