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Time's "Person of the Year: The Protester"

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Looks like the police can now have to worry about more people who think the "cool thing to do" is to protest everything since Time decided to put a Protester above any other individual in the entire world.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the protests of governments who torture their people, and protesters who actual fight for a legitimate cause that benefits the masses, but I can see this backfiring in the Untied States face and more "OWS's" popping up everywhere. Stay safe to the brothers in Blue.

Edited by JohnnyOV
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How about all of our brothers and sisters in PD, Fire, EMS and armed services who gave the ultimate sacrifice this year who actually actively worked to try to make people's lives better and most of their lives gave constantly of themselves as a group? That is a group "person" I will always honor and admire, and regret they are no longer around for the children and family they left behind's sakes.

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What a crock of s**t!!!!! There are thousands of people more dewerving than them!!!! LEOs, FFs, EMTs, military personnel...the list goes on and on. If they think so highly of protesters, I hope people protest their decision and cancel their subscriptions to Time!!!

By the way...Merry Christmas and a safe, happy and healthy New Year to all.

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I think Seal Team 6 would have been a much better "Person of the year"

Yes sir.

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Well, in Time's defense, they have recognized American Military personnel as a whole twice (1950 and 2003), and recognized individual military leaders several times.

On a more general note, if you lose a lot of sleep about this, well, I don't know what to say. I didn't get into public service for the accolades, but perhaps others have.

And before you really go ballistic, consider some past winners. Both vague, large groups as well as some less then desirables. This list is nothing more then something to sell magazines and perhaps generate some discourse. If anyone feels slighted that they weren't chosen, well...




"Baby Boomers"

"Middle Americans"

"American Women"



"The Computer"



"Good Samaritans"



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Well, in Time's defense, they have recognized American Military personnel as a whole twice (1950 and 2003), and recognized individual military leaders several times.

On a more general note, if you lose a lot of sleep about this, well, I don't know what to say. I didn't get into public service for the accolades, but perhaps others have.

And before you really go ballistic, consider some past winners. Both vague, large groups as well as some less then desirables. This list is nothing more then something to sell magazines and perhaps generate some discourse. If anyone feels slighted that they weren't chosen, well...




"Baby Boomers"

"Middle Americans"

"American Women"



"The Computer"



"Good Samaritans"



I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.

Frankly, I think it hard to argue that protest movements have been very influential here in America as well as all corners of the Earth. This year protest movements have toppled regimes, changed national dialogs and liberated populations otherwise oppressed or subjugated. In almost 100 countries, from the squares of the Middle East to the streets of our very cities this year has been defined and influenced by protest movements. Whether you agree with the message is not being discussed, what is being discussed is how influential these people were on the year as a whole. Time, in whatever wisdom you deem they have, has decided that the influence of protest movements was too great to ignore. Honestly, when since the 1960's have so many people in this country, let alone the World been protesting something, anything to this extent (whether they are Tea-Bagging or Occupying or Animal Liberation or Environmental Activists or seeking Democracy).

Edited by SRS131EMTFF
efdcapt115, bigrig77, Monty and 2 others like this

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I think people are mistaken in what Time is actually doing here. They are not anointing someone BEST person of the year, they are anointing the most INFLUENTIAL.

No, I actually agree with you. If you read the actual criteria they employ, you'd realize most people don't even know what they're actually getting angry/agitated over. Knee-jerk reactions are the only reactions some people have.

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No, I actually agree with you. If you read the actual criteria they employ, you'd realize most people don't even know what they're actually getting angry/agitated over. Knee-jerk reactions are the only reactions some people have.

I knew what you were saying, I just wanted to highlight what you said and add on to it slightly. I am sorry for the mix-up.

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