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Aurora CO - MCI Shooting @ Movies 7/20/12

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I don't think the Aurora FD operated any ambulances as Rural/Metro is thee contracted transport agency, unknown what level they respond with. AFD operate ALS engines (maybe ladders as well)

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Can anyone confirm that PD was doing "scoop and runs" with the injured to the hospital.

I know it is nearly impossible to do, but it would be interesting to see a study that compares outcomes, both survival and quality of life afterwards with those treated in the traditional manner by ems.

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Based on the audio it does sound like PD was authorized to "scoop and run"

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Based on the audio it does sound like PD was authorized to "scoop and run"

Agreed. The audio does support that. Carrying out "scoop and runs" probably saved lives.

x129K, SageVigiles and BFD1054 like this

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Speechless....when will it end?? May they all rest in peace.

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Obviously a different topic than the shooting in CO but the acceleration of aerial drone surveillance programs of American citizens on American soil, similar to what is done in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan does come to mind when police state is mentioned....

Huh??? What this has to do with the shooting inside a movie theater escapes me!!!

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"Scoop and Runs" save lives.

...until the transport officer sends 4 red tags to the closest trauma center only to find that PD scooped and ran with 8 and now those 4 red tags are SOL.

There's a reason why we use NIMS. It only works for us if we use it properly.

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...until the transport officer sends 4 red tags to the closest trauma center only to find that PD scooped and ran with 8 and now those 4 red tags are SOL.

There's a reason why we use NIMS. It only works for us if we use it properly.

I will totally support that statement. EXCELLENT point. Thank you.

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RIP to All Who Lost There Lives

Edited by RJB896

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Sounds like that they sent appropriate resources as they received updated from information from the PD units on scene. Also looks like the FD runs medic engines, so while it may have taken a few minutes to gather the transporting resources the victims were, i'm sure, being treated aggressively.

In all honesty, this is why 60 control needs to be the sole provider of dispatching and EMD resources for this entire county. I can't imagine the additional chaos decentralized communication would have added. Sad part is, it will take an event of this scale here to ever see that change happen.

Edited by Goose

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It's so sad that this has happened to such young people...RIP to all who lost their lives on this tragic day...and thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have love ones who were wounded.....

movies and video games are getting to violent now days and that people are taking this stuff way to seriously

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I'm unwilling to blame any inanimate object for this crime, being a gun or a movie. So far I only count one person to blame for this ordeal, since the cops/feds are saying he acted alone..

I don't think infringing on ANY Constitutional rights (the 2nd OR the 1st) is the correct response to this kind of tragedy. Guns don't kill people, neither do movies or video games. I use all three and I've never killed anyone.

We as a nation need to stop deflecting the blame from the suspect to all these political issues that make us feel "uncomfortable" just because we can't comprehend why someone would do something like this. HE did it, HE'S the one responsible. I see more outrage in the news and online against gun owners/manufacturers, the government and the movie industry than I do against the animal who shot 71 people. There's something fundamentally wrong with THAT.

"Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."

-Ra's Al Ghul in "Batman Begins"

Kind of fitting, isn't it?

Edited by SageVigiles

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Whoever gets to him first should get a steak dinner:


And a certificate for the best crime ever performed. :P

Only kidding, obviously :D

Edited by x4093k

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And a certificate for the best crime ever performed. :P

Only kidding, obviously :D

Is there something wrong with you? People are dead from this including a young father of two and EMT as well as members of our nations military not to count the dozens and dozens of those who were hurt either physical or psychologically by the sick actions of this man and will require therapy for the rest of their lives and you go making a joke? Posting the article is one thing, making a joke is another. Shame on you.

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Is there something wrong with you? People are dead from this including a young father of two and EMT as well as members of our nations military not to count the dozens and dozens of those who were hurt either physical or psychologically by the sick actions of this man and will require therapy for the rest of their lives and you go making a joke? Posting the article is one thing, making a joke is another. Shame on you.

I was clearly NOT taliking about this incident, I commented on voltage's post about the steak dinner. I'll PM you.

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Is there something wrong with you? People are dead from this including a young father of two and EMT as well as members of our nations military not to count the dozens and dozens of those who were hurt either physical or psychologically by the sick actions of this man and will require therapy for the rest of their lives and you go making a joke? Posting the article is one thing, making a joke is another. Shame on you.

Not sure, but I THINK (and hope) he meant the person who knocks off the suspect should get the award, but I definitely understand your confusion. If not, then you're right.

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The steak dinner comment was for whoever "takes out" this nutcase who doesn't even deserve a place to sleep inside at night. I was in NO WAY making a reference towards this sick f#%@k stating he deserves one. Sorry for any confusion I thought I was making myself clear in my serious reference along with the article the way I was interpretting it was if just about every inmate in that prison is out there to get this derranged nut the minute they can lay their hands on him.

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The steak dinner comment was for whoever "takes out" this nutcase who doesn't even deserve a place to sleep inside at night. I was in NO WAY making a reference towards this sick f#%@k stating he deserves one. Sorry for any confusion I thought I was making myself clear in my serious reference along with the article the way I was interpretting it was if just about every inmate in that prison is out there to get this derranged nut the minute they can lay their hands on him.

Exactly! Nicely put.

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