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Posts posted by jd783

  1. Lets all look at the facts that are stated about this fire, Time of day 4am, location of the fire Kitchen?,location of victim bedroom. 

    Theory Food on the stove, resident wake to heavy smoke condition, over come by co

    I am in no way a supporter of the volunteer fire service, but this was a tragic event that could have happened in any municipality

    Im sure the responding agencies did all they could for the fire victim Thanks

    EmsFirePolice and AFS1970 like this

  2. This is why the volunteer system does not work in todays times. Structure fire at 11am on a monday morning. I am not saying paid depts put out every fire in a timely manner but I I can promise you we are on scene operating at the 15 min mark. this was reposted from Facebook all names were removed to protect the innocent 





    **Structure Fire** (OOC) Carmel NY, 86 Duke Rd & Dale Rd. Fire in the rear of the residence.

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     Lake Carmel 1 engine requested

    Like · Reply · 1 · 32 mins

     Fire investigation team requested

    Like · Reply · 1 · 30 mins

     Carmel, Lake Carmel & Patterson all requesting additional manpower. Putnam Lake M/A

    Like · Reply · 22 mins · Edited

     Carmel additional tones, driver needed

    Like · Reply · 23 mins · Edited

    FIT requesting additional tones for members

    Like · Reply · 20 mins

     Putnam 911 advising all stations there are little to no apparatus on the road ATT, incident is 15+ mins in.

    Like · Reply · 17 mins · Edited

    12-2-1 now responding

    Like · Reply · 17 mins

     PCEMS1 now responding

    Like · Reply · 17 mins

     18-2-1 on standby at Carmel firehouse

    Like · Reply · 10 mins

     Apparatus are now o/s, status of the fire unknown ATT

    Like · Reply · 9 mins · Edited

  3. I live in Mahopac and did attend the town hall meeting, I found it informative . The meeting was attended by elected officials and Fire dept member and residents of Mahopac. The residents made up about 10% of the crowd. No change is coming to Mahopac in my opinion. This was the good old boys club at its best. I as a mahopac tax payer am annoyed that the dept as a whole has not offered a apology or explanation how this has happened. Its under investigation, cant talk about it. I feel 1 of the chiefs should write a letter to the local paper (Mahopac News) and explain. If I cashed my paycheck and dropped $5 on the way home from the bank I may not notice ,but if I dropped $500 I'm sure I would notice and the rest of my family also wonder where our money went this week. Before everyone forms their opinion of me let me say I am a paid fire officer and I do not believe the volunteer fire system works so my view is 1 sided, I do know several families that have volunteer firefighters in them and I can say they are stand up men and women who want to serve, but lets look into the latest UL fire studies on how todays fires burn hotter and give off more BTU's early in development and reach flashover quicker. I work in a large dept and we are in the firehouse waiting for a structure fire to come in and we still lose buildings and people. What are you really saving in a rural community with the reflex time it takes to get a piece of apparatuson scene with the needed manpower to start a fire attack. I know whats needed thank god most residents don't

    lemonice, x635 and lt411 like this

  4. The best and largest fire department in the world just put out a GARBAGE TRUCK FIRE without even having SCBA's on their back, just yesterday!

    Yes they did they did, but what they did not do is run around it with a couple of hooks and a can, and then have the camera man tell them to use a can.

    If you want to blow smoke up there ass and call it a good aggressive job go right ahead. they looked like s*** to me from what I seen. Im sure there is more to the video and the fire did go out, but I would like to suggest to all limited manpower or Volley departments the 1st or at least the 2nd rig to man and get out should be a engine. the public expects us to put the fire out no matter what we show up in. I do hear (not see) a 2nd rig pull up in the video, but when the guys come into view on camera more NY hooks lol

    dwcfireman likes this

  5. http://firechief.com/rapid-intervention/too-little-too-late

    I dont comment much on this site but please read the above article, it is eye opening. I feel a RIT team should be in place immediately, now I know this is not always possible but after 15-20 from inception of the fire ( not the call) is a building worth a firefighters life? I sure by searching the web you can read the whole study from Phoenix Have a happy Safe 4th