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Posts posted by PHIL78

  1. he really changed the way yonkers fought fires they ben doing a hell of a job over there and cut down on the amount of FF.s getting hurt.sad to see him go the city of yonkers really needed a good man like him he didnt take any BS.but glad to see him back home in the FDNY.mayor spano will def hire another good man outside of YFD.

    How did he change the way Yonkers fights fire?

    Newburgher likes this

  2. Date: 6/29-30/14
    Time:22:30 hrs
    Location:80 Brookdale ave

    District: Station 3 co. district
    Units: All NRFD

    Description: Original dispatch @ 22:30 for smoke in the structure.

    E23,21,22 L13,TL11 2302 responding.

    Units on scene 10-75 transmitted E24,2301 and ambulance added to the assignment.

    Fire in the walls and extending through a large 2 1/2 story frame.

    Multiple lines stretched searches made.

    Balloon frame contruction aided fire spread to all floors and through the roof.

    2nd alarm transmitted. Brings the balance of the NRFD E25,L12 to the scene.

    Mutual Aid requested Greenville engine,Pelham Manor truck to St.3

    Yonkers E310,L73? Batt 2 to St.1.

    Usure of u/c time. Units clear approx 0200 hrs.

  3. They probably only invited reliable resources. You know, the kind that can be trusted upon to show up when there's an emergency. Not just send a few pimply faced kids and a plumber with no recognized training on a half empty rig if they even decide to show up at all...

    Exactly.Why train people you aren't sure are even gunna show up.

    SmokeyJoe likes this

  4. Date:5/1/14

    Incident Type:working fire
    Location:7 Ronalds ave.

    District:station 4 company district
    Units: E24,E22,E21,E23, L12 TL11, 2302 2301.

    Description:Uits dispatched to the above address for a reported working fire.

    E24 on scene with smoke showing.

    2 1/2 story frame attached to a similar 2 1/2 story

    Units now got flames out the window, fire is in the basement. E24 stretching in.

    House completely charged with smoke L12 opening up

    searches made roof opened fire N/D

    unsure of U/C time.

    Thats all i got.

    BFD1054 and x635 like this

  5. Well said.

    The other issue, particularly in smaller depts. is calling enough (Trained) personnel to the scene, accountability (which too many think toe tags cover) and discipline (no free lancing and company integrity).

    Way too often, depts. are so short staffed at incidents that if something goes wrong, they have no one left to cover the problem.

    Yeah but this aint no small Dept. Approx 1600 guys, 52 Stations so im guessing maybe 300 per shift. There shouldnt have been any lack of personel. This seems to me to be just a total lack of preparation especially by the IC. But whos gunna tell him he needs to go through some serious Mayday procedure training.

    16fire5, BFD1054 and Bnechis like this

  6. Date:1/24/14
    Time: 10:56 hrs

    Incident Type:structure fire
    Location: 247 Drake ave.

    District: Station 4 company district
    Units: E 24,E 22,E 23,E21 E25 L12 ,TL11 ,L13 2302,2301,2309

    Description:Above units dispatched for an unknown type fire

    247 Drake is a 4 story multi dwell ordinary construction..

    10/75 called for flames out the windows. E25 and ambulance added.

    E 21 freeing up from Sound Shore will take in the job. E 25 now redirected to St.3.

    2302 requesting 2nd alarm. E25, L13 now responding.

    2302 reporting fire darkening down companies opening up.

    Mutual aid coming into the city. Yonkers E 307, L 73 , batt 2 to st 1. Eastchester L16 and Greenville engine to st 3.

    Fire placed U/C approx. 11:30am

    x635 and sfrd18 like this

  7. Date:1/5/14

    Incident Type: Apartment fire
    Location: 1Glencar ave.(

    District:station 3 district
    Units:All NRFD


    E23,22,21 L13,L12 2302 dispatched for a structure fire.

    Caller stating fire in the building. 2302 requesting full 10-75 assignment.E24 and ambulance added.

    E22 on scene with light smoke visible and residents stating fire on the third floor.

    2 attack lines stretched to the 3rd floor. Truck companies searching.Heavy smoke throughout.

    All searches negative. fire K/D and contained to one Apt.

    U/C and all units clear approx. 1200 hrs

    mutual aid into the city from Yonkers unknown what units.

    791075, sfrd18 and x635 like this

  8. Date:12/28/13

    Incident Type:House Fire
    Location:47 4th street

    District:Station 2 co. district
    Units:E22,E21,E24, L12,TL11(E23 & 30A1 added on the 10/75)2302,2301,MSU.

    Description:Units dispatched to the above address for smoke from a garage.

    E22,L12 on scene with an odor of smoke.

    Smoke now visible from 47 4th st. a one story frame. (not the garage)

    E22 officer calling 10/75 stretching a line.E23 and the ambulance added.

    Heavy smoke and fire out two windows.

    Multiple lines stretched,searches made,roof opened and fire contained to one room and a bathroom.

    under control and all units clear at 2100hrs

    sfrd18 likes this

  9. Date:11/14/13
    Time:11:16 hrs

    Incident Type:working fire
    Location:456-458 Main st

    District:st 1 co. district
    Units:E22,24,21,23 L12,TL11 2302 2301 2309 30 a2

    Description:Units dispatched on automatic alarm initial alarm E22,E24 L12.

    E22,L12 On scene with a smoke condition in the store.(Monroe College book store)

    E22 sretching a line on a possible basement fire.

    2302 Filling out the assignment for a 10/75.

    L12 confiming basement fire Heavy smoke in the basement.

    2 Lines stretched fire K/D U/C approx 12:30 hrs

    x635 and sfrd18 like this

  10. Date:10/23/13

    Incident Type:Working fire
    Location:999Wilmot rd. Jewish Community Center

    District:Station 5 Co. District
    Units:E 25,23,21,22 L13,L12,TL 11, 2302, 2301, MSU

    Description: E25,23,21 L13,L12 2302 dispatched for fire in the sauna area.

    E25 on scene with light smoke from the roof.

    2302 Req. E22 as 4th engine respond 10/20

    E25 reporting active fire in the building stretching off the back step. E22 now coming in emergency mode.

    2302 on scene calling 10/75

    Visible fire in the sauna area knocked down. Still have fire in the walls,using all hands.

    2302 requesting TL 11 to the scene to come in off Baraud rd.and bring mutual aid into the city.

    Sq 11,L75 Batt 2 relocating St.1 will join E24.

    Fire placed U/C approx. 1900 hrs.

    sfrd18, 791075 and JetPhoto like this

  11. Say what you want about Massachusetts, but you can't beat their aggressive laddering.

    Well there is alot i want to say about Mass. being a Yankee fan but, i wouldnt call this aggressive laddering i'd call it Ladder placement 101. Get the engines the hell out the way and stretch the hose leave the front of the building for the trucks. Isnt that SOP for everybody?

  12. Date:8/31/13
    Location:35 Clinton pl.
    Units:Eng 21,22,23,24 TL 11,L12 2302 2306 2301

    Description:Units dispatched to the above address for smoke from 6th floor window.

    E 21 and 2302 on scene. All other units responding.

    2302 calling 10-75 for smoke from the 6th floor window.

    E 21 confirming living room fire.

    2302 placing fire u/c and ventilating approx 1830.

    sfrd18 likes this